Chapter 54

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I looked in the mirror as I took the down the towel wrapped around my head and tussled it around a bit, I ran a hand through it to get any uncared for knots out, a woman walked in, we gave each other a warm smile, as she quickly started blowing out my hair putting all types of shit and curlers in it, as I sat in the chair and looked in the mirror. I wonder how Nikki's doin...I know I shouldn't really care but I do, I know what happened but it hurt, but a part of me feels like maybe he doesn't even remember...anything. She takes the curlers out my hair as she shakes a can of we go, I close my eyes as I hear it spritz around my hair, ooh it smells good...not really an explainable smell it just smells like really good toxins and chemicals, just look at it like alcohol or something, I opened my eyes, she gave me a quick nod and smile, I smiled back as I got up from the chair, she removed the robe from my body from me, as I ran a gentle hands on my blazer, alright...the door opened.

"Darcell your on in five" another woman said

"okay, thank you" I smiled as I followed her out the door backstage. I tussled my hair around a bit, not running a hand through it cause god knows what this hairspray will do.

It was dark, two people standing off to the side looking at live footage of what's going on the stage. The woman who had done my hair came from some other part of the dark to spray some more of Hollywood's finest chemicals. Thank god it was Larry doing this show someone I already mutually knew, some talk show hosts are either very intimidating or obnoxious.

"and so tonight we have a very special guest that all of you know, one of Hollywoods dear children and princess, Darcellyn Lee!" I heard the voice as the music cued and the curtain opened, the spot lights hung above the stage were blinding, I heard applause but the audience were just bunch of faceless shadows, that shouted and clapped, I smiled at them, as I walked over to Larry and gave him a hug, we gave each other a warm smile, and a soft 'hey' so the microphone didn't catch it. He motioned to the seat beside him, as I smiled back at the crowd and the music faded down.

I crossed my legs and took a sip of water." So how are you doing Darcellyn?"

" I'm doing well, doing well I've just wrapped up on the new movie coming out next year"

The audience applauded, Larry moved forward in his seat.

"So make it very public that you come from some punk rock roots..." he smiled, Punk rock, or just rock brings joy and life to me "Yes" I smiled

"my brother Tommy Lee, as all of you most likely know of is the drummer of Motley Crue, and him and I got into it when we were younger"

" Did your parents introduce it?" ha funny.

"though compared to many others Tommy and I grew up in a happy house, no they did not introduce nor do I think they were very fond of it."

I laughed, as the audience laughed.

"has that affected the people you communicate and engage with in the industry?"

"no I think I've very good at communicating with everyone but growing up the way Tommy and did I think does affect who I get along with in terms on friendships and stuff."

"so onto a more dramatic maybe ordeal" oh god, oh no what's about to happen

"About a month or two ago, You and the Motley Crue Bassist, Nikki Sixx, got engaged is that right?"

wow, this feels more like an iterigation now, it's fine Darce just stay calm, public doesn't know about anything yet it's all good just play along you can confirm something later...just keep cool don't cry please don't cry, dammit I feel my eyes watering up

Nikki. Duff. Nikki. Duff. Duff. Nikki. Duff. Duff...fuck I wish he was here right now

don't cry, don't tear up it'll start more drama for the press to stir up just keep calm, I feel my chest tighten, fuck take a deep breath get a hold of yourself Darcellyn your on live television.

"yes" I plaster a smile

"so if you don't mind sharing what exactly happened with that?"

huh? what? what happened? god do they know? how do they know? I don't know what to say...what if it's something else and I spit out something I shouldn't have. I look at the exit curtain quickly, don't walk out are you stupid?

"what do you mean?" I asked, is that the best I can do? I look into the eyes of Larry, giving him a stern but worried look. He nods his head slightly giving me a look of "okay" and "sorry, you can go", I swallowed not really wanting to show much emotion while camera are still on. Larry turns his head back to the camera.

"find out later, after this break, thank you very much" he smiled to the camera as the camera shut and were down, I quickly shot up out of my seat and went through the curtain. Nobody was in the way as I quickly sped to the dressing room, and grabbed my purse, and stood in front of the mirror looking at myself, utter confusion. How do they know something happened? shit shit shit. I have to get out of here. I quickly sped out the room and walked off the set, breathing decently steady but a bit on edge, I looked over to some security, they saw the look on face, are they as confused as I am? I wince to myself as they give a quick nod and walk me out to my car. The set is still dark, but I can manage, knowing security was behind me made me reeled but still didn't answer nor fix was the fuck was happening. I gulped down on my saliva and lit a cigarette, as one of the guards opened the door to the outside world which was way scarier. I stood in between the doors, I took the cigarette out my mouth my eyes widened a bit as I looked up to the shouting, men, women, microphones, cameras, boom mics hanging tall, at least they had the decency to clear a damn line to walk, don't roll your eyes not now. I took a breath and another drag as I walked.

"Darcell can you tell us what happened?" I tried to Ignore

"were you having an affair with Duff Mckagan?" my eyes widened, really? "no" I replied taking another drag.

"when did you and Nikki last speak?" ignored.

"How long have you been with Duff" "a month or two now" I said as a fan rushed up next to me in the midst of all the chaos, calmly holding out a pen and paper, I smiled warmly, as I took the pen and signed my name. We gave each other a warm smile, as she disappeared into the crowd.

"are you and Nikki still engaged" "no" I said bluntly as the guard opened my car door, and held my hand as I stepped into the car and sat down, the crowd of paparazzi trying to get their mics in the door wasn't going to close anytime soon, my chest tightened, my eyes just looked at the flashing lights, fuck fuck don't yell don't do it just calm down, my hand gripped at car seat, as I bit my lip, just let them get two minutes of some pictures and the guard will clear them out. Don't cry save the tears for when the door closes Darcellyn...a few minutes passed by.

"alright that's enough" I softly say in my most kind voice, the door shuts... I take a deep breath, and let a tear drop down, which felt like an orgasm for my fucking eyes....Duff, Nikki...god they don't deserve any of this right now...

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