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"Jeno hyung! Aerin noona is coming in a few minutes, can you come out now?", Chenle asked after knocking on the dressing room's door

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"Jeno hyung! Aerin noona is coming in a few minutes, can you come out now?", Chenle asked after knocking on the dressing room's door.

"I know that's a lie!", Jeno shouted from the other side if the room still curled up in a corner. The boys and Jinhee sighed as their attempt to lure their friend out failed.

A few minutes later they heard a knock and room's door opened to reveal Aerin along with Mark. The girl gave her friends a gentle and guilty smile as she walked to the other door in Jeno's room, "Jeno? It's me.", she spoke after knocking on the door.

At the sound of her voice, Jeno's ears perked up and he immediately got up. The boy opened the door slightly, enough to see her. She was really standing there, looking at him with her soft eyes and smile, "Can we talk?"

Jeno opened the door to let her in and closed back afterwards, locking it again, "They're not going to have sex in there, right?", Jaemin asked, turning to the rest of the group while pointing back at the dressing room with his thumb which earned him a pillow thrown in the face by Mark.

"What happened? Why are you like this?", Aerin asked, sitting on the ground next to Jeno.

"I talked with my mom. She told me what happened.", Jeno sniffed, looking at his hands as he played with his fingers, "I'm sorry."

"I should be the one apologizing."

"No, no. My mom had no rights to do what she did and you had the rights to be upset."

"I wasn't really upset, I was more afraid.", She paused for a second as Jeno's eyes looked up at her, "So many people told me that I didn't belong in your world and that's true. But I don't care. I know that my parents aren't crazily rich, my family doesn't own a company or a plane and I couldn't care less. I just...don't want you all of you to wake up one day and think that too."

"We won't. You know why?", Jeno paused, looking at Aerin in the eyes and taking one of her hand in his, "Because we're not friends for those reasons. We're your friends because you're you, the honest sassy girl ready to do anything for the happiness of her friends, the one that's willing to take part in a singing competition for a friend, the one that agreed to wear a fancy dress with heels for a friend, the one who immediately comes when her friends need her."

"That was one hell of a cliché but thank you, Jeno.", Aerin smiled, close to tears, wrapping her arms around him.

"I can buy you a plane if you want.", he softly said.

"I'll buy it myself.", she smiled, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

They pulled away but stopped when they came face to face. They looked deep into each other's eyes until Aerin unknowingly broke the eyes contact to look at his lips. The heat coming to Jeno's cheeks as he realized so. They started to lean in, more and more when a ruckus outside the room interrupted them, "What are they doing?"

"Hyuck, can you hear something?"

"I can't hear them talk!"

"Can yall shut up for a moment? I'm trying to listen!"

"Why are you the one that gets to listen? You barely hear anything we say on daily basis and there's not even a door between us."

The two giggled at their friends' antics before getting up and opening the door, making all of them fall to the ground. They all groaned in pain and then locked up innocently at their two friends, making Jeno and Aerin smile.


"I'm really sorry guys.", Aerin said, starting her apologetic speech.

"We heard.", Jaemin said, giving her a smile.

"I forbid you to ever think that again!", Jinhee added, frowning at her friend with her arms crossed.

"Don't you dare say that you don't want to be our friend anymore or I'll choke-hold you!", Donghyuck added, raising his fist.

"YAH! Mark! Are you going to let him do that to your little sister?"

"If he doesn't, I'll do it.", Mark replied, earning him a slap on the arm by Aerin.

a/n: the cheesiness in this one, oof i'm sorry but we all secretly love it haha and sorry if this felt rushed 😅

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a/n: the cheesiness in this one, oof i'm sorry but we all secretly love it haha and sorry if this felt rushed 😅

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