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"mr. sy what do you plan now?" one of their member asked "let's start wiping out the people." he responded "set up the drugs already." he added "should we wipe out the officials first?" they asked "the common people first. we shall save them for last." mr sy smirked "end the lives of the students first. after that we can plan on the initial attack." he said.


the ringing of the phone broke the silence down. "hello, special investigation department?" wang zheng responded. after that she placed the phone down "there's an suspicious attack on going in the university." she said. upon hearing that zhao yunlan got worried "we left the university clear and safe." he said "even though we had left the university for weeks doesn't mean it's safe." lao chu said. "let's go." zhao yunlan said.

once they arrived at the university the police were there so they had to present an ID that they are the SID. some boddies were scattered already. "lin jing do the forensic, you will be accompanied by xiao guo. lao chu and zhu hong if there is something suspicious and there's a continuation of the attack try and look for suspects. da qing come with them too." he commanded. they nodded and did their task. zhao yunlan had to supervise everything but he had to see shen wei first.

the students were scattered around the campus since it was their break time. a number of two bodies were discovered. zhao yunlan rushed to shen wei's office but he saw something suspicious  at the end of the hall way. he saw the storage room and tried to open it. fortunately, it was unlocked. then all of a sudden someone also grabbed the doorknob. upon feeling the warmth of that hadn zhao yunlan got startled. "holy shit shen wei!" he flinched "what are you doing here?" he asked "someone told me to come in here." shen wei replied and let go of the doorknob. 

zhao yunlan gave that confused expression "what? who told you?" he asked "i don't know. some random woman." shen wei replied "stay outside." zhao yunlan instructed "i'm gonna come with you." shen wei said. zhao yunlan thought it would be a good idea to brong shen wei in so he agreed. in a situation like this, he probably made a dumb decision.

once they were in the storage room, it felt eerie. then they smelled something unpleasant. "shit what is that?" zhao yunlan asked. shen wei then continued to look around "oh professor you're here." the woman giggled. once they were able to navigate her they saw her with a dead body of a student. "how did you kill him?" zhao yunlan glared. "simple. remove their voice then stab them." she smirked. "their voice comes back within twenty-four hours." she added. "now it's your turn professor." she smirked then pinned shen wei to the wall.

"hey let him go!" zhao yunlan raised his voice and tried to attack but she was already strangling shen wei "huh? it didn't work?" she gave a confused look as she loosened her grip around his neck. shen wei only smirked "your powers look like they only work on regular people, not dixing-ians." he said. she pulled out her knife then attempted to stab him but shen wei dodged at the right time. 

zhao yunlan pulls out his gun as he tries to attack the girl. but when he striked at her she quickly grabbed his gun and pointed at zhao yunlan. shen wei was just standing at the side "you can't kill me now." she smirked. shen wei suddenly grabbed her hands and tried to point the gun at her head "or can i?" he smirked. zhao yunlan was impressed. indeed, he is still an dixing-ian. "tell me everything that happened during the attack or else i'll tell shen wei to kill you." zhao yunlan says.

he opens a voice recorder app on his phone to record the confession. "tell him. now." shen wei cocks the gun. the girl flinched "i was gonna wipe out the students. that's what our boss ordered. since you guys are on the lead now he wanted to wipe them out before the officials. the drugs have been planted already." she said. "you might be on the mafia's tail right now." she smirked. zhao yunlan ended the recording.

suddenly someone barged in. "chief zhao!" da qing said. shen wei then placed the gun down but he still held the woman "we have our culprit." he said then shen wei let zhu hong get the girl. "get enough information as possible with her, got it?" he commanded "we'll see each other at the precinct then." zhu hong said.

zhao yunlan and shen wei exited the storage room. they locked it as it came out "oh here is your gun." shen wei handed his gun. "thanks." zhao yunlan said and kept it in his pocket. "after this you guys should really suspend your classes." he added "i'm sure the dean will." shen wei replied. "you were good back there." zhao yunlan said. shen wei as always, he was flustered. "you too." he replied.

they started walking through the hallway "were you hurt by the way?" zhao yunlan asked "no. how about you?" shen wei replied "no. i'm good." he smiled "i'm sorry if it looks like i'm getting in the way of your work." he said "don't be sorry." zhao yunlan smiled "i like spending time with you anyways." he added. you can see, he's clearly hitting on shen wei.

"wanna grab something to eat?" he asked "i'll just eat-" shen wei got cut off "pfft, my treat come one let's eat at the cafe nearby." zhao yunlan said and grabbed shen wei's arm. 


zhao yunlan was scanning at what cake he likes "hey what do you like?" he asked shen wei "i'll just take what you're having." shen wei said "really? i'm having a chocolate cake. it's kinda sweet." zhao yunlan replied "then i'll just have a cheesecake and a coffee." shen wei smiled. zhao yunlan then orders the cake and coffee.

once they were settled zhao yunlan, yet again was staring at shen wei. "by the way, why did you follow what the woman said?" zhao yunlan asked as he took a bite of the cake. "she looked promising." shen wei replied. zhao yunlan laughed "what's funny?" he asked "i can't believe you could fall into some easy shit like that." zhao yunlan responded. shen wei rolled his eyes as he sipped on his coffee.

shen wei munched on the cheesecake "thanks for having my back a while ago, shen wei." zhao yunlan said "no problem." shen wei replied "hey you have some cheesecake bits on your cheek." zhao yunlan said. shen wei gave a confused look. zhao yunlan grabbed a tissue and wiped shen wei's cheek. "th-thanks." shen wei blushed. he felt his cheeks heating up. 

zhao yunlan smirked at him "you're blushing." he said "what? you like me?" he asked then laughed "shut up." shen wei rolled his eyes "finish your cake." he added. zhao yunlan just replied with a laugh.


wOw this was very long. lol i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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