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Jeno slowly woke up from his deep slumber, stretching his whole body with his eyes still close

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Jeno slowly woke up from his deep slumber, stretching his whole body with his eyes still close. One of his arms landed on the empty space next to him as he opened his eyes, feeling a bit disappointed. Maybe everything that happened the day before was just a dream. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. The day didn't feel like a good one already as he thought Aerin was still mad at him. He was running a hand through his hair, letting a frustrated sigh out when someone knocked on the door.

It slightly opened as Aerin's head peaked inside to see if Jeno was awake, "Oh hey, uhm goodmorning.", she smiled, feeling her cheeks heating up as she remembered his confession.

"Hey.", he managed to say after realizing that last night wasn't a dream.

Aerin paused for a moment, bouncing back and forth on her feet, thinking about what to say next, "You said...certain things last night-"

"Yeah I-I remember..."

"Did you mean it?", she suddenly blurted out, "What you said.", she quietly added without looking at him, "Nevermind. Forget about it. It was late. You probably didn't mean it. Anyway, wh-"

"I meant it.", his answer was short, simple and clear, making Aerin nod while trying to hide her smile.

"Jinhee brought breakfast. We will all be waiting for you in the kitchen.", she said before quickly running out of the room, feeling all giddy.

Jeno joined the group a few minutes later, sloppily walking to them while yawning, "Finally up, sleeping beauty?", Jaemin teased.

"The beauty is still sleepy.", Jeno said, talking about himself.

"That's what you get for not sleeping for the last three days.", Donghyuck said, making the boy in question roll his eyes.

"I can't believe all of you had a sleepover without me.", Jinhee pouted. Poor girl was the only one being left out in this improvised sleepover.

"We can have a sleepover of our own.", Jaemin whispered to the girl who blushed and hit his shoulder in embarrassment. 

Quick update on these two who had been flirting with each other for a long LONG time. Jaemin even stopped flirting around, shocking Aerin who noticed the change in his behavior and was all for it because he better not treat her best friend like any other girls. After weeks of looking at Jinhee with heart eyes, Jaemin finally had the guts to ask her out and let just say that the girl panicked, leaving him on read to go and ramble to Aerin. Seeing that Jinhee left him on read, Jaemin freaked out and sent Aerin multiple panicked texts, telling her how Jinhee left him on read. At the time, Aerin rolled her eyes at how perfect they were for each other.

After breakfast, Jaemin and Jinhee left to go on a date, Mark and Donghyuck too, surprisingly Renjun was going to get art supplies with this girl in his art class telling everyone, "It's not a date.", and Chenle and Jisung were going to Chenle's house to test out some new games he had. The two babies asked Aerin if she wanted to join them, knowing her love for video games but she declined, saying that she'd stay at Jeno's house for a little longer while holding his hand behind her back so the group couldn't see.

When they all left, Jeno and Aerin went back to his room, "So what do you want to do?", she asked, turning around to face him as he closed the door.

"I don't know.", Jeno replied, slipping his arms around her waist casually. Her cheeks heated up at his sudden boldness, heart beating like crazy.

'Brain-cells, this is not the time to leave me.'

Aerin ran a hand through her hair, trying to calm herself down as she looked at him, not shying away. His eyes wandered from hers to her cute pink cheeks and finally to her delicate lips, "Stop looking at me like that.", she said in almost a whisper.

"Like what?", he replied, eyes moving back up to meet hers.

"Like...", Aerin wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoeing to face him. She started getting closer and closer, stopping when their face were only at a few centimeters away, eyes wandered to his lips, making Jeno gulped as she smirked, "...that.", and suddenly she pushed herself away with all of her strength, running away to his bed and leaving him there all flustered.

"LEE AERIN!", he shouted in embarrassment with a chuckle as Aerin hid under his covers, giggling.

Jeno jumped on his bed, managing to get under the covers too and tickling the girl who didn't back down and tried to tickle him back. After a few minutes, the two ended up just cuddling, out of breath from laughing so much. They spent the afternoon talking about their life, Jeno telling her about his childhood and Aerin telling him about how her parents fell in love.

a/n: okay i exactly need all the things that happened in this part 🤧 plz chinese boy from my dream, slide in my dms - okay not for real though, i wouldn't know how to respond 😳

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a/n: okay i exactly need all the things that happened in this part 🤧 plz chinese boy from my dream, slide in my dms - okay not for real though, i wouldn't know how to respond 😳

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