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a few days after, shen wei was able to be discharged from the hospital. zhao yunlan invited him to stay in apartment first. zhao yunlan woke up early for work. he saw shen wei sleeping peacefully beside him. he carefully got up from bed so that he won't wake up shen wei. after he dressed up he glanced at shen wei. he looks really drained from what happened. zhao yunlan softly kissed his forehead before leaving.

once he entered the SID, da qing rushed to him "what's wrong?" zhao yunlan asked "well, we know you got them daddy issues but we don't give a shit about that right now." da qing says. zhao yunlan gave a confused look "what do you mean?" he asked "your dad is coming." da qing said. "okay... but why?" zhao yunlan responded "he wants to check the case." zhu hong says. zhao yunlan groaned "okay fine." he rollled his eyes.

later on, with zhao yunlan's dad not yet arriving they discussed the case in advance. "we actually have a location. well, we're not sure if that's their sure hideout." lao chu said "you know chief zhao, they weren't really going to kill professor shen." da qing said "they were trying to kill you. professor shen was just used to lure you." he added. zhao yunlan slowly nodded. "why is that?" he asked. "they're trying to wipe us out. after that they would wipe out the higher securities." zhu hong stated.

suddenly, someone came in the precinct. they all stood up as they saw the former director of the SID and zhao yunlan's dad, zhao xinchi. "good morning." he bluntly greeted "good morning, mr. zhao." the rest greeted him except zhao yunlan. he completely ignored his father. yes, he has severe daddy issues with him due to the fact his dad sees him as a failure all the time. 

zhao xinchi glared at his son "yunlan." he said. zhao yunlan glared back at him "office. now." he said then zhao xinchi proceeded to the office. zhao yunlan rolled his eyes and had no choice to follow him in his office. "what do you want?" he asked his dad. "how's the case?" zhao xinchi asked. "pretty good. we just have to clarify some things then we're off to investigate." zhao yunlan replied.

"i heard you placed professor shen in danger." zhao xinchi added. "seriously? you always think everything is my fault." zhao yunlan raised his voice at him. "in the end, shen wei was still the one who protected you." zhao xinchi says and he pauses. there was a long silence. "is there something going on with the two of you?" he asks. zhao yunlan didn't know what to answer. zhao yunlan sighed "we're dating." he says. "then let me meet him." zhao xinchi says. 

zhao yunlan wanted to protest but he tries to understand why his dad wants to meet shen wei "why? don't you think meeting my boyfriend is weird?" he asked "it is. but i'm quite intrigued to meet shen wei." he says. "tonight. we'll have dinner at my house." he added. zhao xinchi then stood up "see you then, son." he said and walked out.

the squad all looked at their chief who is dumbfounded. "yeah he knows i'm dating shen wei." he said "so?" lin jing says "shen wei is meeting him tonight." zhao yunlan says.


later that night, shen wei was really nervous meeting his dad "hey relax." zhao yunlan says as he drives "you really had to say that to your dad, huh?" shen wei rolled his eyes at him "i'll take care of you don't worry." zhao  yunlan said. once they arrived at his place zhao yunlan just barged in like the usual. "hey dad." zhao yunlan said as he saw his dad in the dining room. "so this is shen wei?" he asked.

shen wei smiled at his dad "yeah." zhao yunlan nodded "pleased to meet you, mr. zhao." shen wei said then he shook his hand. "pleased to meet you as well." zhao xinchi says. then they sat down and ate some dinner. "how did you meet my son?" he asked shen wei. "the usual, dad." zhao yunlan replied "i'm not talking to you, i'm talking to shen wei." zhao xinchi says.

"it's just through his interrogation. he was able to give his number then we exchanged numbers. then we just got closer." shen wei replied "you really can get some guys huh." zhao xinchi chuckled at his son "seriously dad?" zhao yunlan rolled his eyes at him. "so you're staying with my son at the moment?" he asked "yes." shen wei replied with a smile. shen wei seems to be doing fine with zhao yunlan's dad. after a few questions they were done eating.

zhao yunlan was tasked to do the dishes while shen wei was sent to the living room by his dad. he offered him some tea then sat on the couch across him. "zhao yunlan would talk about you sometimes." shen wei says "really? what does he say about me?" he asked "you're very strict with him." shen wei smiled. zhao xinchi chuckled "did you have strict parents?" zhao xinchi asked. shen wei then shook his head in reply "i wasn't able to grow up with my parents. they were gone when me and my twin were still young." he said. "i'm sorry." zhao xinchi says.

shen wei gave a smile "its okay." he said "how's my son?" he asked "he's very kind and loving." he replied. "he treats you well?" zhao xinchi asked "of course mr. zhao." shen wei smiled. "i never seen yunlan this devoted in a relationship." he said. "actually, since his mother died you know he just grew distant from me." he added. zhao xinchi sighed "you take care of my son." he smiled. "i will." shen wei smiled back.

"if he doesn't take care of you then don't hesitate to tell me." zhao xinchi chuckled. little did he know, zhao yunlan was listening "i'm gonna take care of him dad!" he shouted across the room.


zhao yunlan laid beside shen wei on his bed. "you did pretty good there at my dad's place." zhao yunlan smiled at him. shen wei got flustered upon his words "your dad is kind." shen wei said. then zhao yunlan sighed "i know.. it's just i really distance my self from him." he said. "you know, even though the world turns upside down he's still your dad." shen wei said. "i know." zhao yunlan nodded.

"you should go to sleep already. it's late." zhao yunlan said and kissed shen wei's forehead. "good night." he added. "good night." shen wei said as he dozed off to sleep.

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