I Do

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~six months later~

You ran your hand along the side of the flowing gown, feeling the soft fabric between your fingertips and smiling. The neckline, covered in tiny diamonds and embellishments, went straight across your chest, the white silk layered nearly in beautiful ruching. You adjusted the waistline, pulling it into place over your stomach and sighing as it fell down to your feet. 

It was loose fitted around your midriff. It had to be. You were nearly nine months pregnant now, and way past the point of being able to hide it. But you didn't mind it anymore, and you ran a hand over your stomach, your head spinning at how much time had passed. The last few months had been a whirlwind of stress and complications. But Kylo had helped you through all of it, never once letting it show how worried he was about everything. 

You'd both been coronated as the new King and Queen of your respective kingdoms. You'd made press statements about your engagement, plus an official announcement about your pregnancy. You'd finished reconstruction and signed a treaty about how your two kingdoms would interact. And finally, you'd set a date for your wedding--which just so happened to be today. 

You stared happily at yourself in the mirror, standing on a pedestal as your designer walked around you. She messed with little details on the dress, making sure that everything was perfect and zipping up the back.

"Alright," She smiled, looking at you in the mirror, "How are you feeling?"

"Amazing." You breathed, already starting to well up. The ceremony hadn't even started yet and you were already way too emotional. 

"I'm so glad." She squeezed your arm, "Lean down for me, my lady." She grabbed your veil off of its hanger, moving towards you with it as you squatted. She slid the clip and crown into your hair carefully, making sure to not mess with the intricate braid that surrounded it. She lowered the thin fabric of the veil over your face and adjusted it, the rest falling over the back of your head and down to the floor. It trailed behind you, following the train of your dress as it sprawled out around your legs. You sighed happily, staring at yourself again in the reflection. 

"How much time do we have left?" You looked over at the decorator, who glanced down at her watch.

"Ten minutes." She smiled at you, "We should probably go." You nodded, and she grabbed your hand, helping you down off the pedestal and onto the ground. You slipped on your heels, taking once last look in the mirror before you turned away, your heart beginning to slam. 

You were really about to do this. You were getting married. A part of your mind still refused to believe it. 

You walked out of the room and into the hallway, the designer passing you off to a group of guards as you were led down the corridor. They surrounded you as you left the palace, moving into the courtyard towards the limo waiting for you at the bottom of the steps. But as soon as you stepped outside, a million cameras and reporters started flashing and yelling your name. They struggled to get closer as more guards held them back, and you were nearly blinded by the bright lights as you were helped into the car. 

The guards closed the door, and the screams were reduced to a muted hum, the tinted windows helping to get rid of some of the flashing. You looked down at your lap, twisting your engagement ring on your finger and taking in slow, deep breaths. 

Your stomach began to churn nervously as the driver pressed on the gas, the car rolling forward towards the gates. And as you passed underneath them, leaving the crowd of reporters and on-lookers behind, you leaned back against the seat, closing your eyes for a moment. 

You wanted to savor every last second of this day, because you couldn't remember a time that you'd ever been happier. You glanced out the window, the newly rebuilt city appearing outside the car. The street sides were lined with more crowds, cheering and waving flags with the symbol of the Resistance as you passed by. It warmed your heart to see them. They were happy for you. They were excited for this day--the day that your two kingdoms would finally become one. For good. 

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