Chapter 30

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Niall's POV

I already called Liam and Francis to help me save Jenny. I haven't told her mom and grandma about this because they can blow up all this plan. Right now, we're inside Liam's van, planning how to break inside the abandoned house and save Jenny, of course, without anyone to get hurt by her psychotic father.

finally, Liam have some suggestions.."Mate, I can distract the kidnapper while, you and Francis save Jenny.. Maybe I can disguise as a mailman or-" Francis cutted him off " A new neighbor, who wants to have a drink with him!" Francis shouted. I thought for a second and "Liam, don't you think it's too risky? you know, that man inside can kill you any second he founds out that you've been distracting him while someone is probably getting her daughter!" I said

"Niall, he can't know if he's drunk and high! That's why I'm gonna bring a "few" bottle of liquors! or probably some drugs!" he answered..

Francis nodded in agreement then I just sighed.. this is gonna be hard..Francis checked the back seats then said " Liam, do you have some extra clothes? We need that for disguising you..and Niall, prepare some cash, we need to buy a dozen of beer to toxic that man.."

Liam and I nodded and prepare all the needed things..

30 minutes later..Liam is already dressed in a thirty-year-old man's outfit, the clothes were his brother's that was left on his van's trunk. On the other hand, Francis and I already brought the beers.. but of course, not the right now, we're hoping for the best for all of us..

"Liam, no matter what happen, just give all the drinks to the man and please just drink below five bottles of beer.. and you have great skills on boxing right? Just use your skills when needed..and leave the man after one hour.. just remember that always be polite or he will -" I was cutted off by Liam.. and said "Don't worry Niall, I'm not gonna blow this whole thing up.. now, let's get our asses off here and save your girl." he said..

I nodded then Liam already got outside the van.. he walked across from the street then slowly walked to the abandoned house's porch.. and he knocked on the door..

Liam's POV

I knocked on the door and seconds later a bald and bearded man answered the door.. so, this is Jenny's dad..

"Hello Sir, I'm Sam Mcworth.. I just moved on this street and to my suprise I like your house.. so I bought a dozen of beer and come here to be-friends with you.." I said sticking hand to shake hands with the man.. and I changed my name..

He shook hands with me then said "Hi, come in, of course, I couldn't resist that kind of offering. so come on, inside" he smiled, showing his yellow teeth..

I entered the house then set the beers on the table..he thirstily stared at the beer then said "How nice of you, young man, come on! let's get drunk!

I nervously chuckled then gave him a bottle of beer..

Niall's POV

We got outside the van then carefully walked on the broken window of the abandoned house.. "Niall, get inside the broken window." he whispered quietly.. I nodded then I slowly stepped in.. then Francis is already inside with me.. We were inside the basement.. We slowly opened the door then was met the hallway.. there was a door across from us and I carefully opened it but nothing is in there.. we tried the other one but nope, nothing again.. and then the other one with a wood in it..we removed the wood then opened the door slowly.. after we opened the door, we were met by a sleeping Jenny on the bed.. tears were building up in my eyes and I slowly hugged her bruised body..She was unconscious and anger built up inside me..

that animal abused my princess...

I carried her outside then went back to the basement again..and we slowly walked through the broken window..

Finally, I have my princess back..

"Good job, mate" Francis patted my back then we get inside the van again..

Liam's POV

The man is drunk as shit and I am entertaing him, making jokes and stuff..It's been an hour since I got inside this house..

"Sir thank you for everything.. I should go now because my wife is waiting for me.. so goodbye" i said..

"Yeah sure.. bye young man." then he fainted

I walked out of the house and saw the van is starting.. I already called the police, reporting about a free detainee..

then I got inside the van and saw Niall caressing Jenny's cheek.. I sat on the drivers seat and drove away..

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