His Touch Felt Different

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His touch was the same as always, his hands moving slowly up your body just as they usually did. But this time, it wasn't him that was different, but you. 

You squirmed uncomfortably as his hand ran over your breast, your body failing to respond like it normally did. He heaved on top of you, his head buried in your shoulder as he thrusted into you with sloppy movements--but you felt nothing. You stared up at ceiling from under him, your eyes wide open and your throat sealed, no sound escaping past your lips. You could tell that he was exerting more energy than usual. Nothing was working. 

After a few moments, he pulled back, propping himself up on his forearms and staring down at you as he sucked in quick breaths. He furrowed his brow, exhaling deeply. With a groan, he leaned away from you, pulling out and tucking himself back into his pants. He sat back on his calves as you slipped your underwear up your legs, a frown on your face as you slid to the back of the bed, leaning against the headboard with your knees pulled to your chest. He stared at you in silence for a while, catching his breath.

"What is going on?" He finally whispered, his voice threaded with thinly veiled aggravation. You just shook your head. What could you tell him? There was nothing you could say to make this better. He thinned his eyes. "Seriously."

"I don't know." You mumbled, looking down at the mattress. 

"You do." He spat, his voice raising, "You just won't tell me the truth."

"Alex--" You started, sighing. 

"No," He interrupted, suddenly standing up from the bed and throwing his hands in the air, "Don't play dumb with me."

"I'm not--" You tried, but he cut you off again, pointing an accusatory finger towards you.

"I haven't changed at all Y/N. You have. And I don't know why you've suddenly decided that you don't want to be with me anymore, but this is just ridiculous."

"I never said that." You mumbled, your heart aching. 

"Really?" He seethed, his eyes now glaring at you in narrow slits. "You're really going to try and tell me that you're still dedicated to this relationship?"

"I'm trying Alex!" You exclaimed, your voice cracking, "You of all people know how hard this has been for me!"

"For you!?" He cried, pain seeping through his tone, "What about me! You've never asked how all of this makes me feel."

"I'm sorry that you're hurt," You shook your head, "I really am. And I wish that things were different, but you have to understand that this is not about you." He scoffed at your words, looking wounded. He took a step backwards, shaking his head disbelievingly. 

"You see," He whispered, "If you were really in love with me, then it would be." His words slashed at your heart, pain and guilt washing through you. 

"Alex--" You tried, but he just scoffed again, flicking a hand towards you dismissively and heading towards the exit. Before you could stop him, he grabbed his armor by the wall and ripped the door open, slamming it back and storming out into the hallway without another word. You could hear his heavy footsteps stomping against the hallway, headed away from you. With each new step, your heart panged with anguish--wishing that there was some sort of quick fix to make things feel the way they used to. But you knew that even though it killed you, you needed to let him go. It wasn't fair to keep him holding on when you knew that it would never work, with or without Kylo Ren in the mix. You were from two different worlds, and no matter how much he tried to, he would never fully understand yours. 

~hours later~

You could feel Kylo's gaze on you even from across the room, focused on you like a laser. But you kept your eyes on your mother and father, who were smiling forcefully as the staff brought out the extravagant platters of food, laying them down in front of each of you. They thanked them, and you did the same, clearing your throat as you continued to ignore Kylo's unrelenting stare. 

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