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Chapter 10

Erza POV

I stared in shock to see all of my hard work completely put to waste, as my decorations laid across the gym floor, ruined and wrinkled. Who could have done this? And why? I looked to Jellal who was standing next to me looking shocked as well. It couldn't have been him, he was the one helping me. There couldn't be a reason really for him to do this. Right?

Jellal then flipped the light switch for me to see better but a huge air horn noise erupted in the gym. I yet again jumped up and shrieked in surprise. I whipped my head around and glared at him and he lifted his hands up in surrender.

" I didn't know that would happen. Sorry." He put his hands on his mouth and muffled his laughter. I rolled my eyes.

" Looks like some assholes decided to play pranks at me."

" Well it wasn't me."

" Yeah I know. You may be a jerk, but I know you wouldn't do all this, since you're the one who helped me." I explained as I sunk down on my knees next to a pile of decorations. " But who could have done something this horrible. I mean I worked so hard on all this!" I then started to cry. Jellal looked at me in surprise.

" Why do bad things always happen to me!" I was now wailing out loud with no concern for Jellals ears. " I tried so hard to make everything look nice so everyone can have fun on Friday, and this is what I get in return! Why do I have to always help others, when I get nothing in return but no appreciation whatsoever!" I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. Jellal kneeled down beside me and rubbed my shoulder soothingly.

" That's not true, Scarlet and you know it. Many people appreciate what you do, I'm sure of it. Just because a few jack asses were miserable with their own lives and messed things up doesn't mean that no one cares." Do my ears deceive me, but is Jellal comforting me? I looked up into his golden green orbs and saw that there is a glint of regret and sadness in his eyes. I wonder why that could be. " Come on Erza, please don't cry. Let's just fix this mess together. We still got a week right." He held his hand out to me and I hesitantly took it. Why is he being so nice to me? Is this a completely different side of Jellal that i've never seen?

He pulled me up off the ground and gave me a genuine smile, one I have never seen before. But he is right I need to get my ass back into gear.

Eager to begin fixing everything, I looked up at the basketball hoop, with a crooked and wrinkled decoration hung up there. Deciding that it's a perfect place to start, I climbed up the ladder that was conveniently there and as I went to pull the decoration off, to fix it, I heard Jellal yell at me.

" Erza wait! Don't touch th....." It was too late, I had already pulled it, causing more paint to spill onto me. I then lost balance and fell backwards into Jellals arms. That's when I realized who actually did this.

He lied to me! I knew things were too good to be true. I should have known it was him from the start. No wonder he was being so suddenly nice to me.

I then pushed him out of my grasp and stared at him in shock.

" I can't believe it! It was you! You freaking jerk!" I roared.

" Erza...wait...please!" He begged.

" No Jellal, screw you! I'm leaving right now! And screw the damn dance! No one's gonna care anyways, since no one appreciates my hard work!!" I shouted angrily as I pushed by him and stomped off through the doors.

Jellal POV

As soon as Erza stormed out of the gym I instantly regretted my decisions. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration as I looked down in shame. Damn, I didnt think she cared so much about these stupid decorations. I can't believe she has to put up with assholes like me either. I groaned. I definitely did not expect her to cry about it too. Man, I really messed up. I just wanted an angry or just plain shocked reaction, because her face looks really cute and funny like that. But I didn't want sadness. For some reason I hate seeing her sad, even if it was just one time it makes me feel something I've never felt before. Empathy. Maybe I went a little too far this time and now I need to make things right. I can't believe I'm about to do something nice for someone else.


Erza POV

When I arrived home I stomped up the stairs, to my room and threw myself roughly into bed. I was now crying in anger. Stupid Jellal. If I see his dumb handsome face again, I swear I'll punch him square in that chiseled face of his. And with that thought I drifted off into a deep sleep.


It has now been 3 days since I haven't returned to school. After the incident with Jellal, I just didn't feel like going to school, so I was just sitting in bed munching on strawberry cake. Tonight was the dance and I started to take back what I said about the students not caring. I mean it was in fact my idea to throw a dance and I decided that due to the fact that the students would be happy.I sat up in bed.

" What is wrong with you Erza?" I asked myself. " this isn't like you at all. You aren't supposed to sulk for 3 days straight all because of a blue haired jerk!" I scolded myself. Yeah that's right, I'm the damn student president who is not supposed to even skip school and if I make a mistake I own up to it and make up for it.

I glanced at my clock. It was still early morning. If I persevere, I'll have time to go to school and fix everything. First I shall apologize to the principal for not acting professionally and then work my ass off to re decorate everything.

I quickly got dressed, fixed my snarled hair, rushed out the door and sprinted towards the school.

When I had arrived I burst through the doors and made my way to the principal's office. Throughout the halls I could see people staring at me and whispering things like:

" Where is she going?"

" Why is the President late to school?"

"Isn't she supposed to be setting an example for us?"

I ignored the mutters and continued on my way. I mean they are right, I am the one that is supposed to act as a superior to the underclassmen. But everyone makes mistakes and I am going to make sure that there is a dance tonight.

Opening the doors to the Principal's office, I immediately bowed and started apologizing.

"SirIApologizeForMyAbsenceAndItWillNotHappenAgainButNowIHaveToGoAndFixTheGymGoodbye!" I said loudly and rapidly before rushing back out the doors.

"Miss Scarlet! Wait!" The Principal shouted after me, but I ignored him and ran towards the gym in a sweat. At least this is a good workout, since I was sitting on my ass for 3 days straight.

When I finally arrived at the gym, I slammed open the doors, making them hit the wall and ricochet back. Staring into the gym, my jaw dropped and my mouth gaped. What the hell is this?

Sorry for a shorter chapter, but it made more sense to leave it at a cliffhanger and split into 2 chapters so it doesn't feel rushed. So what do you think Erza saw? Heehee what if it was a naked Jellal posing for a picture?😏

Anyways thanks for reading!

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