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it was a bright and normal day. it was a week day for work. the SID (special investigation department) squad is all embraced by their work. the sound of the phone ringing suddenly got their heads to swing at the phone. "hello special investigation department." one of their staff, wang zheng responded. once they were done talking she placed the landline down. "okay new case." she stated. "what is it about?" zhu hong asked. "it's in dragon university." wang zheng responded.

their chief, zhao yunlan, who was sitting on the couch with his legs on the table stayed silent. "dragon university? it's been a while since we've been there." their intern known as xiao guo said. "so we're gonna see zhao yunlan's crush there, huh?" lao chu teased him. "get your goddamn feet of the table." da qing joined in. "no." zhao yunlan said bluntly. "bitch, you better be cleaning that fucking table or else i'll seriously scratch you in your sleep." da qing rolled his eyes at him. 

"why so silent chief?" lin jing says. "don't wanna meet your lover there?" he laughed. everyone started teasing him. "hey cut it out, let's get our asses moving already." zhu hong said "yeah listen to zhu hong." zhao yunlan smirked as he got up. "fuck you i'm not the chief here." zhu hong hissed. they all got up and proceeded to where they'll investigate.


meanwhile, while the squad got busy in the university zhao yunlan got in touch with the dean of the university. da qing was by his side "professor shen still works here?" da qing asked "of course! he teaches here for years." the dean responded while they were walking through the halls. they were talking about the case with the dean of the university. they were advised that they should talk to professor shen wei. 

"well, i'll leave you guys here for now." he smiled. they both said thank you and the dean exited the hall. zhao yunlan gave a deep sigh before knocking on the door. he was nervous meeting him the second time. he got his courage up and knocked on his office door. "come in." the faint voice responded. zhao yunlan took a glance at da qing before coming inside. da qing gave a sign that they should go in already so they did. 

once they came in his office the professor stopped his paper work. "we're from the SID and we just need to interrogate you for the case if you don't mind." da qing says. "of course." shen wei smiled. zhao yunlan was just frozen as he sees shen wei. da qing was acting abnormally formal with him. "please take a seat." he says. da qing and zhao yunlan took a seat in front of his office table. "by the way i'm shen wei, pleasure to meet you here." shen wei smiled and shook da qing's hand and zhao yunlan's. but when it reached zhao yunlan he just froze again.

zhao yunlan admired shen wei's features. he stared at his round thin rimmed eyeglasses, his formal blazer, and his perfect chiseled face. "and you are?" shen wei asked, still in hold of zhao yunlan's hand. zhao yunlan quickly got out of his thoughts "uh.. zhao yunlan. chief of the SID." he replies. then shen wei lets go of his hand. he was in a state of shock. 'how come he doesn't know my name?' he thought to himself. "do you know anything about the case?" zhao yunlan begins interrogating. "that student only comes once a week to my class according to her schedule." shen wei answers. "i'm really not close to that student but i know someone who is very close to her." he added. 

while the interrogation went on zhao yunlan can't really focus on the case. he only focused on shen wei's features. he can't believe a newly reincarnated shen wei would forget him. "her friend basically comes to my class often but after the murder she didn't come to school." shen wei explained. "fortunately, she came to my class today but she seems off." shen wei continued. "we can go ask the other students where she went so that we could interrogate her." da qing suggested. "yea sure." zhao yunlan replied bluntly. "professor shen, since you know the students here, you don't mind accompanying us, right?da wing says. shen wei just nods and smile in reply.

the hallway was filled with students since it was their break time. zhao yunlan asked da qing to bring zhu hong with him while they look for the student. zhu hong and da qing walked ahead already so shen wei and zhao yunlan are walking behind them. "you really have a good chiseled face." zhao yunlan smirked. shen wei got flustered "thank you." he smiled shyly. "are you married? do you have a girlfriend?" zhao yunlan asked. "obviously, no." shen wei raises his hand to show he has no ring on his finger. "chief, they said she's in the restroom." zhu hong says. zhao yunlan just nodded. "zhu hong you get in the restroom." he says and zhu hong nodded.

once they reached the restroom there was water coming out of the door. "what the-" zhao yunlan mumbled. zhu hong opens the door see the student stabbing herself. the faucet was left open causing the water to lurk it's way out. the boys didn't care if it was a women's restroom, they rushed already to the scene. "st-stop it!" shen wei tried to stop her from stabbing herself but she went out of control.

the student tried to stab shen wei. zhao yunlan then came in front of shen wei then held the knife that was about to stab shen wei. "zhao yunlan!" shen wei says "just go. all of you!" zhao yunlan exclaimed.

blood was starting to drip. suddenly zhu hong was able to use her abilities to stop the girl from hurting them. the student suddenly drops to the floor, loosing a lot of blood. zhao yunlan was loosing blood too. he held the knife for quite a while. the student was already looking like she was in a critical state. "da qing and zhu hong get her to the hospital now." zhao yunlan commanded. they both nodded and did their job "then get the whole squad, okay? text me when you guys are done." he added.

shen wei just stared at zhao yunlan. "let's get you too to the hospital." shen wei says softly. shen wei gets his handkerchief in hope to lessen the bleeding on zhao yunlan's hand. he wraps it around his hand. zhao yunlan hissed then shen wei softly grabs zhao yunlan and rushes him to the hospital.


it was silent between zhao yunlan and shen wei. they just watched as the nurse treats zhao yunlan's wound. once it was finished, zhao yunlan just stared at his newly mummified hand. "i'm sorry i got you injured." shen wei frowned. "hey, it's not your fault." zhao yunlan smiled. "a very intense first meeting, huh?" zhao yunlan says "pretty intense." shen wei replied with a small smile. "you should be on a leave so that your wound will heal better." shen wei advised. "what? it's just a small wound. it's not gonna distract me to work." zhao yunlan chuckles. 

suddenly, zhao yunlan's phone gave a vibration. zhao yunlan got his phone from his pocket seeing he has a message.

zhu hong
the student is fine. the doctor said she'll wake up shortly

"you should probably get back to work." shen wei says. "oh here's my calling card." zhao yunlan hands him a card. shen wei observes it as he received it. "if you have any lead on the case let me know." zhao yunlan added. shen wei grabs his phone "here's my number." he shows his number to zhao yunlan. zhao yunlan being a perverted dog he quickly copies his number and adding him to his contacts. 

shen wei sighs. "give me a call or a text if you have any furthermore injuries. i'm willing to pay for the hospital bill." he says. zhao yunlan eyes went wide "my hospital bill? no! it's too much for y-" zhao yunlan gets immediately cut off by shen wei. "here just take this." shen wei pulls out his wallet to give him some money. "what? this is too much." zhao yunlan says "i insist." shen wei replied and placed the money on his lap. "i have to go back to the university. get some rest." shen wei says before he exited the place.

zhao yunlan couldn't believe what just happened. "he forgot you and now he's very kind to you. damn." zhao yunlan mumbled to himself.


aiGhT a little bit long and rushed eY

anyways i'll try to update as soon as i can.

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