Forgiveness and Feelings

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Hey guys, sry for the late update but I was pretty busy these last few days. I had to open my pool and pack for vacation. I'm going on vacation down to Virginia in about a week or so, so I wont be able to update that much. But I promise this book will be finished beforehand since there's 2 chapters left. As for Be My Mate, it probably won't update during that week, tho I will update a few chapters when I'm done with this, next week, I promise!

Also thank u for the votes, reads and for those who added this to their reading list, I highly appreciate it, but I didn't think people would enjoy this that much lol!

So here's an extra long chapter(3500 words) for u guys! Enjoy!

Chapter 21

Erza POV

" Hey." 

What the hell! I definitely didn't expect him of all people here in my house, especially when he is almost in my room.

" What the hell are you doing in my house! Get out, you are not welcomed here!" I snapped. Now instead of Jellal annoying me I get this moron.

" Not before I tell you something." He broke into my house just to tell me something? I rolled my eyes, he could've just said whatever at school like a normal person.

" I already know that you're the one that dared Jellal to begin with. Why couldn't you just leave him out of it and dare me yourself? Oh wait that's because you like getting others in trouble don't you? And you're a pussy, so you have to have others do it with you or for you." I glared at him. He sighed.

" look I'm sorry, it was all my fault, I'm the one who made him do it." I scoffed.

" You know he has free will right? You couldn't have made him do something he didn't want to do." Gray scratched the back of his head.

" Yeah I know, but I was one of the ones that made him like that in the first place. I made friends with him back in our old school and dared him most of the time. They were harmless and definitely wasn't as bad as what others did to him before and after his sister died." 

"I know all about that." So this loser contributed to making Jellal the ass he is today, but at least he isn't one of the main bullies who did this to him. I sighed.

" Maybe if I was there back then, I would have prevented Jellal from becoming a jerk. I can't help but think it's my fault he's like this, I should have helped him sooner." Wait why am I saying this to him? I should be shouting insults about the both of them!

" Yeah maybe, but he was more well known with the way he is now, he's no longer a little kid that was bullied, and I helped him." Yeah what a good friend he is, dragging Jellal down the wrong path.

" I understand that, but he shouldn't get his emotions out this way and not everything is about being cool or well known." I shook my head. " We're getting off topic, I am still angry at Jellal and i don't want to sympathize with you about him, so if he told you to talk to me, he can kiss my ass."

" Hw probably already wants to kiss your ass." He mumbled.

" What was that?" I snapped, staring him down, daring him to repeat what he said.

" Uh, nothing!" He squeaked.

" That's what I thought. Now, hurry up and say what you want to say." I paused. " Wait how did you even get in here?"

" the door was unlocked." I facepalmed. Great, I was so upset and angry, that I forgot to lock the door when I came back.

" Anyway, what I really wanted to tell you is that when i pressured him into daring you, he refused until I threatened him." He looked down in shame. " I also have to apologize again for making him do it, but it was so fun watching him piss you off." He started to laugh until I glared at him. " I just gotta say he has some restraint now, and it's because he has feelings for you." I froze. He actually did have feelings for me? I chuckled. I made a bad boy fall for a good girl, how funny. Well that explains why he was acting all nice around me, taking me out on those dates, kissing me on the ferris wheel and then acting awkward around me afterwards. I guess Mira was right afterall, opposites do attract, but we bring the best out of each other. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized he still was an asshole the other day, causing him to dump all the nice things he did for me out the window. I crossed my arms.

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