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"You two killed it!!!", Mark reminded Aerin one again as they drove home

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"You two killed it!!!", Mark reminded Aerin one again as they drove home.

"That's thanks to your late ass.", Aerin said.

"I don't know if that's really a compliment.", Mark replied, stopping at a red light.

"Who said that was supposed to be a compliment?", she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Tsk. Ungrateful child.", he said, driving again when the lights turned green.

Aerin looked outside the window as her brother kept driving and to her surprise, as Mark drove closer to their house, she saw a figure sitting in front of their door. The person sat up as soon as he saw Mark pulling in the driveway.

"I'll head inside first.", Mark said to his sister before disappearing into their house.

"Jeno? What are you doing here?", Aerin asked looking at the guy in front of her.

"I...just wanted to talk to you.", he answered, hands in his pockets.

"Then talk.", she replied, crossing her arms.

"I- Umh...", he paused as his thoughts were a little messy. Jeno sighed and rubbed his face with his hands, feeling his emotions resurging.

"What happened to your hands?", Aerin asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Oh...Uhm-", he looked at his hands before putting them back in his pockets, "They came in contact with a tree...multiple times."

Aerin sighed, rolling her eyes, "Come with me.", she said, opening her door and walking in without letting him the time to say anything, "Hi, mom. Hi, dad.", she waved at her parents, seeing them on the living room's couch, "Mom, you already know Jeno.", she said, pointing at the boy who just entered their house then walking to the stairs, not even looking back.

"Good evening, Mrs and Mr. Lee.", the boy bowed after closing the door behind him and removing his shoes. He quickly followed behind Aerin, going up the stairs.

Aerin's parents just looked at the scene in disbelief, "I think we gave a little too much liberty to our children.", her dad said as his eyes followed the boy until he disappeared upstairs.

"Let them live, honey. They're are basically adults now.", her mom answered, smiling at her husband.

"NO FUNNY BUSINESS UP THERE!", he screamed making his wife laugh at his silliness.

Aerin closed the bathroom's door behind her and Jeno. She searched the drawers, looking for the first aid kit, "Found it!", she said, taking it out and putting it next to the sink, "Hands, please."

Jeno held his hands out and she treated the scratches on his knuckles. He observed her, seeing how her eyes were focus on disinfecting his hands, "You were right.", he said, breaking the silence, "Somin did it on purpose. She used me to know which song you were going to sing."

"Good job on standing up against her.", Aerin said, still focus on disinfecting his wounds.

"How do you know I did that?"

"Well, you wouldn't be here if her doe eyes and trembling lips got you.", Aerin answered, giving him a smile, before focusing back on putting bandages on his scratches.

"I-I broke up with her."

"Great. It only took you twenty three episod-", she started to say sarcastically until she looked up and saw Jeno's expression, "You really did like her.", she said, looking at him with sympathy.

Jeno looked up, trying to blink his emotions away. Aerin sighed and wrapped her arms around his torso, "W-What-", Jeno stuttered at the sudden display of affection.

"If we're really doing this cliché bathroom scene where the main character cleans the male lead's wounds then better get the emotional part right too.", Aerin jokingly said, still hugging him, "It's going to be okay. We're all here for you.", she rubbed his back gently as his arms slowly wrapped themselves around her.

a/n: you'll know a bit more about somin and jeno's relationship later in the story 😉 btw how can i do a story about cliché things without a 'omg-you-are-hurt-i-am-going-to-clean-your-wounds-and-we-are-going-to-smooch-afterwards' scene? so here it...

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a/n: you'll know a bit more about somin and jeno's relationship later in the story 😉 btw how can i do a story about cliché things without a 'omg-you-are-hurt-i-am-going-to-clean-your-wounds-and-we-are-going-to-smooch-afterwards' scene? so here it is, minus the smooch ofc 😂 btw i think i'm going to skip tomorrow's update to update my other aus

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