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at the precinct they were all busy looking for the suspect. for a few days some of them haven't got enough sleep especially, zhao yunlan. "we can't really identify the man." lin jing groans as he leans on his chair. "god! how are we gonna look for him?" zhao yunlan complained. they were all in lin jing's laboratory. "what's their deal anyways?" da qing asked "i don't know. maybe some mafia shit." zhu hong replied.

the warehouse was bright enough. "what can i do for you boss?" the young boy asked. the ypung man was only in his early twenties. "our goal is to wipe out about 100 people in total so that we could plant the drugs smoothly. if we get caught and we're on a lead then might as well wipe the whole population of this city." the man in his early forties said. "and why is that?" the youth asked "for wealth and power. to prove to my ancestors that i never disowned them." he smirked.

"chaoxiang, wipe out a maximum of ten civilians." he added. chaoxiang has a unique power. if he would stare and make eye contact for a minimum of ten seconds and a maximum of one minute, he could think of a way on how they can die. he can either manipulate them like the other one did or let their internal organs burn or bleed internally. very cruel indeed. "at least i get the money. i'll do it." he smirked.

the gang has planned on what to do. frame the civilian for the drug plantation to gain more money as they were announced guilty and take all the money or wipe the population to 85% to lessen the chance of getting caught up in the black market. currently, some of them are scamming multiple companies for the money. 

after wiping out the enough percentage of the population they will end the authorities and the higher security departments. this results to taking them hostage or worse, killing them. their weapons are simple: people. not ordinary people. they're dixing-ians. their leader has a power as well and is from dixing. he has an high extensive hearing. when he has the identity pf each person then he could hear everything. "i'll try to wipe out as much as i can." chaoxiang smirked.

he gave a quick glance at the gang and exited the warehouse. meanwhile at the SID, everyone was on their lunch break. zhao yunlan was just anticipating a call or a text from shen wei. "yes popcorn!" da qing cheered. they quickly got the newly cooked popcorn from lin jing's new invention. "aiyo that's hot." xiao guo says "but it's good." lin jing smirked. "hey you guys want lunch?" zhu hong asked as they munched on the popcorn. 

the whole squad nodded except zhao yunlan. zhao yunlan yet again his feet were on the table and he is lazily resting on the couch "chief zhao pay for our lunch." lao chu said. "do you want me to cut all of your pay checks?" zhao yunlan gave them a death glare "i'll treat you guys." xiao guo smiled and handed some money. "are you sure?" da qing asked "yea. it's better than chief zhao cutting our salary." xiao guo said.

zhu hong then grabbed the money "okay i'm gonna buy us some lunch."  zhu hong said but suddenly zhao yunlan's phone rang. he then checked on who was calling and then the caller ID read 'shen wei' "SHUT UP WAIT MY BAE IS CALLING!" he squealed "hello?" he responded. everyone was glancing  at zhao yunlan who is famgirl-ing right now.

"chief zhao, are you doing something?" shen wei asked "uh no, why?" zhao yunlan replied "oh i just really need to ask something to you. it's weird but by any chcance do you have some old books?" shen wei replied "we have a library here at the precinct. there are some archived books in here." zhao yunlan responded "can i go there?" shen wei says "of course!" zhao yunlan said happily. "oh shen wei, have you eaten lunchi yet?" he added "no. not really. i just got out of my lecture." he replied "then have lunch here instead, okay?" zhao yunlan said.

the squad was left confused as they listen to zhao yunlan's response to shen wei. "okay okay bye." he said then dropped the call. "what the fuck-" lin jing said "yeah what the fuck?" da qing said. "okay very random but he's coming here." zhao yunlan said "shen wei is coming here?" xiao guo asked "shen fucking wei is coming here?" lao chu asked "yea yea so zhu hong get lunch already." zhao yunlan replied. "but why does shen wei need to come here?" zhu hong asked "for the library. he needs books." zhao yunlan replied. 

zhu hong groaned then exited the precinct to buy lunch. "he still doesn't remember you, right?" lin jing asked "of course." zhao yunlan said as he stood up. "just please act normal when he comes." zhao yunlan sighed.

later on, shen wei came by and zhu hong was able to buy lunch already. "uh yes you haven't met them yet." zhao yunlan says as he points to the squad "i've met da qing but the others i haven't." he smiled in response "there's lao chu, xiao guo, zhu hong, and lin jing." zhao yunlan pointed at them respectively "ah nice to meet you all." shen wei smiled and they smiled back.

while they were eating it was kinda awkward "professor shen zhao yunlan told us a lot about you." xiao guo says "really?" shen wei said "yea like you're smart, tall, han-" before lin jing could finish zhao yunlan cut him off "you shut up or else i'll cut your bonus." he growled. shen wei just giggled. that little giggled just made zhao yunlan's heart explode. "let him finish, chief zhao." shen wei said "he said you're handsome." lao chu casually said.

shen wei got flustered and stared and zhao yunlan. the squad gave a little chuckle "shen wei, don't listen to them." zhao yunlan said "it's alright. at least they revealed what you talk about in work." shen wei replied. after eating shen wei proceeded to the library which was upstairs. while shen wei was getting some books zhao yunlan stared at him. 

the squad saw how zhao yunlan admired him. "so you still like him.." zhu hong said "of course. even though his present self he is one boyfriend material." he replied. shen wei came downstairs holding four books "i can borrow these, right?" he asked "yeah sure." zhao yunlan smiled. "i'll return them as soon as i can." shen wei smiled. then he looked at his watch "i have to go now." he said "i'll see you guys soon." he said to the squad and smiled. they smiled back in reply.

zhao yunlan guided shen wei out of the precinct "take care, alright?" zhao yunlan says "i will." shen wei said "thank you." he added then smiled. shen wei then proceeded to his car and drove off. zhao yunlan sighed then went back inside the precinct.

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