Chapter 33

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It was fun to recall memories of Izzy...I remember my problems with him and Nikki seemed like the biggest thing in the world. Duff had to go off with Slash to solve some shit with Axl, Tommy came over to me, leaning his arm on my shoulder "dude!" he said

"your friend-"

"yes I know I saw" I smiled, Tommy's eyes were swirling, something I haven't seen in a while. My brother fell in love extremely quickly with anyone and everything...Tommy and I have always been a big sap of hopeless romantics, probably cause he had to sit through all the rom coms and 600 times I put Casablanca or Breakfast at Tiffany's on the Tv, god I love those movies.

"gee Tommy you look like that time mom and pop took us to see Van Halen" I smiled

"I think I'm in love Darce" he said looking off at Heather who was talking to some friends of  hers, I smiled looking at Tommy's face petting and messing up his hair.


"dude what's wrong?" I asked as Duff sat on the floor making out with some girl, I just saw him with Darce, and I know it sucks but jeez, this guy drowned himself in a bottle right after he talked to her, I mean that's pretty normal but still...this chics hands were all over him...damn I'm about to just snatch her man...damn. Her hands traveled to his crotch as she attacked his damn man!

"fuck dude I don't know fuck off" he said his lips going back to the girl, I tapped her shoulder and just nodded to tell her to butt out.

"okay dude come on, I don't wanna be like Axl and Iz right now" I said as we both turned our heads to the closed door, muffled yelling and arguing of Axl and Izzy.

"look if it's really bothering you you should tell her" I said, "I mean there is already so much obvious chemistry you might as well."

"tell her!? he's gonna purpose in like an hour" he scoffed, I mean he's not wrong there isn't much he can do.

"then sober up and be happy for her dude" I said giving him a light nudge.

"you coulda just let me keep making out with that chic and forget" he shrugged as I sat next to him, swiping the bottle from his side and bringing it to my lips.

"what were you guys even talking about it looked funny" I asked

"oh" he laughed wiping his nose, "she was talking about her and Izzy" he smiled

"oh score what was that like" I smiled, as Duff started his sentence , all I could see was his glimmery eyes as he pulled back his hair, damn dude was in love, I chuckled to myself.

"I mean she didn't say anything but I can tell she loved Iz man..." he said

"I wonder if she still does..." he said

"come on dude! you're young, we're young! live fuckin young dude, don't get all mushy over this girl, there are so many drooling for you" I tried to say optimistically, he looked up and gave a sly drunken smile. "come on" I nudged as we laughed together.

Izzy and Axl stormed out the room, Axl went downstairs. Izzy just looked down and smoked a cigarette as his hands leaned on the railing looking down at everyone.

"just calm down Iz" Duff said easing him as we joined him and stood up looking down at everyone partying and having drinks in their hand, as almost the perfect song played

Darcie and Nikki, ran out to the center of the living room her hand in Nikki's as they dance and swayed to the song. My eyes traveled to Duff, his head leaning on his hands watching the couple below, I honestly felt bad for him, and I'm going to be honest with something we all saw. Duff was starry eyed crazy for her, every time they hung out together they looked like a couple but Duff being the good guy he never made a move...I mean I would've...but I can tell she digs him. Not saying she doesn't love Nikki but her and Duff clearly have something. and I'm not just saying it from a bias stand point, it was true! and seeing Duff like this sucked...I thought he would've gotten over her by now but I guess not.

I looked back at the couple, though I was sad for Duff... this was a pretty sweet Mushy moment, people moved to the side accept for some other couples and most of the Motley's guy dancing with other girls or fooling around dancing with each other and quietly laughing. I was never much for romance but I could see why Duff fell head over heels for her...she's either a really good tease...or she's head over heels for both of them and just won't say anything.

"she's beautiful" I smiled

"tell me about it" Duff and Izzy both said in unison as they gave each other weird look as their eyes averted back to the almost too perfect and stunning pair.

"hey Iz?" Duff said his head still on his laying on his hand.


"you never told us you took her virginity or ahem were in love with her" Duff smirked

"more like you never even told us you were with her" I added as we all chuckled, but our eyes staying focused on the couple waiting for the big moment. "that songs about her" he said, Duff and I's eyes widened "the one on appetite?" I asked. "yep" he exhaled.

"we are so talking about this when we get back home" I scoffed

"aw so you did love her" Duff cooed

"I never said that" Izzy smiled giving Duff a nudge, oh he definitely loved her, I smirked to myself. Oh no Izzy was getting all sappy and weird too, is this why he was acting weird during touring?! "yeah okay" Duff rolled his eyes a chuckled

"oh shut up" Izzy smiled, it was great to see Izzy smile, I felt like he hadn't in a long time at least not with us...this was good but also not, we have two men in love with who's about to be an engaged woman. I'm not overthinking am I? I'm not the only one who has correlated this? "plus I'm not looking for anyone right now, we have so much going on and Axl already feels liken annoying nagging girlfriend" he laughed

" but if she wasn't already taken I'd probably fall to pieces for her right now" Iz laughed

"watch out boy, Duff's gonna keep an eye on you now" I joked seeing Duff's glare and a little smirk appear on his face. All of us became silent as the light darkened just a bit and the music was lowered, everyone was quiet, we were able to hear the couple from all the way up here.

Nikki held her hands, he said smith but I was hard to hear cause I was partially smacked, but they looked at each other like they knew.

Nikki had kneeled down in front of her, her hand covering her mouth, as her eyes widened, as he took out a velvet box and opened it revealing the rock.

"make me the happiest dude in the world...and marry me?" he smiled

she nodded her head making her pony tail wag, she held her hand out as Nikki took the ring out placing the box on the ground and slipping the rock on her finger, as he quickly swept her off her feet and twirled her around, I saw Tommy giving me a cue, I nodded.

"alright it's time" I said, as I handed Duff and Izzy bottles of champagne, we quickly opened the bottles letting them spill and spray onto everyone downstairs, Nikki set her down and gave her a quick kiss, she looked up and smiled as the Champagne falling down got both of them, she blew us a kiss from downstairs.


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