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"hey guys who's your emergency contact?" da qing asks out of the blue as they were having their lunch. "wait let me check." zhu hong says as she checks her phone. "wait how do you even place an emergency contact?" she asked "why you don't have one?" da qing asks "yeah." she replied as she munched on her noodles.

xiao guo pulled out his phone "my emergency contact is my uncle." he said "hah xiao guo is my emergency contact." lao chu said "why?" xiao guo asked "cause you have an uncle and he could help me out." lao chu chuckled "mine is zhao yunlan." da qing said "oh what really?" zhao yunlan asked as he ate his rice "mine i s da qing." lin jing said. "what?" da qing asked. "you guys have emergency contacts?" zhu hong asked.

the whole squad looked at her "uhm yeah??" zhao yunlan said "like my emergency contact is shen wei." he added "just add me in your emergency contact." lin jing said "no i don't trust you." zhu hong said "he's really not gonna save your ass."  zhao yunlan laughed "hey lao chu is it okay with you if i put you my emergency contact?" she asked "sure i really don't do anything in life anyways." lao chu said.

zhu hong then set his contact as an emergency contact "ah there. someone can save my ass if i get into danger or anything." she said. "by the way zhao yunlan, have you gone on a date already with shen wei?" zhu hong asked "huh? like what?" he asked "like eating out? the usually man." lin jing says "no. not yet." zhao yunlan shook his head "he's been busy for a while now." zhao yunlan added. zhu hong slowly nodded.

"don't you have a boyfriend yet, zhu hong?" asked zhao yunlan "a boyfriend? no." zhu hong says. "how bout a girlfriend?" zhao yunlan chuckled "i don't have one." zhu hong rolled her eyes at him. "or you still like chief zhao?" da qing asked "hell no." she said "how come?" lin jing asked "he has shen wei. like he's a homosexual." zhu hong said "wow homosexual." zhao yunlan said "shut the fuck up it's true." she giggled.


before the kidnap is gonna happen. tan had to make sure no one was around. that's why he blended in as a student in the university. "hey kid are you in?" of them said through the ear piece "yeah chill dude." tan said "do you even know his schedule?" they asked "ah shit." he cursed "i think i need to call boss. wait." tan said. 

he then quickly went to a cuibicle in the  restroom and dialed his boss's number. "hello?" mr sy greeted bluntly "hey boss. i think i need the schedule of this professor." tan said. he tried to keep his voice low. "wasn't it on the personal data folder?" he asked "no. that's why i thought if you had it." tan said. "okay wait let me send it to you." mr sy said.

tan felt reassured "don't fail me now." mr sy smirked over the phone "reminder, you have to kill the chief not him." mr sy added "wow a change of plans. why is that?" tan asked "i just remembered how insignificant he is. yes, he has a relation to the chief that would make him suffer more. our goal is just to lure the chief in." mr sy explained. tan nodded over the phone.

"sounds smart." tan smirked "i know." mr sy says "okay i got the schedule." mr sy said "okay thanks." tan says "don't fail me now, son."  mr sy said as he dropped the call. then he was able to receive a soft copy of his personal data. he was surprised on how detailed the personal data was. 

he then read about his schhedule. "hmm okay okay." he whispers to himself "huh? low tolerance of alcohol." tan read out loud but in a whispering tone. "hey guys, what kind of fluids did you pack in my bag?" he asked the men through the ear piece "drugs duh." one of them said "just use your teleportation powers and get it over with."  he said "tch. fine." tan rolled his eyes.

tan came out of the restroom and went out. he tried to look for his class and successfully he was able to do it.


meanwhile in the SID, they were still on the mafia case. "anything suspicious?" zhu hong asked "nothing really." da qing sighed. they were just filing and doing the usual things they were doing. zhu hong then wondered "no one is tracking our data, right?" she asked "no." da qing replied as he done his work on the monitor.

on the other hand, tan was becoming a professional stalker. let's talk about his powers. he can just suck the air out of your body and you basically choke to death. that's why he was called as a choking boy. he has a youthful appearance. he is only 17 years old and he stopped studying.

mr sy recruited him already since he was 15. he discovered his powers and thought of what to do with him. currently he has made a lot of money right now. he would kill for a million dollars. he just needed the money. if he were to get caught he might as well escape. he has teleportation abilities. his medium is heat. if there's no warmth or heat most likely his powers get terminated.

once shen wei was in his office a student came by. shen wei talked with the student outside his office. tan was able to teleport fast enough. he saw the tea sitting there so he quickly dumped in the substance for knocking him out. when shen wei was done talking to his student he came back inside. before he even work he drank the drugged tea. he was completely knocked out.


at zhao yunlan's apartment da qing was there "its already night time and shen wei isn't replying." zhao yunlan groaned and flopped down on his bed. "maybe he's sleeping." da qing said as he was playing video games "how many messages did you sent?" he asked "a hundred maybe." zhao yunlan said. 

the dean was checking around the university. he then came into shen wei's office. to his surprise he was gone. his things were still there and there was unfinished paper works. he then panicked. "guard!" he called "yes sir?" the guard came in quickly "tell the police someone is missing." he said.


this was kinda boring bUt i tRied gUys

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