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a week has passed yet no sign of the chief waking up. "so how's shen wei?" asked zhu hong as she sat on the chair beside the hospital bed "his brother came and took care of him. he's just tired." da qing replied. lin jing gave a big sigh "what's with the sigh, you nerd?" lao chu asked "it's just chief zhao isn't awake yet." he replied. "i'm sure he's gonna wake up soon." xiao guo said to brighten up the mood.

meanwhile, yezun was still taking care of his sick brother. "any news of zhao yunlan?" yezun asked as he sat on the bed beside shen wei "he's still not awake." shen wei frowned. yezun sighed "it's been a week already and he's not yet awake." he addded. shen wei worried more. his appetite was letting go of his body day by day and his sleep schedule was a mess. he had countless sleepless nights because of his worry.

"why don't you sleep first?" yezun says "it's too early to go back to sleep." shen wei said "wei ge, you have to sleep. you're sick and tired." yezun insisted. "fine.." shen wei said softly then he laid down and drifted off to sleep.


zhao yunlan's eyes opened his eyes slowly. zhu hong's eyes widened. she then stood up "hey guys i think he's awake." she said. the others came close "i'll call the doctor." xiao guo said and exited the room. zhao yunlan felt his throat was so dry. his eyes focused on them "what time is it?" he asked with a raspy voice "nine in the morning." lin jing responded. the doctor suddenly came in and checked if his pupils dilated. 

the doctor smiled "he's okay now. you'll just need to fill in some papers then he'll be ready for discharge." he said "thank you." zhu hong bowed and the doctor exited the room. da qing helped zhao yunlan sit up. "how lang has i been asleep?" he asked "for a week." lao chu replied. zhao yunlan was surprised "damn." he mumbled. "how are you, chief zhao?" xiao guo asked "i'm alright." he smiled. 

"well, you scared the shit out of us." lin jing said "really?" zhao yunlan chuckled. "we're never bringing you in another mission." zhu hong rolled her eyes "shen wei even thought you might never wake up." da qing said. zhao yunlan then suddenly looked at da qing "where's shen wei?" he asked with a worried expression "at home with his twin brother. since he didn't have enough energy he got sick while he looked after you." da qing replied.

zhao yunlan sighed in reply. "i really want to get discharged." he groaned "you miss shen wei already?" lao chu asked "of course. i made him worried all day long." he sighed. "when you're discharged already you can go to shen wei." zhu hong smiled. 

as soon as he was discharged he went to shen wei's apartment. he didn't know what to say since his brother is there. he knocked on the door several times until he was welcomed by his brother, yezun. "oh zhao yunlan." yezun said. he was bit surprise since he came unexpectedly "come in." he said and the both went inside. "wei ge is sleeping. you can wake him up, i suppose." yezun said. "nah. i'll do it later." zhao yunlan said as he setteled on the couch.

yezun sat beside him "i heard you got the mafia already." yezun stated "yeah. do you know them?" zhao yunlan replied "kind of. my friends mention them to me." yezun replied "woah, how do they know them?" zhao yunlan asked "i don't know. probably because of their family members." yezun said as he leaned on the couch. "i'm kinda curious, how did you survive without parents?" zhao yunlan said. yezun gave a smile "i really don't know. wei ge actually works for my tuition fees." he replied. 

"then where did he work?" zhao yunlan asked. yezun shrugged "i don't know. he never tells me." yezun replied. "oh yeah, did you wei ge had like a boyfriend before?" yezun smirked "they only dated in college don't worry." he added "oh wow i'm gonna tell your brother you keep exposing him to me." zhao yunlan said and went to shen wei's bed. hepoked shen wei's cheek in hopes he could wake him up. yezun then just stood there watching zhao yunlan.

shen wei groaned "yezun, cut it out." he pushed zhao yunlan's hand away. yezun and zhao yunlan wheezed "what the fuck-" zhao yunlan mouthed. "kiss him." yezun whispered to him. zhao yunlan just gave a confused look "just do it." he said. zhao yunlan then leaned in and gave a peck on shen wei's lips. shen wei suddenly opened his eyes "yezun what the-" he was cut off once he recognizes who's infront of him as he sat up.

he was surprised to the point tears formed in the corner of his eyes. "yunlan.." he said softly. shen wei quickly hugged zhao yunlan "i'm sorry i made you worried." zhao yunlan said. shen wei pulled away from the hug "i thought you might never wake up." shen wei said. "are you alright?" zhao yunlan asked. "yes. just a little tired." shen wei smiled. zhao yunlan pulled him into a kiss. yezun cleared his throat to signal them that he's watching them kiss.

shen wei quickly pulled away from the kiss. "so you've met my brother already." he smiled "yeah." zhao yunlan nodded. "you guys are really love birds." yezun rolled his eyes. "oh yeah wei ge, you have to eat already." yezun said. yezun placed the food on the table as shen wei sat down. zhao yunlan sat beside shen wei and yezun sat across them. 

zhao yunlan and yezun got a long pretty well. "its good seeing you two getting a long." shen wei said with a satisfied expression. "of course i have to get a long with him. he might be my brother in law." zhao yunlan smirked. 


aight this looks sloppy since i was in a hurry cuz i need to watch a musical aajdhwjsj

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