Chapter 36

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Nikki doesn't know I'm coming into the studio, I can only hope and pray that I didn't walk into the studio with an extremely strung out 'Nikki' on the couch.

Stella had given me some sample for dresses, and yes yes I know it's bit early but who could blame a girl for wanting to try out and start envisioning. A whole box of clothes and laces, sketches, it's great! Everyone in the press is begging for us to take pictures of course my manager made us but I guess that's the down side of marrying another famous person but really? is is that interesting?

Hanoi Rocks came on the radio, as I drove to the studio damn. I remember Razzle like it was yesterday, he was so sweet. The entire band was awesome. Raz was a nice dude, great spirit remind me, He used to make fun of me cause i had a tiny crush on Micheal, I mean come on look at Micheal, he was just a little crush but he was hot! I mean look at that hair he looked like Duff sorta just the hair I think but his personality too!, you know what ,fuck the hair let's talk about that sexy British accent, he always made me smile, I remember I couldn't wipe that stupid smile off my face when I was with him. Cool dude. huh funny, Micheal...I call Duff by Micheal. Accept Duff feels like a little bit more then a crush...

my eyes widened, I swerved, I pulled up in front of the studio, what the fuck did I just say to myself?! I am getting married to Nikki Sixx...what the fuck. Shit. Fuck. is that considered cheating? wait. what? god just forget about it...get it out your system man!

I slammed the car door shut and took the box out the car, and went inside. breathe.

"hey Ben!" I smiled at the reception

"hello Ms. Lee" he smiled as I got a better grip on the box. "their in studio 6"

"of course they are" I smiled as I walked to the studio and opened the door.

"hey sis" Tommy lanky arms coming to me "hi tom" I smiled nervously, god keep're being sketchy about nothing.

I looked ahead of the box seeing Nikki laying on the couch and Mick strumming his guitar, "what's going on with you guys"

"Vince is bailing out to spend time Sharise...and Nikki's..." he looked down trying not to disappoint me, I sighed as I Just walked past him and set my box down. I quickly bent down beside Nikki on the couch, pushing some of his hair away from his face, seeing his arm full exposed with marks, his underlies were dark.

"how many times did he shoot up a today?" I asked facing Mick

"I don't know Darce..."

"just take him...Vince isn't coming any time soon" Tommy tried to smile, I gave a weak smile.


I somehow got Nikki home, I tucked him in upstairs. Nikki was fucking smacked as hell, I looked over at his bedside table seeing a full syringe filled up, I picked it up and delicately twirled it in my fingers. What's so good about it anyway? I quickly put it down...what's wrong with you Darce.

I swiped a finger over Nikki's cheek and parted lips, I give him a soft kiss and sighed.

"I love you" I got up and walked away.

Though I knew wherever Nikki was when he was high he liked it and he felt 'happy', I know he was in pain which made it hurt even more, I walked into the 'studio' room and sat in my chair and span around.

"it's kinda silly, it's just stuff from my childhood and dumb shit like that"

I shook my head and tried to shake it off, the phone rang on the center of the table who was calling at this hour? I picked up the phone...

"Darcellyn Lee, who is this?"

"well hello their Darcellyn Lee" the voice said...hold up I know that voice.

"Duffy is that you?" I smiled at the voice, oh shit. it's Duff...same Duff that I-

"yeah it's me" he laughed "are you doing okay?"

"could be better" I sighed "you?"

he stayed silent for a minute as I heard yelling come from his end, and then I heard a something being thrown most likely a bottle being shattered.

"shit" I muttered

"yep" he let out a breathy laugh.

"Izzy and Axl at it again I'm assuming?"

"nope try, Izzy, Axl, and drunk Steven" he said we both laughed "Slash and I got into the fight a while ago and decided to just drink a fuck load instead" he said

"oh no is this one of those where you say something stupid and I have to act like I never heard it and wonder and think about it for the rest of my life?" I laughed

"ugh I hope not, if I say anything stupid just ignore it" he dragged.

"why you have secrets to spill Mckagan?" I smiled as I span in the chair.

"maybe"he said

"how was your photoshoot?" I asked

"ugh a load of shit dude, I felt so awkward" he said, an awkward Duff, how cute.

"aw it's okay, I bet it'll turn out great, I bet you looked...great" I smiled, glass shattered again.

"shit" he shuttered "look stay safe alright call me" he said

"alright Micheal you too" I smiled as I set the phone back down, I sighed...and closed my eyes.

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