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Going back to school after the one-week break was something all students dreaded

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Going back to school after the one-week break was something all students dreaded. They were just slowly starting to get used to the relaxing days when it ended.

Since everyone came back, Jeno and Aerin had been a whole lot closer, holding hands and linking arms, a few hugs and forehead kisses from Jeno that always makes Aerin cringe externally but deep down she loves it. Rumors of them dating started spreading around within the first week of their comeback.

"Ugghh why did we have to come back?", Aerin whined to Jeno, swinging their intertwined hands as they walked to her locker.

"You've been saying the exact same thing every single day since school restarted.", Jeno smiled, looking at the pouting girl.

"I'd rather do anything else than going to class right now.", she said, letting go of his hand to open her locker and take her books out.

"Like what?", he asked.

"Like you.", Jeno's eyes widening at her answer as she just gave him a smile, closing her locker.

Jeno was all kind of flustered, opening his mouth to say something, "Y-Yah! Y-You can't just say things like that!",he managed to stutter out as she tried to suppress her giggles.

"Why? Having thoughts?", she smirked, patting his right shoulder with her right hand before walking away, smiling at the effect she had on him.

"Y-Yah! LEE AERIN!", he shouted after her with flushed cheeks.

Some people found the two of them cute together but others thought that they did not belong with one another - cough, cough, Somin. The girl had been watching the two for a long time now and she was annoyed, not only by the fact that she hated seeing the two of them getting closer but also because all of her attempts to get Aerin away from Jeno didn't work. So maybe the solution was getting Jeno away from Aerin.

"Girls, I need you to create a little diversion during lunch.", she said to her two friends, starting to explain her plan to them.

And as they were asked to, Somin's friends created a little diversion in the cafeteria which consisted of them screaming at the cafeteria's staff because their soup was too hot. As everyone attention was on the girls screaming, Somin managed to steal Jeno's phone from his jacket's pocket that was on the back of his chair.

Jeno was the type to never check his phone when he was with someone so he didn't even notice his phone was missing until Aerin asked him if he wanted to go to the convenience store and he said that he needed to check what time it was first as they were walking to his car at the end of the day.

"Oh? Where's my phone?", Jeno asked, patting his pockets.

"Did you leave it in class?", Aerin asked, making his eyes popped up.

"Oooh you're right, maybe. Wait here, I'll come back.", he said, running back into the school.

He entered the class again, seeing his phone lying on the ground next to his chair. He checked if it didn't have any scratches and sighed in relief when he saw none. Jeno walked out of the class, ready to go back to his car when Somin appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

A few minutes after Jeno left, Aerin received a text from him.

Hey, can you come please?  I need to show you something

The girl frowned at the text.


Curious, she walked back into the school in the direction of her class. When she neared it, she saw multiple groups of students standing in different corners and places, whispering while looking at something. Some of them even gasped a little when they saw Aerin passing them. The girl realized why when she saw Somin hugging Jeno as if her life depended on it and Jeno patting her head pretty awkwardly if you looked closely. Somin smirked when she saw Aerin standing there and looking at them and she even snuggled into Jeno's neck after making eyecontact with the girl.

Aerin cleared her voice pretty loudly so everyone could hear. Once Jeno saw Aerin, his eyes went wide and he pushed Somin away, "Aerin, this is not wh-"

Aerin quickly shushed him, putting a finger on her lips and turned to Somin, "Did you really thought I was going to believe that that text came from Jeno? Did you forget that I got into this school because I'm smart?", Somin proud façade faltered at Aerin's words, "Jeno never start a conversation with hey. So is this just a plan to make me see you hug Jeno and be all like 'Oh my god! I can't believe it! I am devastated!'", she said the last sentences in a high pitch voice mocking her, "Oh please this kind of 'trap' is so old and cliché."

"I don't know what you're talking about.", Somin said, innocently.

"Yeah play dumb, you're great at it.", Aerin said, some of the students around them went 'oooooh' as Somin huffed in anger, "You know if you wanted to get at least a little reaction from me, you should've done something like that.", Aerin turned to Jeno and pulled him by his jacket, earning a gasp and whispers from the people around as their faces were a few centimeters away for the second time.

Aerin let go after a few seconds and turned to Somin with a smile, "You're doing a good job at playing the villain of a kdrama, but that makes me the main character.", Aerin said, adjusting Somin's jacket and bringing her closer so she could whisper in her ear, "And remember, the villain always loses.", she stepped back, dusting Somin's shoulders and saying, "Maybe you were right after all. I see why you want him back so bad. His stamina is pretty great.", her voice low so only she could hear her, sending her a wink before walking away.


"Thank you for knowing that it was not me.", Jeno said, sitting in the driver's seat of his car.

"I mean it was obvious. Also, Somin may think that we fucked.", Aerin said from the passenger seat, making Jeno choke on air, "Don't die.", she chuckled, a hand in front of her mouth.

"Can I say something?", he asked, once he calmed down and Aerin nodded, curious about what he was going to say, "Earlier when you got all smarty pants and confident, that was pretty hot."

His words flustered the girl on another level as she hit his arm saying, "YAH LEE JENO!! You can't just say things like that!"

His words flustered the girl on another level as she hit his arm saying, "YAH LEE JENO!! You can't just say things like that!"

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a/n: okay so a part of me is kinda proud but another part is like cringing internally 

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