You Have An Obligation

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You were woken up slowly as soft lips were planted against yours, your tired eyes fluttering open in surprise. You smiled lightly against his mouth as he rolled on top of you, his bare skin sliding through the silky sheets with ease. You giggled as he moved from your mouth, kissing down your neck and chest, tracing his tongue along the red and purple marks left on your skin from the night before. Pushing him off playfully, you tossed him back onto the mattress with a light thump, a smile painted across your lips. He laid there for a moment, staring at you with soft, love-filled eyes, making your heartbeat speed up in your chest. 

"You're beautiful." He murmured, picking up your hand and kissing your knuckles. You blushed. 

"Shut up." You chuckled, leaning down to kiss his forehead before sliding out from under the sheets and laying your bare feet against the cold stone floor. Warm yellow light poured through your giant windows, illuminating the room in a bright morning haze. You took in a deep breath as you pulled one of them open, the sweet smelling breeze flowing past you and blowing loose strands of your hair around your face. You paused as you stood there, your eyebrows furrowed as you remembered the day ahead. 

"I don't want to go," You sighed, drooping your head.

"I know," Alex replied, "But you have to." He pulled a pillow under him and propped his arms up on it as he watched you. 

"I know." You turned around, running your fingers through your hair frustratedly and making your way to the bathroom, pushing open the big french doors and walking through them. You leaned over the marble sink, splashing cold water in your face and rubbing at your skin, tan and freckled. Everyone had always said you'd gotten your mom's freckles. Alex thought they were cute. You glanced up into the mirror, watching a glimpse of him in the room behind you, his head buried in the pillow, his wavy brown hair falling over the fabric. You smiled, your heart glowing. 

"I don't even know what it's about," You called back at him as you messed with your complexion in the mirror, watching his head raise from the bed. "They just said it was important."

"Any guesses?" He sat up, sliding off the mattress and making his way towards you. You shook your head, groaning. Alex came up behind you, sliding his arms around your waist and pulling you to him, his fingertips making your bare skin tingle. His figure pressed up against your back, warming your chilled body comfortingly. You smiled into the mirror, his eyes meeting yours in the reflection. 

"You need to get dressed," You laughed, turning to face him. "Before someone comes in."

"Or we could have sex again." He suggested, looking at you sarcastically for approval. 

"Go," You rolled your eyes, pushing him back though the doorway. He smiled as he stumbled away, disappearing into your bedroom as you made your way into your closet, flicking through the hundreds of dresses in front of you. The dozens of different colors all blended together, almost making you feel dizzy. You'd always found it overwhelming to pick out an outfit, especially when so many people would be staring at you, making judgements about your character from how you looked. But that's how your life had always been. You were used to it now. After all, it wasn't something that was ever going to change. You were born into it. Born into a position you didn't ask for, but were somehow expected to just accept with no questions. 

Heir to the throne of the Resistance. It always sounded so dignified when people said it out loud. And you supposed it was, but you just couldn't take yourself seriously enough to entertain it. You'd always hated how people looked at you--what they expected you to be. And you weren't allowed to defend yourself either. You were just supposed to sit there and take it. Sometimes, you wanted nothing more than to just explode. To scream and cry and break down in front of everyone watching, just so they might understand that you were really human. Not just a princess. Not just a figure who you watch giving speeches. Not just a title. Not just a pretty face. But a human.

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