Chapter 1

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Katniss POV
(I will do the whole book in her POV
most likely)

Its been a month since the war. People are helping rebuild district 12. I live in victors village in our... I mean my house. I'm always alone. I don't talk to anyone one or even eat. Sometimes Greasy Sae or Hamitch come over and try to get me to eat. I won't though. I'm still mourning for P-P-PP-Prim.

*An Hour Later*

I sit down on the sofa. My stomach growls. I haven't eaten for days. I admit, Sae and Hamitch leave food for me and I do eat it. Sometimes...
But I don't deserve to eat. IF I WOULDN'T OF STARTED THAT STUDID WAR AND BECAME THE MOCKING JAY PRIM WOULDN'T BE DEAD! I sigh. She would be with mom in our old house at the seam and I would be dead. There would be a new victor. Probably Pee... I suddenly start crying, no, bawling my eyes out. I miss him so much!

*Minutes Later*

I still lay on the couch. I'm still crying but not as much as earlier. I hear a knock on the door. I just ignore it. Then, more knocking. I ignore it, again. Then, someone bursts threw the door! They broke my door! At first I was too shocked to see who it was, but then I see him standing there, "Peeta?"

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