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Aerin and Jinhee put their tray on the table, sitting down with their group of friends for lunch

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Aerin and Jinhee put their tray on the table, sitting down with their group of friends for lunch. The boys seemed to be in the middle of a conversation that none of them enjoyed.

"The Gala is this Saturday? I thought we still had a week.", Chenle whined.

"What are you talking about?", Jinhee asked, starting to eat her lunch.

"Jeno's parents' Charity Gala this Saturday.", Jisung answered.

"A what now? I didn't think yall could be even more cliché but I guess I was wrong.", Aerin said, completely dumbfounded by the kdrama-like lives of her friends.

"Yeah, it's really formal too. Suits, dresses, fancy appetizers...", Renjun said with an annoyed undertone.

"Aren't you guys used to it?", Jinhee commented.

"Yeah but it doesn't mean we enjoy it.", Jaemin replied.

"Everything is just so...fake. So formal.", Donghyuck added.

"Then don't go.", Aerin simply said as if the answer was obvious.

"You don't get it, Aerin. We have to go.", Jeno said, making Aerin put her hands in the air in surrender, "It's more than just a gala, it's like a way for our parents to meet new people, new investors and we have to be there because we'll take over our parents' company one day."

"Perks of being a rich kid.", Renjun sarcastically said.

"I have something to ask you after school.", Jeno whispered to Aerin which made her nod in return.

Cue for a time jump.

After school, Aerin was as usual on Jeno's room's couch, "So what do you want ?"

"I have a little favor to ask you.", he said, showing her the little space he made between his thumb and index.

"I'm listening.", she squinted her eyes in suspicion of his answer. 

"Well you see, when I used to date Somin, she was my date for every event and my mom always scheduled these dress fittings the day before the gala.", Aerin nodded, a sign for him to keep going, "Me and Somin broke up BUT my mom still scheduled the dress fitting, hoping that I'd still ask Somin to be my date this year.", the girl gave him a look of incomprehension, "Ineedyoutobemydateandgotothedressfittingthisfriday."

"What now? You want be to go to your rich people only party? And I have to wear a dress on top of it all? No way.", Aerin refused.

"Pleeeeaaasseeee!!", Jeno begged, "You're the only one that can help me or I'll have to go with Somin and I really don't want to."

Aerin was not the type to give in easily - just ask poor Mark- but this time the look of Jeno made it surprisingly harder for her to resist, "Fine. Fine. Fine. I'll come."

"Really?", he looked at her with wide eyes and smiled when she nodded, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!", he said, wrapping his arms around her.

"Yeah, okay, okay, you get off of me, now.", she said, trying to push him away jokingly.

"Nah I like it.", he said, making her cheeks heat up a little.

Aerin panicked and started to tickle him. He started laughing, his arms loosening around her as he tried to cease the ticklish attack. 

a/n: we getting deep and deeper into the cliché, how are yall holding up?

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a/n: we getting deep and deeper into the cliché, how are yall holding up?

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