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hi guys!

okay before reading quick notice. my writings are kinda sloppy and like shit rn :> cuz basically wattpad is my only getaway. with all the crap happening at my place it's actually draining my energy nahjk. i mean it's just making me distracted. plus, government sucks here it also makes me scared to live in the ph haha. 

so like please do understand if like my writings get sloppy and slow updates occur. thanks! continue reading now lmao.


the SID gradually went busy today. it was never new to them to have such a busy day. they had to clarify some locations so that they could investigate. "don't you want to go to the location now?" zhao yunlan asked them "are you crazy?" lin jing says "we're gonna get ourselves killed if we go there now." he added. "ah i know." zhao yunlan says "da qing, turn into a fat cat." he says.

da qing glared "if i get killed it's all your fault." he said "tsk, just go to this location and spy on them. after that come back as soon as possible." zhao yunlan added. he handed him the location then da qing left the precinct.

"i swear we're gonna massacre this city instead!" mr. sy growls. he slams his hand on the table "how dare they get away?!" he says "boss, if you could give us some time. we could plant some bombs in the streets without them knowing. let's just kill them already. we can't proceed to wipe the SID since they're on our tail." one of them said "there are hundreds of streets here, how can you do that?" mr sy asked as he massaged his temples. 

while they were discussing, da qing was already eavesdropping. he already transformed into a fat cat and he jumped on the window to listen. "when will you plant the bomb?" the boss asks "maybe by midnight or tomorrow." one of them replied. "the bomb will be planted but they shouldn't know when we'll blow it up." mr. sy says.

da qing released a meow. he was shocked. the bombs are already schedule to be planted but it wasn't scheduled to blow up. so by any time it might blow up. "why's there a cat here?" their boss asked. da qing then quickly ran away from the hideout.

"i need those SID people dead. mostly the chief." mr sy says "sir we can't. we might get caught ." they said "fine. do what it takes to kill everyone and get the money." mr sy says and rolled his eyes.

the fat cat has turned into a human and barged in the precinct "what did you get?" zhu hong asked "they might plant the bombs by midnight or tomorrow." he said "then when are they gonna blow it up?" zhao yunlan asked "i don't know yet. i left right away." da qing replied. "then we go there by tomorrow." zhao yunlan says.

zhu hong glared at him "seriously? isn't too soon?" she asked "they might blow up the bomb at any time. so we have to rush this." zhao yunlan says "i doubt that they will blow up the bombs right away." lin jing says "why is that?" da qing asked "didn't you guys remember? their boss has an extensive hearing. as we speak he already hears us. he had kind of a contact with zhao yunlan so basically he could hear our plans." lin jing explained.

zhao yunlan sighed "don't worry. we'll do it as fast as we can." he says "how about shen wei? he's going to be worried sick." da qing asked "shit you're right." zhao yunlan mumbled. zhu hong quickly went to her desk and got an earpiece. "here give this to him." zhu hong handed him her earpiece. "we'll place a microphone on you tomorrow. if he wants to hear what's gonna happen tomorrow then tell him to place it on his ear." zhu hong explained. 

"the problem is, you guys might not be able to communicate." zhu hong added. zhao yunlan sighed. "thanks anyways." he says. "i'll go ahead. wang zheng call the head of security. tell them about the information we have." zhao yunlan instructed. "good night guys. long day tomorrow." he added.


zhao yunlan came into his apartment around eight in the evening. he saw shen wei washing some of the dishes. "yunlan, you're here early." shen wei smiled. zhao yunlan gave him a sweet peck on the lips. "oh there are some leftovers in the fridge." he said as he dried his hands. "shen wei, we actually got a lead on the case." zhao yunlan said as he sat on the couch. shen wei sat beside him. "what about it?" he asked. 

"so like.. we have to go to their hideout by tomorrow." zhao yunlan said. shen wei sighed "seriously? you wanna get killed?" shen wei said. "shen wei, i won't get killed." zhao yunlan said. he leaned closer to shen wei "i'll be safe, i promise." he smiled. zhao yunlan then kissed shen wei's soft lips passionately. 

shen wei then pulled away slowly. "you know, i can't trust you when you get yourself in trouble." he said then stood up. he then laid down on the bed. zhao yunlan sighed and turned off the main lights leaving the lamp light on. "come on, shen wei." zhao yunlan said as he laid down. "i'll be really careful, i promise." zhao yunlan says as he hugs shen wei from behind. shen wei completely ignored him.

"i don't want to fight about this." he says. shen wei then faced him "i just don't want to loose you again." shen wei says. "i won't die. how many times do i have to tell you that?" zhao yunlan asks "fine. i give up. i'll let you go there." shen wei rolled his eyes at him. "are you mad at me?" zhao yunlan chuckled. "whatever. i'm going to sleep." shen wei says as he tucks himself in the blanket.

zhao yunlan just smiled at him "i can't really take you seriously when you're mad." he chuckled "go to sleep." shen wei says "okay. i love you."  he says and kisses shen wei's forehead. "love you too." shen wei replied and slept.

make you mine ; shen wei x zhao yunlanWhere stories live. Discover now