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the sky was engulfed with darkness and beautiful stars. the squad were still working on the confession they had a while ago "you were brave back there." da qing said to xiao guo. he went flustered upon his words "so this is some real mafia shit." zhu hong said "now that we have his confession. we should expet bigger attacks from them." zhao yunlan said "how do we track the mastermind of this?" lin jing asked "i don't know." zhao yunlan replied. "we should just stayed prepared." he added.

at the mafia's hideout, their boss is still calm. "boss, they found out about our plans what do we do now?" their member said "calm down. i have further plans for them. let's keep it on the low, okay?" he says "but-" he was cut off "i've got this don't worry." he smirked.


shen wei had just finished his work. he organized his items before leaving his office. once he arrived at his apartment he continued reading where he left off. the books he borrowed were with him for a few days now. shen wei laid down on his bed while he reads his book but suddenly he felt his eyes getting heavy.

it was in the middle of the night. zhao yunlan was awakened by some sudden noise. he stood up and checked if shen wei was doing something. shen wei stayed with him for one more night to check up on him. "shen wei, you're still hungry?" zhao yunlan asked as he headed to the kitchen. shen wei was startled then he dropped the knife he was holding.

zhao yunlan was surprised. he saw shen wei so pale as ever. he came closer to shen wei. he grabbed his wrist which was deeply cut. "what did you do in order to heal my eyes?" he asked. shen wei just walked past by him. "i used half of my life." shen wei responded. zhao yunlan came to him "why? why did you do that?" zhao yunlan asked. "it's for you." shen wei simply replied. "i want you to live! i-don't want to loose you again." shen wei said as tears fell.

he then quickly wiped his tears "the cut must've hurt." zhao yunlan said "it's alright i'm used to it." shen wei smiled weakly then with his power he was able to heal the wound. zhao yunlan quickly hugged him. "z-zhao  yunlan. i love you." shen wei said as tears fell from his eyes. "i love you too." he replied.

(ok i used one episode for a reference but i added a tWiSt yEeHaw. aight cOnTiNue rEadIng)

shen wei was quickly awakened. he felt tears streaming down his face as he breathes heavily. he grabs his phone and checked what time is it. it was 1am already. "shen wei it's just a dream." he told himself. he quickly wiped his tears. why is he crying? he barely even knows zhao yunlan. the dream he had wasn't a dream, it was a memory. due to his memory loss he couldn't really recall that moment.

he then tried to sleep but he couldn't.


the next day, shen wei wasn't feeling good. maybe he was lacking sleep and he didn't eat much. he chose to walk to the university instead since it was just a walking distance. during his lecture he couldn't stop thinking about zhao yunlan. questions popped in his head like: why did he dream about him? why did the dream occur.

"okay class dismissed." he said. "did you notice professor shen was kinda off?" "yeah i did." the students whispered as they exited the classroom. he has to admit, he was a mess. while he fixed his books he made a decision to go and return the borrowed books.

shen wei was feeling a bit weak but he didn't mind it. once he reached the precinct he knocked on the door. "yea yea okay." the person said before facing shen wei "oh professor shen!" xiao guo says happily "what brings you here?" he asked "i need to bring back some books." shen wei replied with a smile. "sure come in." xiao guo smiled back.

once shen wei came to the library he spotted zhu hong cleaning the place "ah professor shen. i see you need to return the books." zhu hong says. shen wei nodded. he scanned the place as zhu hong logs in the books "is chief zhao here?" he asked "uhm yeah. want me to get him for you?" zhu hong replied. "oh no thanks." he smiled.

he heard footsteps from downstairs so he looked down and leaned on the railing. it was zhao yunlan. he didn't want to make an appearance but as soon as shen wei tried to ignore him zhao yunlan saw him already. "shen wei!" he called. shen wei sighed as zhao yunlan rushes to him upstairs.

right of the bat, zhao yunlan notices shen wei is off. "woah shen wei, you okay?" zhao yunlan asked "i'm alright." shen wei smiled weakly "i'm just dizzy." he added. zhao yunlan feels like his heart might explode as he talks to him. "what happened?" zhao yunlan asked but shen wei didn't answer.

"did you have enough sleep?" 


"did you eat?"


"wait are you sick?" zhao yunlan asked worriedly "no i'm no— hey! what are you doing?!" shen wei was startled when zhao yunlan places his hand in his forehead. he felt he was hot. shen wei just blushed but to be true, he is sick. "yeah you're sick" zhao yunlan said. "i'll get you home." he added. "i can go home by myself, chief zhao." shen wei protested "something bad might happen to you on the streets." zhao yunlan replied "i'll buy you medicine and bring you home." zhao yunlan grabbed shen wei's wrist and headed downstairs. 

once they came inside zhao yunlan's truck, shen wei leaned on the chair. "all right let's get you some medicine." zhao yunlan said as they drove to the pharmacy. "here's the moeny for the medicine." shen wei handed while zhao yunlan was driving. he pushed shen wei's hand away. "you don't have to. you're the one who's sick." he said and continued driving.

they were able to get the medicine they need so it was kinda quick to go back to shen wei's place. once they arrived it was only early in the afternoon. zhao yunlan wanted to smash in shen wei's place. 


zhao yunlan didn't expect the cleanliness of the professor. it was not a surprise to him that he's a very decent guy. he knows shen wei like an open book. shen wei closed the door as they both came inside. shen wei removed his blazer and placed it on the couch. 

"you can stay for a while if you want." shen wei says as he makes his tea. "sure. but i'll take care of you." zhao yunlan smirked at shen wei. zhao yunlan plopped on his couch. "you don't have to do that, chief zhao." shen wei replied. "oh i have to." zhao yunlan then flashed a smirk at shen wei.

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