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Aerin put her math and science books back in her locker, grabbing her history book and closing her locker

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Aerin put her math and science books back in her locker, grabbing her history book and closing her locker. She was on her way to her class when someone blocked her path once again, "You like being on people's way, don't you?", Aerin said, sarcastically.

Somin huffed, "Why are you so cranky? Is it because Jeno is back with me and not with you?", she said, smirking at the girl.

"Girl, I'm on my period, everything annoys me. You ain't special.", Aerin said, annoyed by the whole interaction as she walked away before Somin could answer.

Aerin sat down, putting her book and notebook on the desk. She put her head in her arms, feeling a little lightheaded, her cramps got worse and worse as she grew up. She still remembered the first times she had her period, it felt like nothing, no cramps at all. She missed those days because now, everytime she was on her period, her appetite was non existent, she felt like throwing up and she sometimes had a headache. She was so out of it she didn't even heard the teacher entering the room and greeting the students. 

The lesson went on as Aerin heard half of it until their teacher said, "So to finish this theme, I'd like you all to make a project.", the student started to complain as soon as he said the word 'project', "Boohoo I know, you don't like project.", the teacher mocked them, "It's a group project so row one, three, five, and seven, turn around.", they did as he said, "The person you're looking at is your partner for this project.", he finished just in time as the bell rang, "It is due in a week, don't forget to turn it in."

Jeno looked at his partner, her head was buried in her arms. He didn't know if she was sleeping or not or just dead, "Aerin?", he nudged her gently.

"Huh?", she let out a half-awake-half-asleep sound, making Jeno laugh at her cuteness.

"We're going to the library, you're coming?", Jaemin asked Jeno.

Jeno put his stuff in his backpack and said, "Yeah, go ahead, we'll join you later.", Jaemin nodded and him and the other boys went on their way to the library first.

"Babe, do you wanna hang out?", Somin asked, sneaking her arms around his waist.

"Sorry, I'm going to start the project with Aerin."

"But babe...", she pouted.

"Sorry babe, but think about it, the earlier I finish this the longer we can hang out afterwards.", Jeno replied, giving her a peck.

"Fiiineee.", she rolled her eyes playfully, "Have fun.", she pecked his lips before going out but she didn't leave though, she stayed near the back door and piped inside.

"Aerin, wake up.", Jeno called her again, nudging her again. She whined, her head still in her arms, "Come on, Rin-ie, school is finished. Let's go to the library and start the project.", he said softly ruffling her hair.

Aerin slowly came back to her senses, raised her head, opening her eyes and saw Jeno, standing there with a strap of his backpack on one shoulder and one strap of her backpack on the other shoulder. Somin, seeing all of this, huffed in annoyance and angrily walked to the school's exit as Jeno and Aerin made their way to the library.

 Somin, seeing all of this, huffed in annoyance and angrily walked to the school's exit as Jeno and Aerin made their way to the library

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a/n: i hate it when i'm on my period 😭 also someone's getting mad 😏

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