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it was currently 8pm, after the incident at dragon university, everyone got back to the precinct  to investigate on the confession. everyone huddled up on the table. da qing sat beside zhao yunlan on the couch while the others stood up. zhu hong then played the confession they just did a while ago. wang zheng was able to encode the recording so they were able to follow the confession properly.

"before everything, a man came up to me and just gave me a flick on my forehead then i became unconscious. then i wake up she's already dead. then i didn't come to school. i felt really sick until the same man that gave the flick on my forehead came up to me on my way to school. he did the usually then i became unconscious"

zhu hong stopped the voice recorder. "so we can say she was brainwashed by that flick." lao chu said. "yes." zhu hong replied "wait, she got unconscious then when she woke up she sees that her friend is dead. so it's like she was just sleep walking." zhao yunlan said. "that guy  made her kill herself to clean all the evidence. am i correct?"  xiao guo said. lin jing warpped his arm around xiao guo "ah finally this boy is getting smart." he smiled. a smiled form in lao chu's face. "i like that version of you." lao chu said.

xiao guo just smiled in reply. ling jin unwrapped his arm around him "oh yeah." xiao guo stated "how did it go with professor shen earlier? did you guys meet at the university?" he continued.  zhao yunlan glared at xiao guo and placed his feet on the table "ah the girl talk." lin jing smirked. "first and foremost, da qing was awfully formal." zhao yunlan said. "hey, he completely forgotten you. you have to act like you didn't know him or else he could freak out." da qing explained. "he what?" lao chu said with a confused look. "he completely forgotten me. okay happy?" zhao yunlan said. 

"did you get his number?" lin jing asked


"did you introduced yourself?" zhu hong asked

"of course."

"did he say that you were handsome?"  xiao guo asked

"okay can we stop this talk?!" zhao yunlan said. he was irritated but his squad, no. they were having fun teasing him. "chief zhao, what happened to your hand?" wang zheng suddenly asked "ah good. a question not about shen wei."  zhao yunlan mumbled "i kinda got cut but it's alright." zhao yunlan smiled. "hey, wang zheng. put chief zhao on medical leave, okay?" zhu hong said. "what? no!" zhao yunlan complained. "it's just three days you big baby." da qing rolled his eyes. "don't worry we'll work on the case. just rest and try to have shen wei all to your self. " lao chu smirked. zhao yunlan groaned. "fine." he muttered.

"by the way, how did shen wei loose his memory?" zhao yunlan asked "maybe he's old?" da qing said. "but you're gonna do anything to bring his memory back, right?" ling jin asked "yes but if it's really like that then we'll go with the flow." zhao yunlan said. he then stood up and got his keys "after work go home already. i'll go ahead." he said "good night." he added as he exited the office.


the next day, zhao yunlan woke up surprisingly early. it was 8:30 in the morning. his body clock is set to wake up at eleven or twelve. he glanced at his bandage. it was completely drenched with blood. zhao yunlan gave a disgusted expression. 'god should i call shen wei? yeah i should.' he thought.

zhao yunlan got his courage up and went to shen wei's contact and called him. meanwhile shen wei was just putting his blazer and finishing up until his phone rang. he looked at the caller id and it read 'zhao yunlan'. without hesitating he immediately picked up "hello?" shen wei said. zhao yunlan's heart was beating fast "shen wei! i just really need to ask you something." he replied "what is it chief zhao?" shen wei asked "do you need to replace the bandage when it's drenched in blood?" he asked "yes, obviously." shen wei replied "did you change it already?" he added. "no." zhao yunlan replied "do you know how to change your bandage?" shen wei asked.

all zhao yunlan can answer is no. though he had practiced first aid in the field he really forgot somethings he learned. shen wei gave a sigh "okay, i'll come there to fix your bandage and also bring you something to eat." he said "uhm sure yeah." zhao yunlan responded. "but your lecture starts at eleven, right? you might get late." he added. shen wei paused. he clearly was shock when he knew his schedulw "h-how did you know my schedule?" he asked. 'oh damn you're fucked real bad' zhao yunlan thought "just saw it in your office. okay just come here safetly bye!" zhao yunlan suddenly ends the call.

minutes later, shen wei knocked at the door of his apartment. "ah shen wei!" zhao yunlan smiled as he opened the door. shen wei just gave a smile in reply and came inside his apartment. for the first time his apartment was decent. "i have the bandage here and the medicine. where's your hand?" shen wei says as he places them on the table. it was a pretty high table and with a chair with the same height of the table. zhao yunlan sat on the chair  placing his hand on the table.

once shen wei unveils the wound, he starts to dab medicine on it. with some gibberish coming out of zhao yunlan's mouth he hissed in pain "be careful please." he says. "i will. just stay still." shen wei reassured and tried to lessen the pain while blowing his wound while placing medicine on it. after that was finished he wrapped a freshly new bandage around his hand. then shen wei sets the food in front of him. "did you eat already?" zhao yunlan asked as he picked up his chopsticks. shen wei nodded "only a little." he replied "eh, come on eat with me." zhao yunlan smiled.

shen wei didn't hesitate to eat with him. maybe it was with zhao yunlan's charms that made him want to eat with him. with shen wei eating across him there was silence. "so any new leads on the case?" shen wei asked as zhao yunlan munched on his rice "no. we really can't identify the suspect." zhao yunlan frowned. "anyways i don't really want to talk about work when i'm on my leave." he added. "how's your parents?" he suddenly asked.

again, silence. "ah shit." he cursed silently "my parents left since i was young. who i only have left is yezun, my twin brother." shen wei responded "i'm really sorry i asked that." zhao yunlan said. shen wei smiled "it's okay." he said. "my dad is an ass." zhao yunlan said. shen wei was eating silently. still, he was eager to listen. "how about your mother?" shen wei asked "she died. now my dad is still an ass but i really can't do anything. he's my dad after all." zhao yunlan explained.

"so you trained in the field, correct?" shen wei says "yes." zhao yunlan nodded "how many years have you been an officer?" he asked "about three to four years." he replied. "shen wei, shen wei. you really don't remember me?" he muttered under his breath. "pardon?" shen wei replied "oh nothing. " zhao yunlan smiled.

after some chitchat, shen wei had to go to the university. "thank you for helping me." zhap yunlan said as shen wei was already in the door way. "my pleasure. you saved me anyways." shen wei smiled back. after saying goodbye shen wei exited his apartment this, zhao yunlan being dumbfounded again.

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