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Warning: dirty jokes ahead lol 

Chapter 9

Jellal POV

It has been 2 days since the time I skipped school, making today a Friday. So there's only one week until the dance. In order to cheer me up from my previous issues, Gray and I thought it was a good idea to prank Erza after she left the building, by setting traps in the gym for her the next day.

 We waited till around 5:00, when we were sure that Erza was gone. We snickered as we snuck into the gym.

" So, you got any ideas on what we should do?" I asked Gray.

" I don't have anything yet, but we should do something to scare her." I nodded. A lightbulb then appeared above my head.

" Since I will be after school until the dance, I will be able to see her reaction. Which also means we can set things up anywhere and I can lead her towards the traps." 

" Why don't we first get a bucket of paint, and hang it over the entrance so when she opens the door it'll fall on her head." Gray chuckled evilly.

" Haha, that's a classic." We then got to work setting that up and soon enough we came up with more ideas, making the whole gym set up in traps.

So in the closet, where Erza and I put some decorations in, were big balls we used for gym class. We rewired the light switch so that when you switch it, a loud air horn will sound off and would startle anyone. We also trashed  the decorations and tipped over the tables, completely ruining the entire gym. Though I left the decorations hanging on the basketball hoops. I made them crooked so they would catch Erza's attention first and that when she would climb up the ladder and pull in a certain direction, it would explode paint on her, and would most likely make her fall. Heehee this is going to be funny, since I get front seats to the show. For the finishing touch we decided to paint the walls of the gym red. Gray and I then fist bumped each other at the success of booby trapping the gym. 

" You're going to have to tell me how she reacts."

" Heh, I think we both know how she's going to react. She's gonna go ' Ahhhh, omg, this is against school violations''' I imitated Erza's girly voice with a shocked expression on my face. Gray looked at me and then we both broke out in laughter as we exited the school.


Monday soon came around and I sure was excited to see Erza's reaction. She's going to get so pissed, but the thing is, she wont know who did it. She won't think it's me because I was the one helping her out anyways. Well… I'm actually not totally sure, she does think I'm an ass. But whatever as long as she gets angry, that's the reaction I want.

After school

Erza's POV

Only one more week till the dance, and Jellal and I have to finish decorating the gym. The majority is done, we just have to do some finishing touches and then double check everything towards the end of the week. I'm very happy that we are almost done, cause then I can finally take a long deserved break.

I scouted the halls to find the blue haired moron. After a while of searching I couldn't find him. Where could this idiot be? He better have not skipped detention? I decided that he could be waiting for me in the gym. I sighed and headed down the halls in that direction. Before entering the gym, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around but no one was there. Hmm must've been my imagination. Then I turned my head back around and  Jellal appeared suddenly in front of me.

" Boo!" He shouted, startling me, making me shriek and jump backwards. He laughed at my pathetic reaction. " Gotcha Scarlet! I can't believe you fell for the oldest trick in the book!" I punched him in the gut and he groaned at the impact.

" Shit Erza, that hurt. I thought you were a weakling." He pouted, holding his stomach.

" Well that's what you get you jerk." I stuck my tongue out at him. " Now let's go." 

" Ladies first" he smirked, gesturing to me to enter the gym first. I scoffed at him and pulled the door open only to be greeted by a bucket of paint falling on my head.

" Ahhhhh! What the hell!" I yelled, but my voice was muffled by the bucket attached to my head. " Get it off of me!" Jellal just started laughing. 

" Hello, is there anyone in there?" He asked teasingly as he knocked on the bucket. 

" Jellal! I'm gonna kill you if you don't get this damn thing off my head!" I growled.

" Ok, ok." He surrendered and lifted the bucket off my head revealing white paint stuck in my once Scarlet locks and dripping down my face. " Hahaha, your hair looks like someone cu……" I interrupted his dirty joke by covering his mouth with my hands.

" don't you dare finish that." I gritted my teeth. But then my eyes suddenly lit up with an idea. I smirked. Removing my hands from his mouth I grabbed his arm and dragged him away from the gym entrance and towards the locker rooms. 

" What are you doing?" I ignored him and pushed him into the ladies room. He then perked his head up in nervous excitement. " Wow, Erza, I didn't think we would get to this part yet. I also didn't think you were this much of a naughty little girl." He purred. I blushed deeply but ignored him as I grabbed the soap dispenser, shoved it in his mouth and started pumping the soap in his mouth. He began to choke and gag.

" You've been a bad boy, Jelly, you need to be punished and we need to wash your filthy little mouth out." I whispered seductively into his ear as he continued to cough on the soap I was pouring in his mouth.

Jellal POV

Holy shit, why am I getting so turned on right now? Shes so kinky, no wonder she enjoys  reading those damn erotic books. Though It is still surprising that a girl like Erza can be like this.

"" I gagged. She then let me go and I went directly to the sink and attempted to spit the soap out, but most of it was already swallowed due to her literally shoving the dispenser in my mouth. I glared at her. I swear she's going to be the death of me.

" Oh dear, did I make poor Jelly angry?" She questioned with a glint of sarcasm in her eyes. I scoffed.

" So much for a school president. I'm not supposed to be in the girls locker room right? What if someone was to find out that the school president was in the locker rooms with a hottie like me?" I challenged her with a smirk.

Erza POV

" Well I would just tell them I was punishing a troublemaker who deserved it." She retorted. " remember I told you that they bring it on themselves. Well you have brought this on yourself. So deal with the consequences."

" But Scarlet, my mouth hurts." He whined in a baby voice. I got to admit it sounded really cute. But it also sounded a bit wrong as well.

" Be a man and let's get to work. We already wasted too much time."

" Ok. As you wish Mistress." He then suddenly started unbuckling his pants. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Noooooo!" I shrieked as I covered my eyes before he revealed anything else. " That's not what I meant by getting to work!"

" I know that Scarlet, I just wanted to see your flustered reaction." he snickered as he winked, buckling his pants back up. " You really aren't as innocent as you think Miss President." He breathed down my neck before then walking out of the locker room. I puffed out my cheeks. What a creep! I then remembered, thanks to the previous incident, that I was still covered in paint. Sighing, I went towards the showers and used the shower head to spray the majority of the paint out of my hair. Then, I too retreated from the room and towards the gym. That's when I realized, when I opened the doors, that my decorations were completely destroyed and laying in messy piles all over the gym, the tables were tipped over as well, with streaks of red paint over the walls. Who could have done this?

Tune in Saturday to see Erza's reaction. 😄 thanks for reading!

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