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Longish chapter ahead

Chapter 14


Erza POV

" Mommy, Mommy, where are you going!" I asked childishly as I was chasing her around the house. She looked at me with a bright smile and chuckled .

" Sweetheart, I already told your father and I are gonna on another trip and we need to pack." She answered.

" Ugh, not again Mommy." I groaned.

" im sorry honey, but you know we have to." She sighed as she patted my scarlet head.

" Well then can I help you pack?!"

" Of course dear."  I jumped up and down excitedly as we went to my parents room and filled suitcases full of clothes and folders with paper work.

After a few minutes of finishing packing my mother and father headed towards the door with their bags and suitcases. I looked at the floor sadly, not wanting them to leave again. They always went on the business trips at least once a month for like a week. It was always like this; I would help them pack and then they would leave.

I looked up at them with puppy dog eyes, begging them to stay and spend more time with me, but instead they hugged me and kissed the top of my head before making their leave. As I watched the door closed I broke out in tears and ran up to my room. I through myself on my bed and let it all out

 Why don't they spend more time with me? Is it because I'm annoyed? A burden? Yeah that must be it. I'm nothing more than a burden, which is why they always leave.

Mira would always try to comfort me, she comes to my house whenever they leave to watch over me, but I only desire the love of a mother and father. I of course appreciate her support, she really is a good friend, but I just really wanted to spend more time with my parents.

I heard the floor creaked and I whipped my head towards the door where I saw Mira standing. She rushed over to me and hugged me in an attempt to comfort me. At least she helps somewhat with my loneliness.

Two weeks later

I was sitting at the kitchen table eating my favorite delicacy, strawberry cake, waiting for my parents to return. Usually they would have been home a week ago and I'm starting to miss them more and more as the days go on. 

Mira checked in on me once everyday, but then when two weeks turned into three, she stopped coming. I couldn't help but feel confused and scared. Why was everyone leaving me? What did I do to deserve this? Why would my best friend leave me alone like this, not knowing whether my parents would come back or not?

Though in the fourth week, my questions were answered. 

I heard the front door rattle. I grinned in excitement. As I raced down the stairs and stood in front of the door like a dog happy to see its owner return. Though my smile lowered when I noticed it was not my parents, but Mira and her parents. I looked up at them in shock, not wanting to see them, but my own parents. 

Mira and her parents had a depressing aura surrounding them and I had a feeling that something was wrong. It seemed as if they were carrying sadness for someone else. And that's when I realized that they were here to tell me that something bad happened to my parents and that they were not coming back home. And I was right. They told me that they died on the way back, but the cause of their deaths were unknown, they seemed to spare me the details to make me feel better. They also told me that they were sorry for my loss and offered for me to live with them if I wanted. I denied them because apparently it's fate for me to be alone and I wanted to stay where it felt like home. I mean I barely spent time with my parents because of their trips and daily work, so I ended up alone all the time. If I were to go with Mira I would only be a burden and be afraid of losing them too. But they were respectful of my decision and decided to pay off my house and give me a job during the summer to pay for other expenses, mostly food. They said that they would be there if I needed financial support but what I really needed was emotional support. Can't blame them for not giving it to me, since I decided to live alone, but it would've been nice for them to check up on me every once in a while.

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