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as morning arrived, zhao yunlan woke up quite early. he couldn't sleep that much. as usual, shen wei was still sleeping peacefully. he did his usual routine before going to work. before leaving he grabbed the ear piece a he left it on the side table with a note. zhao yunlan then kissed shen wei's forehead before leaving his apartment.

once he arrived at the precinct they were still doing some further investigation before going to their location. "how are you holding up there?" zhao yunlan asked lin jing "pretty good." he replied. "did you give the earpiece to shen wei?" zhu hong asked "yeah. i just left it there." he replied. "what did you say to him?" zhu hong says "the usual." zhao yunlan sighed "really? you were able to persuade shen wei to let you go here?" da qing asked. zhao yunlan rolled his eyes "even though we fight about it i'll still go here." he replied. 

"did you guys fight?" zhu hong asked "no. well almost." zhao yunlan answered "was he awake when you left?" zhu hong says "no." zhao yunlan shook his head in reply. "if you die, it's not our fault." da qing chuckles. "shut up. i'm not gonna die." zhao yunlan glares at them. "if i die then i'll haunt you." zhao yunlan giggled. "okay i think we need to go now." lin jing says.

shen wei carefully opened his eyes as he felt the rays of the sun beaming on his skin. he grabbed his eyeglasses that were on the table beside the bed. he then saw a note on the table. he quickly sat up and read the note.

shen wei,

i'll text you when you have to place the earpiece. this will make you hear my voice while i'm gone. the only problem is that we won't be able to communicate. i'm sorry i left early. i promise that i won't die. love you.

- yunlan

his hands trembled in fear. it gave him anxiety just thinking zhao yunlan might either kill himself in the scene. he couldn't eat or either think straight. he didn't have a choice but to wait for the text that zhao yunlan will send.


they arrived at their location. lin jing and xiao guo were left in the truck to do some research while the others came with zhao yunlan. zhu hong then placed the microphone that was connected to the earpiece on hi shirt. "chief zhao let's go." da qing said. 

before going in zhao yunlan texted shen wei and luckily, shen wei quickly placed the earpiece on. zhao yunlan barged in then sanned the place. it was already humid inside since afternoon came. then they heard a loud bang. "shit!" zhu hong cursed and tried to spot the shooter. zhao yunlan glanced at zhu hong "are you alright?" he asked "yeah i am." zhu hong says.

zhu hong shoots down the shooter. then they hear someone clapping "well done, chief." the man who sounded like in his early forties said. he then stepped into the light. "mr. sy is the name." he smirked "where'd you place the fuse of the bomb?" zhao yunlan asked.

mr. sy laughed "wow you really wanna get it?" he said "you won't be able to get it because you'll die first." he says and pulls out a gun. "shoot them now!" mr. sy commanded. then loud bangs were heard. then zho yunlan tried to strik at mr. sy by shooting at his stomach and pinning him down. "where is the goddamn bomb?" zhao yunlan says. "why should i tell you?" he smirked.

zhao yunlan stood up and kicked mr. sy's gun. while the others were fighting zhao yunlan proceeded to the second floor of the abandoned building. "fuck where is it?" he mumbles. still shen wei was able to hear the gunshots and zhao yunlan's cursing. he removed his earpiece since he didn't want to hear the gunshots.

there was a wire and a transformer connected to a deconstructed pillar. "found it." he says. he runs to it and grabs a wire cutter. this was harder since if he cuts the wrong wire everything will blow up. mr. sy got the strength to get up and chased zhao yunlan. 

while lin jing was guiding zhao yunlan on cutting the wires over the phone mr. sy appears with a gun on his hand "don't you even dare." mr sy growls. zhao yunlan breathed heavily. zhao yunlan continues to cut the wires but once he cut the wire he was rewarded with a shot. he felt a hot pinch on his stomach then blood gushed out of his mouth. 

mr. sy laughed "cut one more wire i might kill you." he says "fuck you." zhao yunlan groans then pulls out his gun. he faces mr sy then quickly they were in a duel. "go and rot in hell." he added then he shot mr sy in the chest. unfortunately, he was able to time when he'll shoot zhao yunlan so he was shot in a critical point.

"fuck." zhao yunlan cursed as he touched his gunshot wound near his chest. he quickly cut the last wire. blood gushed out zhao yunlan's body. he felt weak then he fell to the ground unconscious. after defeating them, zhu hong quickly goes upstairs and finds a lifeless mafia boss and an unconcious chief.

she rushed to zhao yunlan's side quickly. she checked his pulse. luckily he still had a pulse. "get backup and an ambulance." she said through the radio. she got all her strength and tried to carry zhao yunlan. 


it was already around 6pm. shen wei fell asleep early. he was not himself lately since he's worrying about zhao yunlan so much. his phone suddenly rang. shen wei groggily got up and answered the phone. "hello?" he said softly. "good evening, this is the dragon city hospital. can we just clarify if you're the guardian of mr. zhao yunlan?" the lady over the phone says. shen wei's heart thumped fast. 

"y-yes. what happened to him?" shen wei's voice trembled "we request your presence here, sir. there's been an emergency regarding mr. zhao. he has been shot in a critical part of his body." she said. "okay i'm coming there. thanks." shen wei said and abruptly ended the phone call. he quickly got dressed and headed to the hospital. 

'this can't be happening. this can't be happening' that thought repeated in his head on his way to the hospital. once he arrived he was guided to zhao yunlan's room. he was welcomed by zhu hong once he entered his room. "professor shen," zhu hong says "what happened?" he asked worriedly. "he got shot. two shots to be exact." she replied.

shen wei glanced at zhao yunlan's unconscious body. "we were able to catch-up with the other mafia members." she added to brighten up the mood. shen wei sighed and sat on the chair beside the bed "did the doctors say when he's going to wake up?" he asked. zhu hong lowered her head and shook it. "we already talked about who'll watch over him. so we just scheduled ourselves." she said. "i'll take care of him instead." shen wei says.

zhu hong's eyes grew big "but professor shen-" she was cut off by him "you guys have to rest first. for now, i'll look after him." he says with a smile. "if you say so.." zhu hong says. "i'll go ahead, professor. good night." zhu hong says and pats shen wei's shoulder before leaving. "good night." he replied as zhu hong exited the room.

when he was already all alone he broke down into tears.

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