Nearly As Much

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Kylo watched you in silence as you laid the first aid kit out on the table, the dust on the surface blowing up into your face in a thick cloud. You fanned it away, clearing your throat as you opened the box, pulling out a cloth and a bottle of cleaning solution. Dousing the towel in the liquid, you looked up at him, searching his expression.

But his face was blank, his eyes focused on your hands as they reached for his wound, the cloth dabbing lightly at the skin around it. He sucked in a pained breath, his eyes squeezing shut as you continued to wipe away the blood, cleaning away any infection.

Slowly, you moved towards the center of the gash, touching delicately at it. But even then, he jerked back, his fists balled tightly as he groaned.

"I know," You said, wincing, "I'm sorry."

You continued, finishing the first step and laying the cloth down on the table, stained with his dried blood.

"Okay," You shook your head, "Here comes the painful part."

"It's already painful." He grumbled.

"I know." You repeated, biting your lip, "Just...Don't pull away when I try to do this."

"I'll try." He muttered.

You reached back into the kit, taking a thin silver needle between your fingertips along with stitching thread. Kylo took in a deep breath as you reached back towards his arm, pausing before you lowered the needle to his skin.

"Just try not to move." You said, your hands shaking slightly at the thought of making a mistake. Of hurting him.

"Are you sure you know how to do this?" He questioned, jerking away slightly as your finger grazed against the edge of his wound. You looked up towards him, nodding reassuringly. It was true, you did know how to do this. The only problem was that you hadn't practiced in years.

For some reason, your mother had always insisted that you learn all sorts of medical information. You never knew why, but still, it was proving useful now.

"Yes of course I do." You said over-confidently, hoping that if you said it like it was a fact than you would convince yourself too.

"And you're not going to try to get the bullet out?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't want to risk you bleeding out." You mumbled, exhaling slowly. You gulped, taking in a deep breath before lowering the needle to his gash, your hands trembling wildly.

"You're shaking." He said, pulling back once more.

"Shut up, I'm trying to focus." You snapped at him, stress coursing through your bloodstream as you stared at the lesion in his arm. With one last deep breath, you finally pushed the needle into his skin, Kylo groaning as you began to stitch the wound back together. Blood seeped from the bullet hole as you continued, making you nauseated almost immediately. But you ignored the sick feeling, staying focused as you lead the needle though his skin with shaky hands.

You were halfway done, pulling the wound closed stitch by stitch, Kylo groaning every time you pushed the sharp tip back in. After what seemed like hours, nervous sweat beading at your brow, you finally finished, tying it off tightly and cutting the excess thread away with tiny scissors. You sighed, sitting back on the couch and admiring your work. Pretty good for not having practiced in years, but you still cringed as you looked at it, thick blood seeping from the sides.

You picked the cloth back up, leaning forward to dab lightly at the fresh stitches, wiping away the liquid and pressing against the wound, attempting to stop the flow. Kylo watched you in silence as you did, his eyes flicking over your hand on his arm, his chest rising in slow, calm breaths.

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