Chapter 28

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A few days later

I decided to stop moping in the hotel and party a bit...

Nikki stayed by my side today, he dragged me to this club he said all the guys were at. It was dark, Nikki led me to a table where Tommy, Mick, and Slash were sitting.

"hey sis" Tommy smiled as I smiled back at all the boys, Slash looked like a statue and so did Mick.

"can I have a bump?" I asked innocently.

"fine." Tommy said, chopping up a line for me as Nikki's hand stood on my hip. Tommy set up a clean line, as I bent down I felt Nikki lift up my hair, I smirked to myself. As I snorted the white powder, I lifted my head as Nikki let my hair free I shot him a little glare as I patted my nose lightly with my wrist to wipe excess powder off, the rush already starting.

Nikki and I went off to get drinks, have barely danced and my body felt like it was burning up it felt like a fever dream but good fever dream? I took the cup filled with I think Vodka, or Jack maybe it was both who knows. I took a big sip, I was feeling confident and Optimistic, thank the lord for coke, I gave Nikki a kiss as he turned to what almost felt like slow motion and smiled and held my waist as we swayed to the music, I looked up at Nikki and smiled, all the worrying went away, he pulled me closer and smiled. He held my chin, as loud as the music was booming and people were screaming and shouting, the world around us closed, my eyes closed for a quick second recalling a certain event.

A few years ago...

Izzy had already arrived in LA, of course he was a newbie just struggling and broke as Motley was at the time, though Motley was rising quickly...

Izzy was first in the band called 'The Naughty Women' I met him while he was playing with was a short lived romance that meant more then how long it was...

I had just broken up with Jeffery or Isabel, or for the sake of the story, Izzy. Nikki was cleaning up the diner he was working at part time, Tommy was also off working but Isabel was performing at a bar a few minutes away so it was fine and remember at this time Me, and all the boys of Motley Crue were living under the same roof, plus I don't mind seeing Nikki...I mean who would? In a lot cases you can maybe say Nikki was one of my best friends, I kept plopping my head down as my wrist stayed up holding a cigarette in my hand, the sound of nothing but light music playing in the background and the sound of Nikki putting up chairs and clinking glasses.

was it right to end it with him? who knows...I need to grow up. Izzy was a young love sort thing but not all young love's have to end right? Holy shit this sucks...he was kind of a bitch sometimes anyway but he seemed to liked me a lot too so was it me? was I the childish one? Compared to Isabel? oh hell no.

I groaned as Nikki put up the last chair and untied the little apron from his waist he was forced to wear.

He leaned on the bar stool next to me as I took my last drag out of the cigarette and placed it on the ashtray and looked at him.

"what's happened to you?" he asked in his casual Nikki attitude

"Jeffery and I broke it off" I sighed "maybe I shouldn't have but I don't know" thinking about it made my head spin, I hung my head low as I felt Nikki prop me up, he held my hand and dragged me out the bar stool. I rolled my eyes as he brought me in front of the juke box, and swayed me around. I giggled.

"oh come on dude" he smiled as he twirled me, as I turned back we heard a song that we were both familiar with...I've heard Nikki play it a few times maybe even Tommy. No wonder why Nikki worked here, what Juke box would have T. Rex on it

Both our eyes met as we smiled and he quickly pulled my waist closer to him has I put my arms around his neck. We swayed to the song and smiled, it felt like we were in some cheesy movie or some shit but it felt nice.

"so...who's Jeffery Dean?" he asked

"he's the current guitarist for London"

"London? hell has everyone played for London?" he laughed

"you love him?" he asked, making me feel a bit flustered for some reason, I smiled.

"I mean it felt like love, but I don't know if it" I said  in almost a question, shit am I stupid.? I looked down at our moving feet and laughed to myself.

"hey" he said making me lift my head up, I never really noticed how green his eyes were jeez, fuck rock n roll he should model, hell maybe both. "it's alright" he smiled.

"damn. I remember being in London" he smiled "singer was an asshole" he said making me laugh.

"damn those guys must of have their paws all over you!" he chuckled

"yeah Jefferey said that too" I giggled, oh no don't go thinking about all the shit he said again.

"come on dance with me" he smiled "come on a T Rex song is on and you're telling me you don't want to dance?" he coaxed

I rolled my eyes and smiled

"ugh fine you got me" I laughed as Nikki quickly lifted me up and laughed as the music played, we shuffled around a bit before, Nikki quickly grabbed my hand and walked toward the booths and jumped onto a table I followed as we twirled on the table jumping onto the different booths and strutting around, I got to the last Nikki on the floor dancing along as he laughed. I kicked my boots and shimmied and smiled as my boots stepped down into what felt like nothing, until Nikki caught me setting my feet down on the floor as the song slowed down and ended.

He smiled his teeth shining out as I was trying to process what musical I was just in two minutes ago, I giggled to myself as he looked over to table he was in last seeing boot stain, we both let out a breathy laugh.

"shit my boss is gonna kill me" he laughed, and then shrugged.

"come on before your brother kills me too" he smiled getting his jacket on...

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