The Further You Went, The Darker It Became

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The letter came about a week after you'd last seen Kylo, the envelope sealed with a red wax stamp. You pealed it off slowly, admiring the symbol of the First Order pressed into the surface as you pulled out the paper. Your finger traced along the edge as you unfolded it, your eyes falling on the perfect handwriting, written in gorgeous cursive letters. It read:


I hope that you'll be able to join my parents and me for a celebratory dinner tomorrow night in our home. They would love to speak to you more about the engagement and the future of our two kingdoms. I'll be waiting for you at the palace's main entrance at 7:30 PM to escort you to the dining hall. My parents are greatly looking forward to seeing you again,

Sincerely, Kylo Ren

You ran your fingertips over his name, feeling the slightly raised lettering against the paper. It felt like forever since you'd seen him, and your stomach twisted at the thought of it. And he wanted you to come to his palace. To see his parents. To talk about the engagement. The whole thing made you feel nauseated. And you weren't sure if he was still upset about Alex. You'd assumed he was--why else would he have avoided you for the last week. You set the letter down with a loud sigh, collapsing onto your mattress and pulling the sheets over your head. Maybe if you were asleep, you wouldn't have to think about it.

~a day later~

The dress was tight. Uncomfortably tight. It fought the air as it entered your lungs, refusing to stretch at all so that you could breathe. You were almost afraid that the seams would burst as you walked--or shuffled--towards the limousine, the driver opening the door for you and bowing as you drew close. You smiled towards him, nodding appreciatively. 

"Please," Your mother said dramatically, gripping tightly to your arm, "Don't embarrass us again."

"I really appreciate your confidence in me." You muttered.

"Oh please," She rolled her eyes, "Last time you showed up sopping wet and caked in mud."

"I--" You wanted to defend yourself, but you bit your tongue, reaching the door to the car. "I won't embarrass you."

"Good." She said shortly, helping you slump down into your seat, fixing the layers of your dress over your feet. The black fabric, laced with jewels and embroidery, was even tighter around your waist sitting down, squeezing in your stomach. The neckline came low over your breasts, exposing more than you'd like. But again, your mother had insisted. She stood in the doorway for a moment, staring down at you with a blank expression. She opened her mouth like she was about to say something, but quickly changed her mind, slamming her lips back together in a thin line. With that, she pushed the door closed, the darkness of the car's interior consuming you. 

You heard the engine start, the wheels underneath you beginning to roll forwards, slowly at first, then picking up their pace as you rounded the fountain towards the gate. The metal bars started to raise as you drew closer, their loud metallic groan sounding through the courtyard. You quivered as the limo passed underneath them, leaving the palace's grounds and driving out into the countryside, towards the city. It felt so foreign to leave--it happened so rarely. You stared out the window with wide eyes, admiring the scenery that you never got to see. Rolling, grassy hills surrounded you, seeming to go on forever into the horizon line. Craggy mountains circled around the valley, and the road suddenly started to curve upwards, climbing the bluff's side higher and higher. You shifted windows, staring down at the basin now below you, the beginnings of the city shining in the distance as night started to fall. It had been years since you'd been there, the bustling streets and crowded sideways a distant memory. 

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