The Dinner

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The warm sheets around you didn't help to comfort you at all. Nothing did. It had been a few weeks since they'd told you. Since you'd found out that your life was over. At least the life you wanted to live, anyway. You rolled over with a groan, your tired eyes fluttering open to gaze at Alex's sleeping body next to you. You sighed.

He'd tried to act strong for you when you'd told him--tried to convince you that somehow, everything would turn out okay. But you knew him too well, and you could tell that he was just as heartbroken as you were, even if he wouldn't admit it. 

Your stomach did flips as you slowly realized what day it was. Tonight was finally the night that everything would become all too real, all too quickly. The night you'd been dreading for every second of the last few weeks. You swallowed the vomit in your throat as the realization hit you. You were finally supposed to meet him tonight. 

Kylo Ren. The prince of the First Order. Your future husband--If you could really even call it that. You shivered at the thought of it. You knew nothing about him. What his personality was like. His appearance. Nothing. You knew his name, and that was it. Maybe he was just as upset about all of this as you were. Maybe he didn't want to meet you just as badly as you were dreading meeting him. But for some reason, a sneaking suspicion told you otherwise. 

You sat up, brushing your hair out of your face and slipping out from under the sheets. The air outside was filled with thick fog, rolling down from the mountaintops. Light rain was falling from the billowy, dark clouds above you. Appropriate, you thought as you made your way into the bathroom, splashing cold water in your face. You got dressed, throwing a gray dress over your head and tying the flowy fabric belt tightly around your waist. You slipped on flats, tip-toeing back out into the bedroom and eyeing Alex again, half-hoping he was still asleep. But his lids fluttered open as you walked by, a weak smile on his lips. 

"Hey," He mumbled, his voice threaded with groggy sleep. 

"Hi." You whispered, chewing on your bottom lip. "You can go back to sleep, I have to leave for a little while."

"Where are you going?" He sat up, fluffing his hair. You paused, your face falling. He noticed. "Oh," He mumbled, "Today's the day, huh?" You nodded, glancing down at the floor guiltily. You knew that you couldn't help what was happening, but you felt horrible nonetheless. 

"Mhm," You mumbled, turning your back to him and hurrying towards the door, your stomach twisted in knots. You could hear him shifting under the sheets, his feet smacking against he ground as he slipped off the mattress. 

"Y/N," Alex called after you, but you reached for the handle instead of responding, trying to escape confrontation. But just as you pulled the door towards you, his hand wrapped tightly around your wrist, holding you back. You sighed, turning towards him and meeting his gaze, your eyes wide and pleading. 

"Alex please, I don't want to talk about this right now." You whispered as you watched his jaw tense, and he released your wrist with a frustrated huff. 

"Well when can we talk about it?" He said, his voice raising slightly, "Because you've been blowing it off for weeks now." You opened your mouth to defend yourself, but changed your mind, slamming your lips back shut. "When?" He repeated, his eyes thinned. 

"Later," You hissed defensively, quickly turning away from him and storming out into the hallway, leaving him behind in the doorway. He watched you as you left, and you could feel his gaze on the back of your neck like a laser. But you shook your head, trying to push your worries about him out of your mind for the time being. You had enough to think about today already. 

~a few hours later~

Your head ached as the brush yanked through your hair, pulling it back tightly against your scalp, making you wince uncomfortably. 

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