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Even under all the blankets, he was cold to the touch. You ran your thumb over the back of his palm as the nurses touched the disinfectant to his fresh stitches, running up from his shoulder to the side of his face. He winced every time they dabbed at it, and he squeezed your hand in his, his fingertips digging into your skin. 

But you didn't mind. You knew that he needed you there, and you wanted to stay just as badly. It had been a few days since the attack, and ever since then, you hadn't seen Kylo smile once. Not that he could really move his face much anyway, the deep gash in his cheek preventing any dramatic expressions. But you hadn't gotten so much as a tiny smirk from him, and it seemed like a frown was now permanently painted onto his lips. 

Similarly, you hadn't stopped feeling nauseated since that day. You blamed it on the memory of all the dead bodies, the smell of them still somehow lingering in your nose every time you breathed in. No matter what you did, the sight wouldn't leave you mind, and you caught yourself wincing every time the though passed through your consciousness. 

But the worst of them all was the memory of Kylo's mother, and you were sure that if you couldn't stop thinking about it, his experience was ten times worse. You couldn't begin to imagine how he was feeling. Yes, your parents were dead too, but you were never as close to your mother as Kylo was to his. He'd told you that she'd always felt trapped by Han Solo. He'd wanted to save her. And now, he couldn't. 

"On a scale from one to ten," A nurse snapped you out of your thoughts, speaking to Kylo, "Rate your pain."

"Zero." He lied. You knew that he hated to be taken care of. It had taken far too much convincing for him to even let you touch his bullet wound. 

"Kylo..." You interjected, looking towards the nurse.

"I'm fine." You sighed, knowing that you wouldn't win this argument, nodding. The nurse paused, glancing between the two of you confusedly. 

"Okay," She furrowed her brows, "So do you want any more painkillers or--"

"No." Kylo cut her off, "Can I just get some rest please?" The nurse scoffed at him, looking wounded. 

"Yeah." She shook her head, "Sorry." She gathered her equipment, walking away quickly and leaving the two of you alone in the sterile hospital suite. Machinery beeped around you, different colored lights flashing across dashboards and putting up statistics you didn't understand. The one thing you did recognize was the jagged line representing Kylo's heart beat, and you found yourself entranced by it, watching the blue line jump every time his pulse slammed. 

"I don't need to be here anymore." Kylo muttered, messing with the IV in his arm. 

"Yes you do." You reached for his hand, pulling it away from the needle, "Why can't you just let them help you?"

"Because I'm fine, Y/N." He snapped, his voice raising, "I need to get out of here so I can start rebuilding our kingdoms. Why aren't you just as worried?"

"The kingdoms will still be there when you're healed." You reassured him, "The people understand that you need time. Please, for me, just--rest."

"There's so much to get done." He ignored your plea, continuing on as his voice rose, "We have to reconstruct pretty much the entire city. We have to make a decision about how our new system will work. And are we still supposed to be getting married? Because I don't know--"

"Kylo, stop." You raised your hand to the side of his face, the one without the wound, and stroked his cheek lightly. He sighed. "We can handle everything once you're healed." You repeated, offering him a small smile. "Okay?" He paused. You could tell he wanted to fight you on it, but you also knew that he didn't have the energy.

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