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2 years later

it was a casual day at the precinct but their chief  yet again was keeping his mouth shut. he was in deep thought since it was shen wei and his two year anniversary in the relationship. he was thinking of proposing to his one and only lover. his feet were on the table and he was resting on the couch.

da qing shook his chief. "chief zhao, what's wrong with you?" he asked. zhao yunlan's thoughts were interrupted buy him "what now, damn cat?" zhao yunlan groaned "what's on your mind?" da qing asked "i'm just thinking.." zhao yunlan trailed off "what if i propose to shen wei?" he asked "like today? it's alright since it your second year anniversary with him." da qing responded. "you're proposing?" zhu hong asked as she came closer to the two men. "maybe." zhao yunlan replied.

zhao yunlan was fidgeting with the small velvet box that had the ring inside. "may i see the ring?" zhu hohg asked then suddenly snatched the box from his hands. it was a silver ring decorated on the left side with a small little moon and on the right side a flower decorated with silver stones and in the center of that flower had a beautiful opal gemstone. "wow.." zhu hong admired the piece of jewelry. lin jing saw at they were doing and he came into the scene. "woah who owns this ring." lin jing held the box with the ring.

"it's the chief's. he might propose to shen wei." zhu hong smiled "go and propose man." lin jing said. "like take him out to dinner then go on a walk then boom." he added. "the ring is really pretty." da qing said as the box went to him. he handed it to zhao yunlan for safe keeps. "we're invited to the wedding if ever, right?" lin jing asked "of course." zhao yunlan said happily. "so should i propose?" zhao yunlan asked "yes!" they all exclaimed. "fine.. i'll make a call at my office first." zhao yunlan said and went to his office.

meanwhile, shen wei was having a normal day. "okay class dismissed." shen wei announced as the bell rang. he fixed his papers and books before proceeding to his office. after that, he headed to his office. he sat down and checked his phone which was ringing for a while now. the called ID read 'zhao yunlan.' he quickly picked up "yunlan, i'm sorry i didn't get to answer your call. i left my phone in the office." shen wei said "yeah it's okay." zhao yunlan replied "wanna have dinner outside?" zhao yunlan asked. 

shen wei smiled over the phone. "i would love to." he replied. being a forgetful man, he completely forgot that it was their anniversary "what's the occasion?" he asked. then zhao yunlan bursts into laughter. shen wei was confused "oh my, did you forget?" zhao yunlan laughed over the phone "forget what?" shen wei asked. shen wei then remembered "shit." he mumbled. it wasn't loud enough for zhao yunlan to hear over the phone. 

he felt completely embarrassed "i'm so sorry, yunlan. i forgot it was our anniversary." he said "it's alright.. so we meet at seven o'clock." zhao yunlan said "until what time is your office?" he asked "until eight but i'll try to clear out my schedule, okay?" shen wei said "sure sure." zhao yunlan replied. "see you then." zhao yunlan said "i love you bye." shen wei said "i love you too." zhao yunlan replied before dropping the call.


later that evening, they met at the restaurant. "how's your day?" shen wei asked "its alright. how about you?" zhao yunlan smiled "it's okay it's just i hated the fact that i forgot about our anniversary." shen wei chuckled "you old man.." zhao yunlan mumbled. "how'd you clear up your schedule?" zhao yunlan asked "uh.. i ditched some work." shen wei replied as he ate some of his food.

"you can't do that all the time, my dear professor shen." zhao yunlan said with a sweet voice "yeah i know.. but of course i won't miss an occasion like this." shen wei replied as zhao yunlab ate. "oh how's little brother yezun? i haven't seen him in a while." zhao yunlan asked "he's doing well." shen wei smiled. "do you want to go on a walk after this?" he asked "sure." shen wei nodded.

and as promised, they went for a small walk at the park after their dinner. shen wei's arm was intertwined with his lover's arm "i remembered when you kept talking about marriage before." shen wei smiled "i'm actually serious about it." zhao yunlan chuckled "you don't look serious." he teased. shen wei sighed "i'm so sorry that i forgot about our anniversary." shen wei said. he was stil embarrassed. "how can i make it up to you?" shen wei asked.

"if you say yes." zhao yunlan smirked. shen wei gave a confused expression. zhao yunlan then came in front of him and went on one knee. "shen wei.. will you marry me?" he said as he pulled out the beautiful ring. shen wei felt tears of joy forming in his eyes. "yes!" shen wei said happily. zhao yunlan smiled and stood up. he placed the ring on his finger. "wow, this is beautiful." he smiled.

shen wei was at the point of shedding tears of joy. "god, i didn't expect this." shen wei said as he wiped his tears. zhao yunlan smiled and pulled him into a passionate kiss. shen wei kissed back as zhao yunlan made the move. then shortly after, they both pulled away slowly. "told you i was serious about it." zhao yunlan smirked. shen wei then hit him on his shoulder playfully "i swear to god if you cheat on me i'll divorce you." shen wei glared at him. "i won't do that!" zhao yunlan laughed.

his heart was filled with joy. now that shen wei had say yes he can spend the rest of his life with him. 

"finally i've made you mine." zhao yunlan said as shen wei smiled in reply.



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