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the rays of the sun touched shen wei's pale skin. he slowly opened his eyes then turned his face to the side. he was surprised to see zhao yunlan beside him. zhao yunlan's arm was on shen wei's body. yes, he was unconsciously cuddling shen wei. shen wei then mentally face palmed his self. he remembered how drunk zhao yunlan was. he had to stay for the night to watch over him. 

shen wei carefully moved his arm slowly so he doesn't wake up. zhao yunlan's sleep was disrupted when he felt movement on his arm. then shen wei suddenly sat up. "god what time is it?" zhao yunlan asked groggily. "around eight." shen wei replied "fuck this pain." zhao yunlan groaned as he sat up. he massaged his temples in hopes to lessen the headache. plus, his newly stitched wound hurts too. shen wei stood up and got his antibiotics. "here drink this." he habds him the medicine and the glass of water and sat down on his bed. zhao yunlan got his medicine and drank it. "th-thanks." he said. zhao yunlan just remembered everything when he was drunk. "shen wei." he called "hm?" shen wei replied "i'm sorry for hurting you last night. it was seriously unplanned." zhao yunlan said "it's alright." shen wei replied. "by the way.." shen wei trailed off "what did you mean by 'i love you.'?" he asked.

he really had to bring it up. zhao yunlan remembered he blurted that out. "uhm.." zhao yunlan said. shen wei was waiting for an answer "it felt familiar when you said it." shen wei added. zhao yunlan had a spark of hope. finally bit by bit he feels something already "i hope what i said last night won't affect our relationship." zhao yunlan said "it surely won't." shen wei smiled "but what did it meant?" he asked. zhao yunlan sighed "i'm afraid you won't understand it now. i'll tell you some other time." he said as he got up. 

zhao yunlan then prepared some breakfast from the fridge. "oh yeah shen wei, don't you have lecture today?" he asked. shen wei sighed. he just remembered he had classes to attend today "i'll just ditch it." shen wei smiled. "huh?" zhao yunlan says "what if the dean gets mad at you?" he asks at he places the food at the table. "so?" shen wei said as he sat on the chair and got some food. "i'll get a sub then." he added. "but why do you wanna ditch it?" asked zhao yunlan and sat across the table. shen wei just stayed silent.

little did zhao yunlan know, shen wei was starting to have feelings for him. (a/n: finally we made it. nah jk there's more to come *winks*) "i just want to spend time with you." shen wei replied shyly. zhao yunlan's heart fluttered once he heard that. even though shen wei has forgotten him, he still developed feelings for zhao yunlan. he felt this warm feeling every time he was with him. "oh."  zhao yunlan smiled. "but you have to rest. you can't move that much due to your wound." shen wei said. "by the way, how did you know i was shot?" zhao yunlan asked. "da qing told me." shen wei said as zhao yunlan listened. "he thought it was the best time for you and me to get a long." he continued "he was able to persuade me to take care of you." he added. 

while they were both eating zhao yunlan stared at shen wei for some time. "is there soemthing wrong?" shen wei asked once he caught zhao yunlan staring at him. zhao yunlan remembered he hit shen wei hard when he was drunk. zhao yunlan stood up and got a bag of ice from the freezer then placed it on shen wei's cheek. "hey!" he flinched as he felt the cold ice on his cheek. "does it still hurt?" zhao yunlan asked "yes. of course." shen wei replied. "that was really uncalled for. i'm really sorry." zhao yunlan said. shen wei held the bag of ice "it's okay. i know you didn't mean it." shen wei smiled.

it's as if shen wei already knows zhao yunlan like an open book but shen wei doesn't know yet. he would still feel weird fuzzy things but his memory hasn't come back yet. it was just familiarity filling in his needs or feelings. after eating shen wei set aside the dishes. zhao yunlan rested on his bed since he felt discomfort on his wound. after shen wei washed the dishes he sat beside zhao yunlan on the bed. "are you alright?" shen wei asked "yeah. it's just my wound kinda hurts." zhao yunlan said. 

then with no hesitation, zhao yunlan had to remove his shirt to expose the wound for a bit. shen wei then suddenly blushed. "what?" zhao yunlan asked "n-nothing." shen wei stuttered and tried to make eye contact with zhao yunlan. "is your wound okay?" shen wei tried to distract himself. "yeah it is." zhao yunlan said. shen wei slowly nodded. he couldn't stop looking at zhao yunlan's half naked body. 

zhao yunlan suddenly moved closer to shen wei "you like my body, huh?" zhao yunlan smirked at him "wha-" shen wei was surprised when he was cut off by zhao yunlan's lips. his lips were attached to shen wei's. shen wei didn't hesitate to kiss back. he didn't know why he liked the feeling. 

the kiss went deeper and zhao yunlan's heart thumps loudly. shen wei then slowly pulled away from his lips. shen wei gulped and he blushed. "what was that for?" shen wei asked "i have to ask you the same question. what was that for?" zhao yunlan chcuckled "you kissed back." he smirked. shen wei hit zhao yunlan's shoulder "hey! what was that for?" zhao yunlan says. "tell me why did you kiss me." shen wei said "i just missed you." zhao yunlan said.

shen wei gave a confused look. "anyways anything i say today i'll explain them later on." zhao yunlan chuckled "why did you kiss back then?" zhao yunlan asked. shen wei suddenly blushed. he doesn't know what to respond to that.

"obviously, because i liked it."


welp this was intEnSe-

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