You're Okay With This?

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The cold rain seeped through the heavy fabric draped over your figure, the sticky mud beneath your feet squelching and coating the hem of your gown in wet dirt. The night was dark and cloudy, the moon hidden behind thick layers of stormy fog. Above your head, a loud crack of lightning shot through the sky, booming thunder following close at its heels, the ground shaking menacingly as you trudged forward. You could feel your thick makeup smudging down your face as you looked up into the rain, the droplets falling into your eyes and drenching your hair as the loose strands stuck to your cheeks. A cold wind whipped through the air and sent goosebumps along your skin, making you shiver as you stepped out further out into the gardens, searching for Kylo Ren in the downpour. 

For a moment, all you could see was the darkness in front of you, the lack of moonlight making your eyes strain. But a movement in the corner of your eye caught your attention, and you turned to see him, shoulders back and spine straightened, walking down the stony path leading from the door deeper into the gardens. You pulled up the hem of your gown, mud sticking to it as you tried to the best of your ability to follow him and his giant strides. He had to duck under the low hanging branches of the trees littering the grounds, the water trapped in the leaves shaking down on his figure. But he didn't seem to mind, marching forward through the torrent with no hesitation. 

He never turned around to check if you were still following--which you were, but weren't really sure why. You didn't know him. You sure as hell didn't trust him. So why were you following him blindly through a thunder storm? You had no idea, but you still felt compelled to rush after him through the thick mist of icy rain. 

After what seemed like hours of trudging through squishy mud and grass, your gaze finally fell on a small gazebo ahead of you, colored white in old, chipping paint. Smudged glass panes laid in between the wooden frames, two french doors at the front of the structure. You'd never actually been this far back into the gardens before, and you stared at it, wondering how long it had been since anyone had actually gone inside, or if anyone even knew it was there. But you were snapped out of your thoughts as Kylo Ren made his way to the entrance, grasping the door's handles in his large hands and pulling them open. They creaked loudly with rust as another flash of lightning shot through the sky, a loud clap of thunder following soon after. 

For the first time since you'd left the palace, he turned back to you, his dark eyes illuminated in the lightning's bright white color. You felt your heart rate pick back up as he flicked his wrist at you, motioning for you to follow him inside. Before you could respond, he turned away again and walked under the structure's roof, escaping the downpour. You took in a deep breath before rushing forward, ducking under the doorframe as the rain finally ceased to fall around you, its muffled sound pouring over the glass ceiling. Droplets danced over the domed surface, rolling down the sides of the structure and hanging in round beads on the outsides of the walls. You were panting slightly as your heavy dress weighed down your body, the wet fabric sticking uncomfortably to your skin. But when you looked back up at the towering man before you, your breath completely left your lungs. 

His gaze pierced through you, and you almost felt as if he could hear every thought swirling through your mind. His hair was flattened by the rain, sticking to his face and neck, the strands curling into loose tendrils at the ends. His skin was dripping with water, droplets rolling down his cheeks and falling from the tip of his nose. His suit was drenched and clung tightly against his chest, revealing defined, rippling muscles underneath the fabric. You gulped. 

He shook his head, water flinging into your face as he made his way to the wall, leaning back against the glass as his eyes continued to dance over your figure, a small smirk on his lips. 

"See," He finally spoke, crossing his arms, "You didn't melt." You smiled weakly, moving to the opposite wall and leaning against it. 

"Well, some of me did." You laughed quietly, pointing to the smeared makeup all over your cheeks. Only then did you really realize how terrible you must have looked, your hair ruined and your face smudged with smoky eyeshadow and splotchy foundation. You reached up and wiped your under eyes with your sleeve, attempting to fix your appearance at least a little. 

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