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the sound of the door creaking open suddenly woken up shen wei. he rubbed his eyes and saw the nurse. the young girl was just going to change zhao yunlan's fluids. "uhm ms. what time is it?" he softly asked. "it's five in the morning, sir." she responded as she finishes up her work. "looks like the patient is not awake, huh?" she says "yeah." shen wei sighed. 

the nurse noticed how drained shen wei is. he also had puffy eyes once he woke up. "sir how many hours have you been watching over him?" she asked "about nine hours i suppose." he replied "here. take these vitamins, sir. i'm sure it will help your immune system." she smiled and placed the vitamins on the side table. "thank you." shen wei smiled back then the nurse left the room.

all shen wei could remember is he was just breaking down into tears. he had fallen asleep with his head resting on the bed. shen wei stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. he shortly came back and sat down on the chair beside the bed. "zhao yunlan, when will you wake up? you're making me worried." shen wei said as he tried to hold back his tears. shen wei gave a big sigh. 

meanwhile at the SID, they were back to work. it has been peaceful but it was sad. zhao yunlan hasn't woken up. "xiao guo." da qing called "yes?" xiao guo replied "shen wei is at the hospital. get some food for him, okay?" da qing says and hands him the money. xiao guo nodded and took off.

he bought some food then went to the hospital. xiao guo knocked on the hospital room for several times. once the door opened he was welcomed by shen wei. "professor shen." xiao guo smiled "please come in." shen wei says. xiao guo closed the door as shen wei sat down on the chair. "professor shen, i have some food for you." xiao guo said as he places the food on the table.

shen wei just smiled in reply. "no thank you." he politely refused "but professor, you need to eat." xiao guo says. shen wei sighed "i will." he replied. "are you alright, professor?" xiao guo asked "i am. i'm just worried." shen wei says "chief zhao will surely wake up soon. he's strong." xiao guo smiled. shen wei smiled back in reply "professor shen, i'll go ahead now." xiao guo says.

xiao guo makes his way to the door "take care." shen wei smiled. "i will. take care of yourself as well." xiao guo smiled back and he was off to work. shen wei really didn't have the appetite to eat but he forced himself to eat even if it means throwing  up the food.


three days has passed and still no signs of zhao yunlan waking up. shen wei felt really weak. each member of the SID visits the hospital to check if zhao yunlan is okay and to also check if shen wei was doing well. "professor shen, are you really keeping up with your health?" da qing asked with a worried expression "i'm alright, da qing." shen wei weakly smiled. 

"with zhao yunlan not yet awake, it makes me worried a lot." shen wei added, trying to hold back his tears. "don't you want to call your twin?" da qing suggested "no. he might be busy." shen wei bluntly replied "professor shen, at least talk to someone." da qing says "you know, chief zhao will get mad if he sees you like this." he added.

shen wei suddenly felt uneasy. he suddenly rushed to the toilet and threw up. "professor shen." da qing rushed to his side "give me your phone. i'll call your brother for you." da wing said and snatched his phone. shen wei continued to throw up until he was weak. 

later on, his brother sent him to his apartment. da qing took care of zhao yunlan instead. "why did you keep on vomiting?" his twin brother, yezun asked "maybe i really didn't like the food." shen wei replied as he was resting on the bed. yezun placed the bowl of soup on the table next to his bed. yezun sat on his bed "wei ge, you really had to date him, huh?" he says "what could i do? i love him, didi." shen wei chuckled.

yezun sighed. "ge, sit down and drink your soup." he says and handed him the bowl. "thank you." shen wei smiled "how's your masteral going?" shen wei asked "it's pretty good. the school you enrolled me to anyways is pretty elite." yezun says. yezun placed his hand on shen wei's forehead "damn you're temperature is rising." yezun says as he removes his hand "i'm gonna be fine, didi." shen wei gave a reassuring smile.

when shen wei was finished eating. yezun took care of him "wei ge, are you going to sleep now?"  yezun asked "yes. this headache is killing me." shen wei says "why?" he asked "nothing. i just wanted to ask you something before i go to sleep." yezun says "what do you want to ask?" shen wei smiled. "i know the answer to this question but i'm gonna still ask you. where did you get the money to enroll me in a good university?" yezun says.

shen wei just stayed silent. he sighed "from my salary, didi." shen wei smiled "but the rest is history." he added "i mean i get where you get the money for my masteral but how about for our studies? where did you get the money from that?" yezun says "i worked, right? the salary is pretty big before." shen wei replied. yezun sighed "where did you work then?" yezun asked. "you never tell me where you work." he added. 

then again, there was silence. "fine, wei ge." yezun sighed "i won't interview you anymore." yezun says as he turns off the main lights. shen wei removed his eyeglasses and placed it on the table. "i was just curious, wei ge." yezun says as he settles on the couch. "it's alright. go to sleep already." shen wei said as he tucked himself in.

"good night, wei ge." yezun says "good night, didi." shen wei replied.

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