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Aerin and Jeno got back to the Lee's house after their date, laughing as they entered the house

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Aerin and Jeno got back to the Lee's house after their date, laughing as they entered the house.

"Lee Jeno, where were you?", the two turned their head towards the familiar voice.

"Mom? I was out with Aerin? Is there a problem?"

"The problem is that I warned you about the Ying family coming over for tea today and you weren't there."

"I'm sorry, mom. I completely forgot about the Ying.", Jeno quickly apologized to his mom, feeling a little dumb about forgetting about the Ying's visit.

"It was my fault, Mrs.Lee. Please don't blame Jeno for it.", Aerin stepped in to defend Jeno.

"Jeno, can you please at least, escort them out to their car?", his mother asked, nodding towards the living room where their guests were.

Jeno obeyed and made his way to the living room to meet the Ying family. Mrs.Lee then turned to Aerin and said, "Please follow me Aerin-ssi."

The girl followed Jeno's mom into her office who motioned to Aerin to sit down on one of the couches.

"How much do you want to leave my son alone?", the sudden question shocked the young girl as she looked at the woman with confusion written all over her face.

"Pardon me?"

"You heard me right. How much it'll cost for you to disappear from his life?"

"I- I won't."

"You're a stubborn one, aren't you?", Mrs.Lee grabbed her little note book and a pen, scribbling something down before ripping the page and sliding the piece of paper to Aerin, "Check the number. I'll give you this much if you stop talking to my son and I'll give twice as much if you can get him back to Somin."

"Whatever number there is on this piece of paper will not make me stop talking to Jeno.", she frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.

Mrs.Lee scribbled some new numbers on a new page before ripping it and sliding it in front of the girl, across the table, "What about now?", the older woman said, leaning back, "Before you refuse, please look at it at least once. I heard you were in this school thanks to a scholarship. You must be really smart. But your brain will not get you any where if you don't have the money for it. Accept this and lessen the burden on your parents' shoulders."

"Why does people always think that because I have a scholarship, my family needs everyone's pity money?", Aerin scoffed at how ridiculous the while situation was, "For your information, my family is okay financially. My parents have a stable job with an average pay. Thankfully, we don't struggle to have food on our table for each meal. My brother is studying at SM University, that's why I got the rights for a scholarship. We are fine. You know, it's not because our lifestyle is not as lavish as yours that I'll do anything to get more money. Families that are not crazily rich are not all struggling."

"If you know what's good for my son, you would just take the money and disappear.", Jeno's mom said as she started to get irritated by the girl stubbornness.

"And what exactly is good for your son, Mrs.Lee? Jo Somin?"

"Him and her are from the same world. They understand the burden of growing up in this kind of environment. I've known her since they started dating, she's a nice girl and I will not let you ruin their happiness."

"You think Somin is good for Jeno?", Aerin scoffed and pulled out her phone, showing his mom the video where she kneel down in front of Somin and begged her to leave her parents alone, "I can see that you care for your son and you want to protect him but is this really the way you want to do it?", she put her phone back into her pocket after the video ended, leaving a really shocked Mrs.Lee questioning herself, "For someone who was born in this rich environment with that much power, Jeno grew to be an amazing human being but Somin? She's the typical little rich girl who thinks she can get away with anything because she has money and power."

Aerin didn't know what went through her head at that moment but the whole situation was pissing her off. It pissed her off so much that she couldn't control the words that left her mouth, "But if you want me out of your son's life so bad then fine. Good luck explaining this to him.", Aerin stormed out of the office, walking toward the main door with determination as she could still feel the anger and pettiness slowly take over her mind.

As she was nearing the door, Jeno opened it from outside and entered the house, "Wan-", the girl walked passed him, ignoring him completely, "Hey! Where are you going?", Jeno stopped her by grabbing on her arm.

"Home.", she coldly answered before snatching her arm away and walking out of the house.

Aerin didn't want to hurt Jeno as much as she did but just being there in that fancy house, surrounded by all these fancy things just made her feel suffocated. She needed to get out.

a/n: okay this part may feel a little rushed

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a/n: okay this part may feel a little rushed...idk 👉🏼👈🏼 but yeah, this is the last drama of this story, i promise hehe

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