The Day Off 2

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(This was my first Jellal drawing)

Warning: there is some smut in this chapter.(not a lemon) It will be in italics and will be short, so you can skip it without missing anything important. It's also my first smut scene so sorry if it's awful haha, I will be working on other stories later on with lemons where I can improve on it. Anyways onto the story

Chapter 8

I soon arrived at Siegrains school after stopping back at the cafe for another coffee. I mean I did just wake up from an unexpected nap and I still feel like shit. Especially since I cried so much before I fell asleep.

When I parked my car and got out, I walked around the back of the school where the lunch tables were and sure enough I saw my idiot brother sitting at a table with some familiar faces, laughing their asses off at some book they were reading. Approaching the table I smirked at Siegrain as his eyes widened in surprise. Hehe I guess he didn't expect to see me here. His expression then changed to a smirk as he held up the book in his hand. I tilted my head in confusion, until I realized that the book he was holding was Erza's book. I narrowed my eyes. So he did steal it after all.

" Hey bro, you're just in time for the best part of the book." The rest of the kids snickered. One kid had spiky blonde blonde hair with a lightning bolt shaped scar stretching down his face over one of his eyes. I recognized him as Laxus and I believe he's dating some chick at Fairy Tail High. The rest of the kids I recognized were none other than the kids who peer pressured me into becoming a bully and a jerk. They were Erik, Macbeth, and Ultear. Why is my brother hanging around with these assholes? They are the very people who ruined my life! He knows they are assholes and yet he's friends with him! I clenched my fist, but held in the rest of my anger so I dont risk causing a scene. Yeah, I need to keep my cool, I'm not even supposed to be here. I sat down and relaxed myself.

" Siegrain why did you steal my book?" I asked calmly, forgetting about the other idiots presence.

" Well bro, I don't think this is your book." He tapped the inside of the book, where Erza Scarlet's name was written. " You didn't tell me you borrowed this very interesting book from Erza. Do you guys read this together? I'm sure it's really fun, especially with the content!" He teased playfully. It's a good thing I have no idea what he's talking about. 

" Why what's the book about?" I asked, intrigued. He handed me the book and started snickering when I opened it to the page he was on originally. I then started reading and my eyes widened in shock to what I learned Erza likes to read.

" I moaned in pleasure and arched my back as he ran his tongue across my wet and hot center. The feeling was amazing, making me tug my hands against the handcuffs which were tied to the headboard of the bed. He stopped his licking and brought his face up near mine.

" My, my, someone seems to be enjoying themselves. But I am your master, and I told you before we began to keep quiet and stay still." He growled in my ear as he shoved my panties that were already taken off, in my mouth. " Now it's time for your punishment." He unbuttoned his pants and I heard them drop to the floor as his thick cock sprang free from confinement. He lined it up at my entrance and with a single thrust he…."

I blushed a deep red and quickly shut the book before things got even hotter. I had to hold my nose to prevent having a nosebleed as well. I mean I may know dirty jokes, but I've never actually read smut.

" She reads this shit?" I whispered under my breath. So much for a goodie two shoes, I didn't think she, let alone a school president would actually read this. I then smirked. Maybe I'll be able to use this to my advantage later on. I then looked over at Siegrain who was laughing his ass off. I handed the book back to him. 

" Just bring it back home after school." I ordered, not wanting to be tempted to finish reading it at home just yet.

I exhaled. It's a good thing I didn't read this in school, I probably would be sweating and getting a boner, which wouldnt end well. Though if this is what Erza is really into, I may actually read it later on when I'm lonely or ya know, horny.

As I was leaving the school, I could sense that someone was following me. I turned around to be abruptly pinned to the wall by none other than Erik. I gritted my teeth, but forced a smirk on my face.

" Well hello, shithead. How's that eye of yours?" I asked sarcastically, staring at his closed eye with the scar through it, remembering how he got it. He hissed at me.

" I don't know, how's your little sister?" He retorted back with a sinister grin. My smirk fell and I lifted my leg up, kicking him in the balls angrily. " Don't you EVER, mention her! You don't have the right too, remember?!!" I growled through gritted teeth, as I was now the one pinning him against the wall. I then punched him hard in the gut as a reminder to what he had done all those years ago. I dropped him on the ground as he clutched his stomach and weezed in pain. I'm done with this prick. All he'll do is bring up bad memories. Walking away, I spoke one last time to him. " By the way, stay away from my brother. You and your little friends. He doesn't need to be around bad influences like you and end up killed." With that I went back to my car with my hands stuffed in my jean pockets. This is the last time I come back here. I guess skipping school was indeed a bad idea. It just added to my stress and behavior. Speaking if stress, now I'll have to have a chat with my brother about the company he keeps when he comes home.


When I heard the door open, I hid behind the corner to surprise my brother. I heard footsteps approaching and that's when I stepped out, grabbed his arms and backed him into his room, slamming the door. He grunted at the impact.

" What are you doing?" He asked, confused.

" You know what." I snarled. " Why the hell are you hanging out with those assholes?! You know what they did to me!"

" Yeah I know, but hear me out!" He begged. I let go of him and sat down on his bed, letting him know I'm ready to listen. He sighed, sitting down as well. " Look, you know how I want you the best for you right? And after the incident you changed and turned down any help from me."

" What does this have to do with the assholes?"

" I'm getting there, chill. So anyways when you left the school last year, they came up to me and apologized for their behavior towards you and wanted to do good, so I helped them out a bit by letting them hang out with me." I scoffed.

" Wow, how noble of you, Siegrain," I rolled my eyes. " and Erik sure as hell changed. When I left, he followed me and slammed me against the wall, attempted to assault me further and mentioned our sister to get a reaction out of me." Siegrains eyes widened.

" Really? He did that?" He looked down in shame. " Man, I'm sorry, I thought he had changed. It must've been because he saw you and felt he had to get back at you for what you did to him last time."

" Oh so now it's because of me? Face it Sieg, some people dont change." I got up.

" But you do?" He challenged me.

" Shut up! You know exactly why I did!" 

" So you think bullying and pranking people is justified, just because of your feelings? Jellal, you're taking advantage of Wendy. She wouldn't want you to be like this." I clenched my fist and began to lash out in anger.

" Don't you dare turn this on me! This is about you hanging around those fuckers, who you know destroyed me and her!" He backed away from me in fear. " Go ahead and hang out with them some more, maybe then you'll realize they are taking advantage of you just because you're nice and will probably end up doing something to you because of me! " I paused and decided that staying here will only make me feel worse about the situation. "I'm done with this now.  Leave me alone for a while." My voice softened a bit as I stormed out of his room, slamming the door on my way out. Man, I need to get all of this shit out of my head and calm down so I don't end up killing Sieg, and I know just how to do that. I snickered at the thought of planning to prank the living hell out of a certain scarlet haired president. This will surely make me feel better and forget about everything.

Thanks for reading! I hope the smut part didnt turn you off about this book, I mean I had to make it short, since I'm not rlly planning on putting an actual Lemon in this. Lol but sorry, I hope you enjoyed it anyways!

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