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shen wei opened his eyes slowly. once his vision has completely focused he didn't see zhao yunlan beside him already. he quickly got up and saw him preparing breakfast in the kitchen. "ah shen wei. you're awake." zhao yunlan smiled "how are you feeling?" he asked. "i'm okay." shen wei replied. zhao yunlan touches his forehead again. his temperature was warm "i guess you're okay now but you still have to rest." zhao yunlan added.

he places the down on the table as shen wei sat down "here eat your breakfast." he says and sat across him. "thank you." shen wei said and he started eating. shen wei wasn't wearing his eyeglasses that's why zhao yunlan was able to focus on his eyes properly. 'damn why are you beautiful'. he thought to himself. "is there something wrong?" shen wei asked. "oh nothing." zhao yunlan shook his head. "aren't you gonna eat?" he asked. "nah i'm good." zhao yunlan smiled. "are you sure?" he asked . zhao yunlan just nodded.

it was silent between. it was that awkward silence. "wasn't it weird when i slept beside you last night?" zhao yunlan asked, breaking the silence "no. it wasn't." shen wei casually replied "it was good that you were there. when the power went off i was frightened." he added. "oh yeah.. you're afraid of the dark." zhao yunlan chuckled. shen wei avoided eye contact due to embarrassment. "don't worry i won't tell anyone." he added. 

zhao yunlan stayed in his apartment for a little while. "aren't you not going to work?" shen wei asked him "i will. let me just stay with you a little longer." zhao yunlan smiled. "i didn't expect you to be this kind, zhao yunlan." shen wei blurted out of the blue. "ah don't mention it." zhao yunlan said. "it's already eleven, you should go to work now." shen wei said. "really? it's eleven?" he asked and shen wei nodded. zhao yunlan stood up. "take your medicine, okay? text me or call me whenever there's something wrong." he said before he exited his apartment.

shen wei then unconsciously smiled. he didn't know what to feel. he was just happy that zhao yunlan came. maybe that's what he has been feeling.


while they were investigating on the mafia case, the squad was intrigued to hear zhao yunlan's experience at shen wei's apartment. "wait why did you go there?" lin jing asked "had to take care of him." zhao yunlan responded "did he at least remember anything from the past?" da qing asked. "no." zhao yunlan shook his head. "so how did you sleep there?" zhu hong asked "beside him." he replied. "seriously?" lao chu asked. "yeah." he replied.

the squad were still in shock. "you didn't do something, didn't you?" lin jing smirked "do you want me to cut off your bonus?" zhao yunlan growled "so you're just flirting with him?" lao chu asked. "of course. if he doesn't really regain his memory then we're back to square one." he said. "i hope professor shen remembers something. making someone fall for you is hard." xiao guo said. 

"if you were in my place, it is really hard chief zhao." zhu hong stated. "when i liked you, i did everything in my power so that you can like me back but it didn't work. i have to say you have to mentally prepare yourself for the consequences. he's reincarnated already. his feelings have changed." she explained. "damn, you depressed or what?" lin jing laughed then zhu hong hit his shoulder. "i'm just saying it's gonna be a pain in the ass, man." said zhu hong. "what if his memories were in his dreams? maybe he'll remember that." xiao guo said.

everyone agreed but zhao yunlan didn't "i don't believe that happened to him." he responded. "but i'm not gonna loose hope to get him back." he added.


early in the evening da qing was helping zhao yunlan fold some of his clothes that he got from the fresh laundry. da qing sleeps on a small bed since he turns into a cat when he sleeps. "finally new clothes." zhao yunlan said as he placed some in his closet. "i have to say you're apartment is clean right now." da qing said "yeah of course. i promised myself to clean as much as possible." zhao yunlan smirked.

da qing then saw an odd handkerchief in the pile of clean clothes. "hey, zhao yunlan." he called. "hm?" he hummed as he fixed some of his clothes in the closet. "who owns this?" da qing asked then zhao yunlan noticed the handkerchief he was holding. "ah shit it's shen wei's." he mumbled. "shen wei?" he asked. zhao yunlan nodded.

"how did it get here? you did something, didn't you?" da qing said as he sets the handkerchief aside. "give me that." he grabbed the handkerchief. "so, how did it get here?" da qing asked while he folds some of his clothes. "he gave it to me when it was our first meeting." he responded. "how come?" da qing responded. "remember the time my hand was bleeding? he used it so that my hand wouldn't bleed more." zhao yunlan answered.

da qing slowly nodded his head in reply. "when do you plan to give it back?" he asked "i don't know. maybe in a few days when he's feeling better." zhao yunlan said as he folded some of his clothing. "you know you can just not give it back." da qing smirked. "and why would i do that?" zhao yunlan raised an eyebrow "it's kinda romantic when you keep something that one of your loved one gave you." he chuckled. "i have to say... if shen wei finds his handkerchief here he would feel appreciated." he added. zhao yunlan agreed. "yea you have a point." he said.

"plus, i bet his handkerchief was drenched in your blood. so better not to give it to him." da qing said. zhao yunlan nodded in reply. later on, they were able to finish fixing his clothes and da qing fell asleep early. zhao yunlan wanted to check on shen wei so he texted him.

zhao yunlan
you okay?

shen wei

don't worry i feel fine

shen wei
thank you for watching over me last night.

zhao yunlan
no problem :)

zhao yunlan
i mean i always wanted to take care of u lol

shen wei

zhao yunlan

shen wei
it's already late. you should go to bed

zhao yunlan
yea you too

shen wei
okay.. good night

zhao yunlan
good night
seen 11:56pm

zhao yunlan turned off his phone. he smiled then he dozed off.

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