Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

2 hours later

Jenny's POV

It's been 2 hours since the last time I saw Niall, the doctor said that it's the best to calm down and not ask too many questions to Niall. We were sitting here, outside his room. My grandma was praying silently and my mom was comforting me for the past hours, while Francis, well, he contacted Niall's parents to come here as soon as possible.

I can't think straight, I've been staring at the door which leads to Niall's room. And suddenly, my gaze finally cutted off by the doctor, exiting Niall's room. I 'm so nervous on what he have to say actually..

"Uh, are you Jenny?" the doctor asked me while sadness is evident in his eyes..

"Yes, sir." I replied, you see I'm still in this wheel chair because my doctor advised me, it's the best since I'm still a little bit dizzy.

He nodded then looked at me with worry in his eyes..

"Mr. Horan is in a stable condition now.. but when I asked him where he is and if he remembers what happened.. he can't reply.. he said that he doesn't remember anything." he explained and I can feel myself tearing up..

"Then I asked, do you remember who you were with during the accident? He looked confused when I asked him that, he was probably wondering that there's another victim besides him." and the tears fell down completely..

"Listen, Jenny. Maybe he's only in a temporary amnesia but, I don't really know. There's too much damage in his brain.. I'm sorry.." and I was completely sobbing when I heard that..

I can't believe this is happening.. the love of my life, Niall.. can't remember anything. He doesn't remember me now.. he doesn't remember our love, our plans for the future, and the f.ucking up's and down's that we've been through..

But you know what? I'll never stop loving him even if he doesn't remember me.. That's for sure..

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