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Neo's Annual Contest

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Neo's Annual Contest

"What's that?", Aerin asked, looking at the poster plastered on the wall.

"Oh! It's a singing contest that the school organizes every year.", Jinhee explained.

"Singing contest? Wow this school becomes more and more cliché everyday, doesn't it?", Aerin brought hands up, waving them around while saying, "Season one episose nineteen, the singing contest.", and laughing at her own joke.

"Hey girls, what's up?", the two girls heard a voice say from behind recognizing it instantly.

"Hey, Jaem!", Jinhee greeted back with a smile, "We were looking at the annual singing contest poster."

"Oh the singing contest? Are you going to participe Hyuck?", Renjun asked, turning to his friend who suddenly became weirdly shy, complete opposite of what he was usually like.

"N-No I don't think so.", Donghyuck said, scratching the back of his neck.

"But you said that you wanted to do this since you knew it existed in freshman year. It's your last chance.", Jaemin reminded him with a whiny voice.

"I just- I don't know if I can do this alone, like standing on a stage in font of everyone...", Donghyuck said, looking at the ground.

"I'll do it with you.", Aerin said, wanting to encourage her friend to do what he wanted.

Donghyuck immediately looked up at her with wide eyes, "W-Wha-"

"Uhm...Aerin...I don't know how to break it to you but when you sing, it sounds like a goat running away from death.", Renjun said and pursed his lips.

"Well if my voice is that bad I can just be a backup singer so he doesn't have to do this alone.", Aerin said, her eyes scanning the participants list and spotting an interesting one: Jo Somin.

"Aer-", Jaemin started but was interrupted by Aerin taking the list and writing her name and Donghyuck's on it.

"Too late. I already signed us up. I don't want Hyuck to regret not doing this and his voice is great from what I've heard at the karaoke.", Aerin smiled at Donghyuck, giving him a thumbs up.

"Great, an amazing singer and a goat...what a duo.", Donghyuck joked, rolling his eyes playfully and earning a light punch on the arm by Aerin.

"Let's all go to my house after school so we can choose a song and everything."

The day went by pretty slowly this time and every student wanted to jump out of the window already. As the bell rang for the last time that day, the students packed all of their things and ran out of school, probably breaking their own record for it.

"Guys!", someone screamed behind the group of seven, making them stop in their track and turn around. There stood Lee Jeno, all shy and apologetic, "I-I know it's been a few days but I wanted to find the right words. It may seemed that I didn't care about what happened to Aerin but I do, I swear. I talked with Somin and she promised me that she will never do it again. I'm sorry for the way I acted and I hope you can forgive me."

The seven of them looked at each other and Aerin said, "We're going to my place, wanna come?", they all gave him a smile as Jeno nodded eagerly, his eyesmile back on his face.

The seven of them looked at each other and Aerin said, "We're going to my place, wanna come?", they all gave him a smile as Jeno nodded eagerly, his eyesmile back on his face

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a/n: did they forgive jeno too easily? probably. is it going to bite them in the ass later? maybe...

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