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Somin and her clique entered their classroom in a very cliché way like they jumped straight out of mean girls, "YAH LEE AERIN!!!", they walked to their target and stopped right in front of the group, arms crossed and standing in a triangle formati...

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Somin and her clique entered their classroom in a very cliché way like they jumped straight out of mean girls, "YAH LEE AERIN!!!", they walked to their target and stopped right in front of the group, arms crossed and standing in a triangle formation with Somin at the center, "You can't learn a fucking lesson, can you? Do I need to remind you?", Somin smirked down at the girl.

Aerin scoffed and stood up, facing the bully, "What are you going to do this time? Ask your guard dogs to hold me down again? We know that you won't even be able to lay a single finger on me on your own."

"Both of you calm down. Somin, leave her alone.", Jeno said, standing in between them.

"So now you're on her side?", Somin asked Jeno, looking extremely offended.

"He broke up with you. Did you expect him to still agree with you or something?", Aerin said after rolling her eyes.

"Shut up! Jeno and Somin always get back together. You should know your lane and back off.", one of Somin's friends said.

"Why are you even talking? You're the type of character that's credited as mean girl #3. No one even knows your name.", Aerin said, looking at the girl up and down.

Somin scoffed and glanced at Aerin behind Jeno, who stood protectively in front of her, "What did you do to bewitch him on your side?", she faked thinking before smiling evilly, "Oh right, a hoe like you must have sucked him or something. Is that what you did with the rest of them? I'm sure that's what happened, who in their right mind would be friends with you."

Aerin's eyes were on the ground the whole time, her friends were pissed off and they were ready to throw some fists, "YA-", Jeno was ready to defend his friend but was interrupted by Aerin's laugh.

The girl looked up, trying to contain her laugh, "You're a funny one, aren't you? I'm not the one that needs to open their legs for boys to like them. If you think that they're friends with me because i 'sucked their dick' then what about Hyunjin, did she suck Taehyung's dick too? What about Jimin? Did she suck her guy friends' dick too? Are you trying to say that every girl that has a guy friend, sucked their dick to be friends with them?"

Somin looked at the people Aerin pointed out and started to panic when she saw them glaring at her, "I-I didn't say that! Don't twist my words!"

"Sure sounded like it.", Aerin crossed her arms, kind of proud of herself. "Also, if you think I did it, I mean who am I to tell you what to think right? But just one thing.",she took a step closer to Somin, her mouth just next to her ear, "If they keep me around, does it mean that I am THAT good?", she winked before sitting back at her desk, leaving a raging Somin there.

"I-", Somin started, not wanting to back down.

"I think you've said enough.", Jeno interrupted her and she angrily stormed out of the room.

a/n: NJUNHUDNJUBGJHNB ok i am really bad at writing confrontational stuff 🤧

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a/n: NJUNHUDNJUBGJHNB ok i am really bad at writing confrontational stuff 🤧

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