Detention Part 2

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Chapter 5

Jellal POV

School was finally over and I was free to go to detention at last. Of course I've had lots of experiences getting detentions. Usually I would get them by pranking girls who got offended easily and called me sexist. Well they shouldnt blame me, their reactions are indeed hilarious. They scream, shriek and complain to their friends. But I gotta say, getting my first detention this year was totally worth it, thanks to Erza's flustered reactions. She is very fun to flirt with. I'm going to have to plot another prank with Gray when I see him next.

I headed towards the Principal's office and when I arrived I slammed open the door to reveal a small old man sitting at a desk. He looked up at me

" Hey, do ya know where I serve detention?" I asked. Haha get it? 'Serve' like in a prison. Funny right?

" Oh, Mr Fernandes. I gotta say I usually don't like the disrespect but if it's funny then it's all good with me. " He gave me a goofy grin. See he gets it, and he's the damn principal. Strange I thought he would be strict for an old guy. " As for your detention, you are to stay after school every day until the school dance, to help set up for it."

"Huh? Sir that's like 3 weeks!" I exclaimed.

" Yes, I'm aware." He looked down at his desk. " But I am aware that youre quite the trouble maker and I understand that you will in fact make more trouble throughout the year. So I'm saving you the trouble of having to come here for individual days." I sighed. He is right, I might as well get it over with.

" Very well, sir. Where do I go?"

" It's in the gym. And don't worry I will keep track of the number of days you stay after and the number of days you get a detention to properly subtract and make sure you have the right number of detentions." He winked at me.

" Um, ok. Thank you." I bowed my head slightly as to not show my full respect and zipped out the door towards the gym. Damn, I was looking forward to reading Erza's book.

Erza POV

I was in the gym already starting to decorate it accordingly for the dance in a few weeks. It may be a little stressful doing it by myself, but in the long run it'll be worth it when everyone enjoys themselves.

First things first, I have to hang up the "Welcome Back" sign in the front of the gym. I sighed, realizing I'm going to have to climb up the ladder with no support on the bottom. I looked around to see if Mira or the others were around. They have to stay after as well doing other planning, like calling the DJ, deciding what food to have and then baking them closer to the dance date. I guess they will be pretty busy, so they probably won't be around here helping me. I groaned as I set up the ladder and climbed up it with the banner in my hand and some thumbtacks in my mouth. I started pinning one half of the banner, until the ladder started shaking. I tried to look down to see what was happening but it continued shaking, making me too scared to look down. Starting to tremble and lose my balance, I let out a shriek as I fell backwards.

"Kyaaaaa!!" I braced myself for a painful landing, but it didn't come. Something somewhat soft and warm broke my fall. Or was it someone? Just then a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist almost protectively. Huh? Who did I land on? I asked myself as I tried to wiggle out of their grasp. I then stopped wiggling about when I heard a familiar deep voice, which I recognized as the annoying blueberry, Jellal.

" Careful Scarlet, You're lucky I caught you." I scoffed as I continued to writhe under his grasp, breaking his hold on me. I glared coldly into his hazel eyes.

" Yeah right, you're probably the one who shook the ladder causing me to fall." I retorted getting back up. He then started laughing his ass off, holding his chest with his hands. I raised my eyebrow in questioning.

" You are very smart for a helpless little girl." He said, still laughing. " I guess I can't lie to you. I mean you do know everything right?" My cheeks reddened in a pout and I looked down angrily. He suddenly pinched them, making me turn my attention back to him. " Am I right Scarlet?"

" S..Shut up, I dont know everything!" I sneered as I pushed by him roughly. " I have things to do, go and bother some other innocent girl!"

" Heh, innocent my ass." He snorted. " All you do is pick on trouble making kids. But that's not why I'm here. I'm here because helping you decorate the gym for the dance is my detention." He made a grumbling sound.

" No I don't just pick on the ' poor trouble making kids'. It's my job as president to keep them in check and if they are punished, then it's their own fault." I explained as he rolled his eyes. " You can go tell the Principal that I don't want nor need your help. All you'll do is distract and annoy me."

" Too bad, sweetheart, i'm staying. It's not like I want to help you, but we wouldn't want the school president breaking her neck falling off the ladder, now would we?" He answered smoothly. I sighed.

" Fine you can stay. As long as you actually HELP me."

" Sure thing Scarlet." He winked at me causing me to blush. We then proceeded to start the decorating process. I brought over some crafts so we could make 3d decoration lamps out of colored cardboard. Naturally, teaching Jellal how to be artistic for once took forever, because he is a complete dumbass. We also cut out Fairy Tail symbols( the school logo) so we could hang them up around the gym.

As we were cutting out the designs, I felt a tug on my hair. I whipped my head around to see that Jellal was cutting a piece of my hair off.

" Ahhhhhh!" I squeaked. " Why are you doing that!" He grinned at me and held up the piece of hair he cut. He leaned in closer to me.

" It's a trophy." He whispered seductively into my ear. " Your hair is just so lovely I just have to have it to myself." He let out a chuckle.

" Geez, possessive much?" I pushed him back.

" No, my dear, it's just fun annoying you and making you blush." I don't know what made me blush more, the ' my dear' or just the way he said it, making shivers run down my spine.

" Ok, stop being a pervert and let's finish this. " He tilted his head in confusion at my accusation, but obeyed anyway. Hah, finally I get to order him around now.

We proceeded to work till 7:00, getting a lot done. The evening was filled with laughs, only from Jellal, and pranks. That's right Jellal did not stop being an annoyance. He would wipe glue on my face, try to cut my shirt off, shake the ladder when I was hanging things up and worst of all he would continue to flirt with me, reciting dirty jokes! Is it possible for a single person to be this irritating? But at least he wasn't really being a jerk the whole time, he was just teasing me playfully. His facial expression was one of joy and laughter, he wasn't smirking evilly at me or anything like before, he actually looked cute for once. Did I say cute? Whatever, there still is no way he will continue being like that, it was just a one time thing. I bet when we go back to school tomorrow, and when he's around his friends, he will act like a loser again. I mean he is just another one of those bad boy jerks anyways and he will never amount to anything in my book.

Thank you for reading! I appreciate those who take the time to read my cringy book! Lol.

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