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Jeno then left to bathroom and a few minutes later someone barged into the room, happily saying, "Surprise bab-", the person stopped when she saw Aerin laying in the bed instead of the owner of the room, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

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Jeno then left to bathroom and a few minutes later someone barged into the room, happily saying, "Surprise bab-", the person stopped when she saw Aerin laying in the bed instead of the owner of the room, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"What are you doing here, babe?", Somin turned around to see her boyfriend innocently standing there with a confused look on his face.

"What am I doing here?!", she repeated in disbelief, "What is SHE doing here? Are you fucking serious right now? Why is she in your bed?", Jeno's eyes widened at the misunderstanding and wanted to explain to his girlfriend what really happened but she just kept screaming at him.

Somin let out a frustrated scream and walked out of the room super fast, "Babe, wait!", Jeno ran after her, screaming his explanation on the way but Somin didn't want to hear it and slammed the door, leaving his house. 

Jeno looked down and slowly made his way to his room. The boy closed his door, clenching his fist, frustrated by his own girlfriend, "Is your girlfriend done screaming?", a soft sleepy voice asked.

"Sorry.", he said as he almost forgot the sleepy girl in his bed because of his screaming girlfriend. He turned around and saw her not laying but sitting on his bed.

"Do you wanna cry?", the girl jokingly asked, tilting her head.

Jeno let out a chuckle and calmed down a bit thanks to her, saying, "I'm just frustrated."

"Sexually? Because I can't help with that.", she said playfully with a disgusted look on her face, earning a laugh from Jeno.

Jeno facepalmed himself, saying, "I can't believe."

"You should go and talk to her.", Aerin said in a more serious tone.

"Nah not right now, she needs a little bit of time to cool off. I'll talk to her later."

"Can I still sleep for a bit?", she asked, looking at him with puppy eyes.

Jeno rolled his eyes but couldn't ignore the weird little jump that his heart made, "Fine, but move to one side I want to chill in my bed."

Aerin smiled before moving to the left side, she took the pillow, laying her head on the mattress while hugging it. Jeno slipped under his covers, eyeing her sleeping position, "You can sleep like that?! Just your head on the mattress?!"

"I can. I'd rather hug the pillow than put my head on one."

"Weirdo.", it was his turn to give her a disgusted look playfully.

Jeno scrolled through his phone with his right hand, half lying down half sitting up, his left arm just chilling on the mattress as Aerin fell deeper and deeper into sleep mode. Her hugging the pillow slowly became her hugging the pillow plus Jeno's arm. The boy was startled at the contact and looked down at the girl. He knew he should've pulled his arm away but something in him just told him to just leave it and that was what he did.

A few hours later, Aerin started to stretch her arms and legs, basically becoming Patrick Star in her pink hoodie as she let out a big yawn. She sat up and turned to see that Jeno was still there, watching something on his laptop, "What time is it?"

"1PM. Wanna eat lunch?", Jeno said, closing his laptop as Aerin nodded eagerly.

They went down the stairs and Aerin followed Jeno in every step he took as she wasn't familiar with his house, "Good afternoon, Mr.Lee. Would you like me to heat up lunch for you and the lady?", the maid you met earlier asked Jeno.

"Yes please, that would be great.", he said, giving her a warm smile.

"Thank you.", Aerin said, giving her a smile of her own.

The two of them sat at the kitchen counter, Jeno started to talk about how Aerin was a heavy sleeper and that nothing could wake her up, they started to playfully argue about it, roasting and laughing at each other.

The maid placed a bowl of rice in front of each of them along with a bowl of kimchi jiggae and a plate of pork belly, "Wooaah. Thank you for the meal.", Aerin said along with Jeno before starting to eat.

Aerin gasped after eating some pork belly with some rice and gasped again after she tasted the kimchi jiggae, "Wooooo that's so good. Ahjumma you're the best.", she gave the woman a thumbs up, making her and Jeno laugh at the girl's silliness.

When they finished eating the maid put the dishes away for them which made Aerin thank her multiple times, not being used to this kind of treatment.

"Let's finish this project so you can talk to your girlfriend."

"Oh yeah, right.", Jeno said but he surprisingly didn't even think about Somin since Aerin fell asleep in his bed, next to him.

", Jeno said but he surprisingly didn't even think about Somin since Aerin fell asleep in his bed, next to him

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a/n: okay i'm really hungry now 😣 btw what did you think about this little tea? i swear there will be more 

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