The Proposal

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Chapter 22

7 Years Later……

Erza POV

Jellal and I have been together ever since that day during prom. We both decided to go to the same college after graduation since we wanted to stay together, but really it wouldn't matter since we lived in the same house. Yes, after I forgave him, I moved back in with him and Siegrain, because it felt more like home than my own house ever did. So after we both graduated college, I turned my old house into a workplace. You see Jellal went to school for business as did I, so we decided to build up our own partnership business together with my house. It took a while to build things up and get money and workers, but eventually we succeeded and luckily didn't go bankrupt, with the help of Miras parents. It's funny how the both of us are now the bosses of our own business, well not really surprising for me because I was born to be a leader, it's just that Jellal did really well with this kind of thing, it kinda shocked me. I think he finally matured, but I can't help but miss the goofball side of him, it doesn't feel right when he's serious. Thankfully he's only like that during work but as soon as we get home he's a complete ass again.

So right now I'm walking in a park to meet him here since he apparently has something to tell me, I guess it's like a last minute date. 

I looked at my watch and it was 1:40. Of course the dumbass is ten minutes late, some things never change. I sat on a bench under a tree, waiting for him to show up. Just then I heard something rustle above me. Looking up I was greeted by someone jumping out of the tree and on to me. It was too quick to identify the person, and they freaking broke the bench when they fell on me.

" Hey get off----" oh. Well that explains a lot. Figures its Jellal, he is the only one dumb enough to pull something like that.

Hw got off me and I noticed he was wearing a dress shirt with a red tie. I wonder what the occasion is. I'm sure it's not our anniversary, right?

" Hey Scarlet, whats up?!" He started laughing. Dumbass and his stupid jokes. He brushed off his dress pants and straightened his tie after he stopped laughing. " Now for more important matters." Damn I've never seen him this serious when we were alone together. That's when he kneeled down on one knee and pulled out a little purple box. I gasped.

" Will you be the good girl to my bad boy?" He asked, opening the box revealing a ring.

" So cringey, but hell yess!" I squealed, jumping up and down.

" Hmmmm, I just said good girl, Scarlet, saying 'hell yes' isn't a very appropriate thing to say." he tsked, getting up from his knees. My smile turned into a frown. This bastard must be into role play. " I'm afraid that just won't do and we can't get married after all." He eyed me with a playful expression plastered on his face combined with his 'trying to be mean' expression. This ass is begging for me to slap him now. He started to turn and walk away. If this is the game he wants to play then a game it shall be.

" Well, Jelly, you aren't being that much of a bad boy." I smirked. He turned to face me

" How do you figure that?"

" you didnt prank me, you're just being a meanie." I said in a little kid voice as I pouted. He stepped forward and embraced me in his arms.

" If you wanted me to prank you all you had to do was ask me."

" Then it's not a prank if I ask you. Face it Jellal, you lost your touch because of me, now the only thing you can do is be a little bitch." He growled playfully as he picked me up bridal style and ran to our house. I was hitting him and shrieking the whole time because he kept trying to drop me. When we reached our house he put me over his knee as he sat on the couch. He smirked evilly.

" I know you're into some kinky shit Scarlet, but swearing up a storm just for me to spank you is a little much even for someone like you."

" No it's not." I retorted with a blush.

" Well this just proves you're horny for me, so why don't we make a deal." I looked up at him in confusion. How the hell did a marriage proposal end up like this. " i'll give you exactly what you want, if you let me redo the marriage proposal." He grinned.

" Fine, go ahead." He nodded and got off the couch and kneeled down on one knee, once again and opened the little box.

" Scarlet, will you be the good girl to my bad boy?" 

" Why yes of course Mr Fernandes." I answered politely. He then started laughing his ass off. " What now?"

" I'm sorry I just wanted you say something stupid and proper like that, man its frickin hilarious, its even more cringy than my proposal." He was now rolling around on the ground laughing hysterically. That's it. I jumped on him and straddled his waist.

" Are you sure you want me to be the good girl Jellal? Because I can be pretty bad too. Or you just want me to be innocent right? Even though you know I'm not."

" I'm sorry, I thought the proposal was pretty good aside from the cringe."

" Oh it was." I purposely grinded against him making him groan. I smirked at his reaction. I'm getting exactly what I want now.

" Scarlet, please stop, or I'm going to let my wild side out." He smirked and I chuckled.

" Why, you don't want me to prove I'm more bad than you?" I grinded harder against him, now feeling his growing erection.

" I just miss when you used to hit me or yell at me when I say a dirty joke, but now you just accommodate me." He choked out. I stopped grinding and looked at him. " Gotcha!" He now flipped me over on the ground and pinned my hands over my head. " Now this is what I like, when you're under my mercy."

" So you like role play?" He laughed.

" Indeed I do, you will find out if you marry me and maybe you will even get some spankings." He winked at me, making me blush.

" I already said yes you idiot!" He then pulled out the ring from the small purple box that had laid on the floor during our moment or whatever that was. 

" Well then Scarlet," I watched as he slipped the beautiful silver ring with a blue and red middle. He moved his lips to whisper something huskily into my ear. " youre mine to tease forever, for I am your bad boy Fernandes."

The End

I may do an extra chapter with a lemon, but this will still be the last chapter of the story. I hope you guys enjoyed it, sorry for the cringe lmao, lemme know in the comments what you think!

I will now be focusing on Be My Mate, but after that I will be writing a werewolf jerza story, a royalty jerza and a boss/secretary jerza( this will def be rated mature) tho I don't know which one I will write first lol, but be on the lookout for more content if you enjoyed this!

I appreciate you all for reading and voting and I hope you'll continue to read my stories!!



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