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10 years later

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10 years later.

A man dressed in a fancy dark blue suit was looking out the window of his office on the 16th floor, admiring how stunning Seoul looked from up there. He checked his silver watch, counting the hours until he could finally go home.

His peaceful silence was interrupted by the sound of his office's door opening, followed by a really familiar voice, "Lee Jeno. Lee Jeno. CEO of Je's Gaming Enterprises. You've become the epitome of a cliché drama character."

Jeno turned around and his eyes transformed into crescents at the view of his one and only, dressed in a classy pantsuit with her bag hanging from her hand, "How is work?", he asked.

"Great, I checked a few models for our new planes. It was pretty cool. I still have to check some new equipment this afternoon though so my day is far from over.", she sighed, dropping her bag on his office couch and walking closer to him.

"You didn't lie when you told me you'll buy a plane yourself. Look at you now, CEO of Reload Airways. I'm not the only cliché in this relationship.", he smiled, wrapping his arms loosely around her waist.

"What relationship?", she playfully asked.

"Don't tell me overworking made you forget about this.", Jeno played along, holding his hand up to show the ring on his finger.

"Maybe that was me telling you I want a divorce.", she teased, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You would never.", he made an overly dramatic offended expression.

"Try flying with another company again and I will.", she warned, pointing a finger at him.

"I told you it was my assistant who reserved the tickets, not me!", he complained with a childish frown.

"Don't put the blame on poor Felix!", she replied, hitting his chest lightly, "Anyway, Hyuck texted me. He said that Mark and him will be back in Seoul in three days so I was thinking about having dinner with the others since it's been quite a while that we've all been in the same country at the same time. I already checked with the others-"

"Wait, they all said they'll be able to make it?"

"Yeah, Renjun's been pretty busy with being the director of his private art school, he has a lot of things to prepare for, you know, the opening of a sculpture department, he said that he can come after the school's exhibit though. Chenle and Jisung told me they'll be able to make it, they just have to clear a few things out of their schedule for Chenji's Electronic Enterprises. Jaemin and Jinhee had been preparing a new menu for the Na's kitchen restaurants so they invited us as the first testers to have dinner. You're the only one left."

"Well I guess, I can figure something out since it's been so long since we all hung out.", Jeno said with a smile, kissing his wife's cheek.

"Okay but please don't make Felix go to a meeting pretending to be you again. Poor guy was traumatized from the last time.", she said, laughing and earning a smile from her husband.

"Did you contact the babysitter for Minjun yet or do you want me to do it?", Jeno asked.

"Yeah I did, Jinhee also asked me if our babysitter could also take care of Chaeri so she'll pick them up after school and bring them to our place.", Aerin explained but became suddenly all excited when she remembered something, "You know what Minjun told me the other day? He told me Chaeri kissed him on the cheek, I asked him if he knew why she kissed him on the cheek and he said that Chaeri told him that her father always does that to her mom because he loves her. He was so shy, it was so cute.", she started chuckling along with Jeno,

"Chaeri really got that from her dad, didn't she? The Na's flirty blood is running through her veins.", he said, shaking his head at how funnily similar Jaemin and his daughter were, "I can't believe our son got intimidated by a Na tactic!", he jokingly said, earning a playful slap on the arm by Aerin.

"You know that Minjun got his shyness from you, right?", she said, shushing him while making his smile even wider if that was possible.

"How did I get so lucky?", he looked at her fondly.

"I know right?!", she chuckled before getting out of his embrace and grabbing her bag, "Let's go get lunch, I'm starving."

Jeno caught up to her and grabbed her hand, ready to open the door, "Wait!", Aerin's voice stopped him in his tracks and as he turned around, she put her hand on one side of his face and gave him a quick peck, "I love you."

"I love you too."

a/n: this is it

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a/n: this is it. this is the end 😭😭 i changed this last minute to include the part with the kids because it just makes me super soft and i hope you liked it 🤧 thank you so much for reading this, i know other people will probably start reading this when it'll be completed for a long time so a special thanks to the ones who were there since the beginning or at least since i was still updating this. thank you for all the comments, they really made my day!

i started to write this as a way to cheer myself up, i literally wrote the four first parts at like 2AM lol and now i've been writing and updating this for over two months now, i can't believe it's already the end 😭 this helped me a lot through quarantine and i hope it can help you get rid of boredom too haha

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