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There may be a slight sexual joke in here, but don't worry it's nothing explicit. I already planned for a little bit of lime in another chapter, because of course it's too soon for now. But anyways enjoy!😄

Chapter 4

Jellal POV

A week of school had already gone by and I barely made any progress with annoying Erza. I dropped my head down in shame as I walked down the halls of Fairy Tail High, heading to my first class with 'Her Highness'. Before I was about to enter, someone tapped my shoulder and said my name. I whipped my head around to see Gray.

" Hey, how's it going with Erza?" I sighed in defeat.

" I wasn't able to make many advances on her other than winking and smirking at her."

" Dude you had a week!" He exclaimed and then shook his head. " Whatever. I have a better dare for today." I could see he was smiling evilly. Oh damn what is he going to make me do?

" I dare you to..." He snickered. "Take your shirt off, walk into the classroom and ask Erza if she has any whipped cream." My eyes widened, then I too smirked evilly.

" Now that's a pretty good dare! A little sudden, but I like to live dangerously" I patted his back in thanks. " But don't you like to strip? I remember back at our old school at a football game, you ran across the field with only your underwear on." He laughed.

" Oh yeah!! " He laughed again, until he turned serious. " Well now it's your turn to strip. You're lucky I'm not making you strip down to your boxers. Now go and put on your smug face."

" Very well." I then took my shirt off and shoved it into my backpack. Gray walked in first and gave me a thumbs up. Nodding back at him, I too proceeded into the room. It's showtime.

Erza POV

I had arrived in class early, after discussing my plans for the dance in a few weeks with the principal. In order to prepare, I have to stay after school everyday to start decorating the gym and make the flyers. Luckily Mira and the girls will help with the more expensive planning along gym by myself. But it should be fun, I always did like making things pretty.

I pulled out my book, since I have time to unwind for a bit before class starts. It's also my only time to read now due to the dance preparations.

Opening the book to where I left off, I choked, realizing I had brought the wrong book to school. Damn it. The book was none other than my favorite smut book. This is definitely not an appropriate book for school. If anyone caught me my title would be ruined.

I looked around the room cautiously, noticing that there were only a few kids present and they were all minding their own business. Phew. I guess I could read a little bit. There isn't a way I could get caught anyways unless someone looks over my shoulder or takes the fake cover off the book.

After a good 10 minutes of reading, I was interrupted when someone started speaking.

" Excuse me Miss Scarlet, but do you happen to have any whipped cream?" A seductive voice asked.

I looked up from my book to see who it was. It was Jellal. Oh it's just that moron. .. But with no shirt on!! I jerked up a little in my seat, startled. My eyes widened in shock and my nose started to burn, preparing to burst out blood.

"W..w...what? W..why W...ould y..ou need wh..whipped c..cream? I stammered as I felt my face burn up. He moved his face towards mine. A little too close in fact, causing me to shiver.

" So you can lick it off my chest." He answered huskily, giving me a wink. My face turned an even darker shade of red.

" Uhmm...uh.." I looked down, seeing if he had any other clothes off. Thankfully his pants were on. My face blushed the exact shade of my hair, when I realized I was looking down. I then looked up at his abs. I mean they were right in front of me, what could I do. His abs were well defined and chiseled. His pectorals looked strong and made his chest look bulkier. Damn that's hot. I could actually lick them. Jellal chuckled as I accidentally licked my lips.

Little did I know that while I was in la la land, staring at and thinking about Jellals abs, we had spectators.

" Mr Fernandes, would you like to explain why you don't have a shirt on?" Mr Gildarts challenged, tapping his foot on the ground

" Oh, I'm just seducing Miss Erza." Sniggers filled the classroom. " And I'm pretty sure she prefers me without one on." Jellal said smoothly, turning towards me and giving his signature smirk.

" Ugh." I groaned in disgust, still blushing. "You're such a pig!" I then picked up my book and chucked it at him angrily, avoiding his gaze as I slumped back in my seat. The book hit his chest and fell to the ground.

" Owie. " He whined.

" Well, Mr Fernandes." The teacher glared at him. " You will have plenty of time to fantasize about Miss Scarlet licking whipped cream off your chest in detention." He retorted, as he handed a slip of paper to Jellal. Hah, serves him right!

This guy must love to take risks in order to embarrass and annoy others. And what the hell was I thinking earlier? I cant have those thoughts about some weird ass guy! I swear this loser is going to ruin me as a student president. I'm supposed to be polite and proper and his no good attitude is going to set me off one of these days. He's lucky I was too flustered to punch him across the room. At least he's getting punished in the form of detention. Maybe the next stunt he'll pull will get him a suspension.

Jellal POV

When Mr Gildarts handed me the detention slipped I retreated to my seat and put my wrinkled shirt back on.

Wow, I didn't think I would get a detention for this! Gray had stripped several times in my old school and didn't get a detention. Yet I always happen to be the one who gets caught. I mean I was the one who got kicked out. And damn, Mr Gildarts is a savage for roasting me like that in front of class. I can't believe he actually said that.

I leaned back in my seat and put my feet up on the desk. The teacher had started to teach algebra, which I haven't even been paying attention to since the first day of school. I started looking around the room, looking for some kind of entertainment. I then noticed that the book that Erza through at me was still on the ground about 5 feet away from her desk. I smirked. I'm going to steal that book from her to see what dumb shit she reads. Who knows, maybe I can learn some secret about her.

I turned my attention to Erza who was focused on Mr Gildarts's teaching and rapidly taking notes. I rolled my eyes. What a teacher's pet. No wonder she is the student president.

Soon enough the bell rang and the boring class was over. I leaped up from my chair to head towards the door but waited for Erza to go first. She stuck her tongue out at me and proceeded to leave the classroom. Yess. I internally celebrated as I quickly went over to the book on the ground, picked it up and shoved it into my backpack. I can't wait to read this during detention. It should at least keep me entertained.

I then exited the room and continued down the hall towards my next class. I have a feeling this day will go by agonizingly slow.

There will be a part 2 to this, where Jellal actually goes to detention. Hope you liked it. After this update I'm going to start a schedule of updating every 2 to 3 days so it's not rushed. I may then start a new Jerza fanfic since I have planned most of this one out. I always wanted to write a supernatural or kingdom jerza fanfic myself. Lemme know what you guys wanna see. Thanks for reading.

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