Chapter 41

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Groggy was the only way I can explain it...what the fuck even happened? I was half awake though...what the fuck did I take? shit...did I take the H? no way, was it the pills or the? fuck I don't know...but I needed to find out. My eyes fluttered open, I saw Tommy sitting beside me.

"Tom?" I whimpered

"Darcellyn" he said getting off his seat and kneeling down next to me.

"thank the fuck" he muttered

"what happened?" I asked

"did I take Nikki's H? shit I swear Tommy it was probably just to get on his nerves"I said nervously

"no, dude what do you mean?" he said, his face somehow more serious than it was before.


"about Nikki's H?" he said, oh fuck, there's no backing out now.

"well that's all I remember..."

"taking Nikki's H?"

"no, no, but I was thinking about it" he doesn't need to know you've already done it once.

"he's just been doing it a lot, and this morning he was in such a good mood and I didn't want it to end, so I was about to flush it, and he looked so upset, like he cared about it, so I just had the thought, I was contemplating it and..."

"that fucker-" he growled as he got up

"wait no Tom-" he was already out, I sighed as I saw a face that made me smile, and faces through the hospital window waving at me and I chuckled, "hey" I smiled as he walked in setting flowers down on the table, he smiled and winked.

"hey princess" Duff smiled sitting beside me where Tommy sat, he held my hand, I smiled. He twirled a tiny loose flower in his other hand, his elbow on knee. "how you doing?"

"I'm okay, a little hazy and shitty but I'm gonna be honest...I don't really know what happened" I said

"oh well you mixed you sleeping pills with some jack" he said

"no wonder, this feels like the worlds worse hangover ever" I smiled and he chuckled, god I don't want to think about it right now.

"did you get the invitations?" I smiled, trying to get my mind off everything.

"Heather and Tommy's?"


"yeah, Axl thought it was yours"

"oh god no I would never make them green! gosh" I laughed

he laughed along "that's what I told him"

"there getting shit done so quick, not to mention my 'fiancé' is a hot mess right now...and I don't know what to do anymore -" I groaned, I felt a gentle squeeze in my hand and smiled.

"christ I don't even know where he is right now" I scoffed and shook my head as I looked down "fuck, can I get out of this bed" I chuckled.

"are you hooked up to anything?" he asked "nah"

Duff helped me up to the grimy hospital couch and sat with me, putting an arm around me.

"fucking hate hospitals" I muttered


"it's so grey and depressing...I mean I get it's a depressing place but a least make it look optimistic..." I said as he chuckled.

"I mean that's a good way to approach it" he smiled

"I mean if you were dying here, wouldn't you want it to at least look like a happy place?" I asked

"I mean yeah of course but I would get so optimistic I'll forget the fact I'm gonna die, and that would suck" he said, I looked at Duff, it wasn't any different then any other time I've looked at him, but every time I've looked at him I've felt something but a bit guilty for everything but I don't know if he felt the same...weird unspoken and unexplainable was nothing nor should it be something to think about.

"I guess so" I shrugged "I don't maybe its better like that"

"like what?"

"like you know to trick yourself or numb yourself to what's actually happening, because your already deep into the fact that your gonna die or whatever, you might as well look at the happiness, or fake happiness enjoy it and deal with it"

"what's the point if you're just gonna end up not being happy with the situation anyway" he smiled, huh.

"I guess so...but then what do you do?"

"do what's gonna make you happy, do what feels right for you I guess" he smiled, I smiled back, do I look stupid? am I being stupid? god this is so wrong and it's can't just be me...but I feel something, I feel like I've felt it forever but it's just clicking now what's happening!

"wait but what if you're dying?" I asked

"well if your dying then your fucked can't help ya" we laughed

"thanks for the flowers" I smiled

"I thought it was cheesy" he laughed

"cheesy sucks but I like it's cute" I said "it just needs to be used in the right time" we laughed, but as we stopped it was almost like another cheesy moment followed. Our eyes linked, brown doughy orbs stuck onto my blue, his hand slowly rose up from his side, twirling the tiny flower in between his lengthy, large fingers, Duff pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear putting the flower between the space of my hair and my ear...I smiled.

"cheesy?" he softly muttered

"just a bit" I smiled, god what is happening...holy shit.


"oh dude look at them!" Izzy and Steven smiled as they all peeked through the window.

"damn Duff's a romantic" Slash laughed "damn even in a hospital gown she looks good" Izzy scoffed

"I told you they got something" Slash said...

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