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later in the night, zhao yunlan prepared shen wei's dinner. it was currently quarter to eight and shen wei hasn't eaten yet. he placed the food on the table in front of the couch. shen wei came out of the bathroom wearing a sweater. "shen wei you should eat first before you drink your medicine." he said "yeah i will." shen wei said as he sat on the couch next to him. 

shen wei didn't feel like eating so he just stared at his food "if you want to get well you better eat." zhao yunlan said as he munched on the rice "i really don't have the appetite to eat." shen wei replied. "just eat a little then you could drink your medicine." zhao yunlan advised. shen wei gulped and forced himself to eat. 

this got zhao yunlan thinking, shen wei has never been this weak. he thought that shen wei would be stronger but no. "how come your immune system is so weak? do you oftentimes get sick?" zhao yunlan asked "uhm i don't know. i thought yezun was more frail than me but it turns out i'm the frail one." shen wei said as he sipped his tea. "yezun your twin, right?" zhao yunlan says. "yes. i've mentioned him to you before." shen wei said as he drinks his medicine. "did you even eat?" zhao yunlan asked. shen wei nodded in reply.

"about yezun." zhao yunlan started "what's he doing right now?" he asked "he is currently studying masterals in business administration. we haven't talked much since he's so busy." shen wei replied "must've been hard living far away from each other huh?" zhao yunlan says "it is." shen wei nodded. "how are you feeling right now?" zhao yunlan asks "a bit dizzy" shen wei says.


after cleaning up shen wei headed to his bed with a book on his hand. "you usually read before you sleep?" he asked and shen wei nodded as he sat on his bed "it's the only way i could make myself sleepy enough." shen wei smiled. "oh, where are you going to sleep, chief zhao?" he asked. "on the couch and stop calling me 'chief' you know, we're friends." zhao yunlan replied. "then, zhao yunlan." shen wei cleared his throat. "you don't have a blanket with you. you might get cold." he added.

zhao yunlan admired shen wei's concerns about him. "i'll use my jacket." he smiled. shen wei nodded in reply "sorry i don't have an extra mat and a blanket. i don't usually let any visitor stay overnight." shen wei said. "it's alright." zhao yunlan flashed a smile. "you don't have lectures tomorrow?" he asked "no i don't." shen wei answered. "do you want me to take care of you tomorrow as well?" zhao yunlan asked "i think i can handle myself tomorrow." shen wei smiled.

once zhao yunlan laid down on the couch "are you sure you're okay there? we can switch." shen wei offered. "no it's okay unless.."  zhao yunlan smirked "unless?" shen wei raised an eyebrow "unless we share a bed if you're comfortable with it." zhao yunlan said. "you might catch a cold if we stay together. but i'm okay if you wanna share a bed." shen wei said. "you're serious, right?" zhao yunlan said.

he was very surprised when shen wei was comfortable sharing a bed with him "i mean we're just sleeping on the same bed, right? so it's okay." shen wei smiled "why won't you stay here instead?" he asked "are you sure?" zhao yunlan suddenly sat up. "yeah." shen wei smiled. 

'ok zhao yunlan don't be a pervert' he thought to himself.

then he headed to shen wei's bed. "you are sure about this right?" he asked "yes. now just lay down here and sleep." shen wei said. zhao yunlan turned off the main lights leaving the lamp light on. the lamp was on the side table. shen wei moved to give zhao yunlan a decent space. shen wei removed his eyeglasses and places it on the table

"good night zhao yunlan."

"good night shen wei."


while the night was getting old the power suddenly went off. the lamp wasn't on soit was pitch black in shen wei's apartment. "zhao yunlan." shen wei whispered to him "zhao yunlan wake up." he shook him multiple times until he heard a groan "what is it?" zhao yunlan replied. "there's a power outage. i need you to light some candles." shen wei said.

zhao yunlan pulled out his phone "god who would do a power interruption this late at night?" he complained. he turned on his flashlight that's on his phone. he checked the cupboards if there were any candles. fortunately there were and there was a match. he lights up two scented candles and places it on the side table beside the bed. "were you scared?" zhao yunlan asked as he sat on the bed beside shen wei.

shen wei got embarrassed "yes" he avoided eye contact with zhao yunlan. zhao yunlan was able to see his face due to the candlelight though it is dim. "that's alright. i won't tell anyone." zhao yunlan chuckled. he then laid down again. "just sleep it off." he said. shen sei laid down as well. "i can't sleep." he said "seriously?" zhao yunlan faced him. now they're lying down facing each other.

zhao yunlan sighed "is this why you're immune system is so low? it's because you can't sleep?" he said "probably." shen wei shrugged "i've never been close to you this way." shen wei added. "what do you mean?" zhao yunlan asked "for a friend like you, i've never been this close." shen wei explained. he then sighed "i can't really sleep." he said. zhao yunlan laughed at him "then blink your eyes a million times." zhao yunlan said. shen wei did it anyways. 

still, he couldn't sleep. the power is still out and he fears the darkness "just close your eyes. then think about random events that happened then you can sleep." zhao yunlan said "okay.." shen wei said. it took him quite a while to sleep. zhao yunlan then checked if he was sleeping by poking his cheeks. "not budging. he's definitely asleep." he whispered.

zhao yunlan sighed "i swear shen wei, i'll make you mine... again."


damn, three updates in a row is smth hAh. never been this focused yeehaw 😎

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